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Is this pineapple conure ok?


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I just bought this pineapple conure from an online store, to me it looks like, there is some issue with this individual, his feather colours are way too dull, he is eating normally, and seems to behave normally.

I'm planning to include multivitamin in his diet, to see if he improves.
Please Advise.




Rollerblading along the road
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If your bird seems to not be well, then I suggest taking him to the vet. Do not give your bird any vitamin supplements, instead give veggies. Your vet will tell you to give your bird vitamin supplements if needed, to ensure your bird deosn't get an overdose.


Rollerblading along the road
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If you've had a wellness check with an avian vet to eliminate any medical issues and establish that relationship (always recommended for a new bird), it may be as simple as the little guy having the opportunity to bathe or shower (whichever they prefer).

The colours for some GCC mutations are quite muted (not in a bad way), so that may also be a factor.

I would also add toys and foraging opportunities for them to interact with.

Lastly, I'm curious what the other species is that's also in the enclosure and the size of their space.


Rollerblading along the road
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London, UK
As others have said, please go to an avian vet for a wellness check. This is a good idea for any new bird. An avian vet will be able to conduct a full examination (listening to heart and lungs; examining feather condition, skin, eyes, nares etc) and suggest any tests that they consider helpful - these may involve taking blood samples, faecal samples, a cloacal swab or a crop swab. Do make sure that you seek out a vet who is familiar with treating birds: many vets don't have a lot of training or experience with animals other than dogs, cats or, depending on where you are, livestock.

Personally I think the bird's feathers look in poor condition and there may be some evidence of feather destruction. However, it's impossible to diagnose from a photo - it may be that the feathers are lying awkwardly or that the bird hasn't been able to bathe. No one can tell you whether your bird is healthy or not from a photo.

The coloured beads on the swing look like they are painted or varnished. This is almost certainly not safe for your bird to chew on (might even be toxic) and you should remove the toy.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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If you've had a wellness check with an avian vet to eliminate any medical issues and establish that relationship (always recommended for a new bird), it may be as simple as the little guy having the opportunity to bathe or shower (whichever they prefer).

The colours for some GCC mutations are quite muted (not in a bad way), so that may also be a factor.

I would also add toys and foraging opportunities for them to interact with.

Lastly, I'm curious what the other species is that's also in the enclosure and the size of their space.
The other species look like a Peach Faced Lovebird to me from zooming in so I could be wrong of course.


Moving in
Thank you guys, for your responses, will take him to a vet, and see what happens :). Yes, the second bird is a peach face lovebird, and the enclosure size is 2ft x 1ft x 1.5ft, They are usually left open in the room, and only use their cage for sleeping & eating.
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Biking along the boulevard
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If this bird was shipped to you, and has just arrived. You really want to pamper and make sure plenty of food and water. And weigh and monitor weight. Watch droppings for fecal amount too.

Its an incredible stress on any bird to go to a new home, and that stress is increased if shipped . And again even more stress to be put in with a strange bird.

With 2 together you really have to be diligence that the new one and both of them are eating well.
Your beautiful baby looks a little thin....but as stated from pictures can be hard to tell fir sure....but I think is abdvextra care with food should be taken.

These first few days and weeks you really need to pamper new arrivals.

What us their diet?


Moving in
If this bird was shipped to you, and has just arrived. You really want to pamper and make sure plenty of food and water. And weigh and monitor weight. Watch droppings for fecal amount too.

Its an incredible stress on any bird to go to a new home, and that stress is increased if shipped . And again even more stress to be put in with a strange bird.

With 2 together you really have to be diligence that the new one and both of them are eating well.
Your beautiful baby looks a little thin....but as stated from pictures can be hard to tell fir sure....but I think is abdvextra care with food should be taken.

These first few days and weeks you really need to pamper new arrivals.

What us their diet?
Yes, I talked to the breeder, he said this individual is somewhat smaller than what he should've been at, but still its only 5 months old, my guess is the breeders might've not supplemented their birds with proper nutrition, thus he looks like this, anyways, will try to feed him veggies & egg yolk, & whatever the vet will suggest, I think, those things will make him normal.

Just after arriving within 1-2 hrs he started eating, and ate a nice quantity, so that's a good sign.

Currently, I'm feeding them a seed blend with 20 different grains.

The love bird and the conure have a complicated relationship, sometimes the love bird preens the conure, and sometimes attacks him ️ :laughin:
They both take their turns and eat, so one less thing to worry about ️:)


Rollerblading along the road
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Yes, I talked to the breeder, he said this individual is somewhat smaller than what he should've been at, but still its only 5 months old, my guess is the breeders might've not supplemented their birds with proper nutrition, thus he looks like this, anyways, will try to feed him veggies & egg yolk, & whatever the vet will suggest, I think, those things will make him normal.

Just after arriving within 1-2 hrs he started eating, and ate a nice quantity, so that's a good sign.

Currently, I'm feeding them a seed blend with 20 different grains.

The love bird and the conure have a complicated relationship, sometimes the love bird preens the conure, and sometimes attacks him ️ :laughin:
They both take their turns and eat, so one less thing to worry about ️:)
Housing different species together can be dangerous, even lead to death. I suggest that when you have the opportunity, you separate them into different cages. You never know when a big fight can happen.


