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Pictures Hello from San Francisco


Meeting neighbors
San Francisco, CA
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Hi! My name is Danielle. I'm a 27-year-old registered nurse from San Francisco, CA.

I recently welcomed an almost-six-month-old Solomon Island Eclectus boy into my home, named Pancho(or "Panchito" if you like). He has been home with me for a little over a week now, and so far, all seems to be going well. He received a thorough wellness check and clean bill of health from his avian vet, is sleeping and eating well(though he doesn't seem too big a fan of collard greens), and enjoys showing off his climbing and warbling skills. He loves to play with his rattle, and sit and cuddle while looking out the window - we have a nice view of the Pacific Ocean from my back window. I often have soft music playing for him, especially when I have to sleep during the day(I work the night shift at my hospital), and he sounds like he's trying to sing along sometimes!

My family kept smaller birds while I was growing up(budgies, mostly), but Pancho is my first "big" parrot. I want to make sure that I do right by him, and give him the best quality of life possible. I'm excited to hear and learn from other folks sharing their lives with birds.

My biggest concerns are ensuring that I always feed him a well-balanced, nutritious diet - he gets fresh-made chop every day, with non-colored pellets in a separate dish - and, especially when his flight feathers grow back(the woman who hand-reared him had clipped them), making sure he gets plenty of exercise and safe flight time.

Sorry if that was a lot. Any advice from more experienced "parronts" is welcomed! Thanks a bunch, and stay safe out there!

(Psst...Pancho says hello, too. :p)


Ripping up the road
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Mary Lynn Skinner
Welcome to AA and thanks for doing what you do as a nurse in these terrible times.

Here is someone who knows a lot about Eclectus;


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
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:greet13: Hello and welcome! Beautiful Ekkie boy!


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Welcome to AA!

Thank you for being a nurse, you do such a service. Your baby is very cute- you seem to have done some intital research about eclectus which is great! Its great to see people reaching out regarding the care of our feathered friends!

Eclectus are a unique sort, they do require specialized care, to prevent severe medical complications. General population treats Eclectus parrots as granivory: like African greys and cockatoos who consume a combination of pellets, nuts, seeds and additional vegetables and fruit. This is incorrect for eclectus. They need a fully fresh diet, with just pellets and seeds as 'treats'.

Frugivory and granivory aim to maximize processing of food as quickly as possible with the rapid absorption of essential nutrients. Fruit pulp being soft and wet spends most time in the proventriculus and less time in the gizzard being processed whereas the opposite applies to parrots like amazons, cockatoos, african greys, and more who rely mainly on fiberous and dry foods.

I would highly recommend spending some time in the Eclectus Alley on this forum. We are here to help :)

I do have to note:
That baby looks a lot younger than 6 months (maybe 14 weeks?)- judging from the beak color and feather development, feet, etc. Not to be an alarmist- just stating the obvious, at 6 months their beak should be entirely yellow/orange, feathers should not have that shape, feet should have changed, etc. Lets talk about it!


Ripping up the road
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Welcome to the forum!


Meeting neighbors
San Francisco, CA
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Hi, everyone! Thank you for the welcome and guidance. I’ll definitely be exploring this site a lot, especially the Ekkie-specific resources.

@mythic55, I have to apologize - my sleep/work-addled brain made an error in my original posting. From what the woman who reared and weaned Pancho said, he was hatched in about the first or second week of November - I will clarify the exact date when I speak with her next. Again, apologies for the error on my part. I can do simple math, I promise! :wacky::confused:

Thanks so much for the advice on the Ekkie diet! I’d done reading and tried asking bird folks in the know about the diet prior to choosing Pancho, and got varied responses. The all-fresh diet makes sense to me, as that seems closest to what they’d be eating in the wild. I even heard one suggest that Ekkies should be eating MOSTLY pellets...which didn’t sit right with me, but I was afraid to question that to them directly, when I’m the newbie to the Ekkie world.

Apologies in advance, but, bird poop question: Should I be concerned if my boy’s droppings seem a little more watery, since he’s eating a lot of fresh? He definitely prefers it to the pellets(no surprise there), and I’ve noticed that maybe a third or so of his droppings seems to have more water in them, and the stool portion itself sometimes appears looser. Sometimes the stool itself is more formed, while other times, it’s more loose. It’s never foul-smelling, though, or looked so off that I’ve gotten a gut feeling of, “Something’s wrong.”

I’ve been very lightly steaming most of his veggies to soften them a bit. I got paranoid from a comment made by an associate of the hand-rearer, saying that some raw veggies, like carrot and others could potentially get stuck in his throat and choke him, even when finely chopped, or in his crop and cause other issues. This same person also recommended steaming. I’ve been mostly hand-chopping the veggies, but tried using my food processor to chop them more finely today. I’