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Yes, I talked to the breeder, he said this individual is somewhat smaller than what he should've been at, but still its only 5 months old, my guess is the breeders might've not supplemented their birds with proper nutrition, thus he looks like this, anyways, will try to feed him veggies & egg yolk, & whatever the vet will suggest, I think, those things will make him normal.

Just after arriving within 1-2 hrs he started eating, and ate a nice quantity, so that's a good sign.

Currently, I'm feeding them a seed blend with 20 different grains.

The love bird and the conure have a complicated relationship, sometimes the love bird preens the conure, and sometimes attacks him ️ :laughin:
They both take their turns and eat, so one less thing to worry about ️:)
Your birds would benefit from eating pellets and veggies as well which is much healthier than an all seed diet, you also really need two cages so each species can be housed separately. I really hope you separate them before any toes are lost or worse...


Biking along the boulevard
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Ontario, Canada
Welcome! I'm sorry I have no advice, but wanted to say welcome.


Rollerblading along the road
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Seperate cages would be a good start to try and improve things


Jogging around the block
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BC Canada
The love bird and the conure have a complicated relationship, sometimes the love bird preens the conure, and sometimes attacks him ️ :laughin:
Agree with above comments if one bird is attacking the other they should really be separated for their safety as you will not always be around to monitor them and fights can escalate very quickly :(

Good to hear you'll be bringing the little one in for a check up though!


Rollerblading along the road
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To me it seems that he has something with his eyes as well. They seem abnormally large and bulgy.

I'm sending him all the love. Hopefully he improves with some proper care.


Biking along the boulevard
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Welcome to your new little one. My first green cheek was a little runty baby that I loved and had for 17 years. But even tho small in size she was a nice weight for her. To me this one appears a little under weight, the veterinarian can feel the keel and use other ways to determine.

Anyway, there is always so much to learn and take in when you start out with parrots. And it never stops lol, I'm 23 years in and still try to set aside time to read up on diets,nutrition behavior and health issues. As things keep improving for our parrots.

On diet, I'm sure can you can research and I hope you do. All seeds diet lacks some critical nutrients and vitamins. It's great to get them eating a variety of veggies so they can get them naturally. Myself and my own again veterinarian are against the use of vitamins supplements for birds unless medically called for. The bird vitamin industry isn't well regulated, its easy to overdo and cause vitamin toxicity, or for vitamins added in water to grow bacteria, mold, yest quick. So its best they get from pellets or fresh veggies and small amounts of fruits. Some great ones to try are cooked sweet potatoes, bell pepper, romaine lettuce, broccoli, carrots...the list is long.
On egg it should be boiled or scrambled.

We have many sticky threads on diet here is a link to one


Moving in
Welcome to your new little one. My first green cheek was a little runty baby that I loved and had for 17 years. But even tho small in size she was a nice weight for her. To me this one appears a little under weight, the veterinarian can feel the keel and use other ways to determine.

Anyway, there is always so much to learn and take in when you start out with parrots. And it never stops lol, I'm 23 years in and still try to set aside time to read up on diets,nutrition behavior and health issues. As things keep improving for our parrots.

On diet, I'm sure can you can research and I hope you do. All seeds diet lacks some critical nutrients and vitamins. It's great to get them eating a variety of veggies so they can get them naturally. Myself and my own again veterinarian are against the use of vitamins supplements for birds unless medically called for. The bird vitamin industry isn't well regulated, its easy to overdo and cause vitamin toxicity, or for vitamins added in water to grow bacteria, mold, yest quick. So its best they get from pellets or fresh veggies and small amounts of fruits. Some great ones to try are cooked sweet potatoes, bell pepper, romaine lettuce, broccoli, carrots...the list is long.
On egg it should be boiled or scrambled.

We have many sticky threads on diet here is a link to one
Yes, I had researched about seeds lacking a lot of nutrients, so tried to feed him veggies and egg yolk, but he's not eating those, so have given him a multivitamin supplement.
Thanks for the diet link :)


Moving in
To me it seems that he has something with his eyes as well. They seem abnormally large and bulgy.

I'm sending him all the love. Hopefully he improves with some proper care.
His growth seems to be stunned, I also feel he will improve with proper nutrition.


Biking along the boulevard
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Yes, I had researched about seeds lacking a lot of nutrients, so tried to feed him veggies and egg yolk, but he's not eating those, so have given him a multivitamin supplement.
Thanks for the diet link :)
It takes time with new foods. You have only had your baby a short time. How's he doing?

Just keep offering veggies, offer in different ways, let him see you eating them. One day he will get curious and try them. And once they understand its food they often really love them! Mine do! But some can take even months to start nibbles.

Have you picked out a name?


Moving in
It takes time with new foods. You have only had your baby a short time. How's he doing?

Just keep offering veggies, offer in different ways, let him see you eating them. One day he will get curious and try them. And once they understand its food they often really love them! Mine do! But some can take even months to start nibbles.

Have you picked out a name?
Watching her eat, makes me fall in love with her, she looks super cute :p

Ok, will try to feed her, the way you described.

Haven't thought of any good name yet, maybe Flora, I'm not sure :what:
Please let me know if you have any suggestions :)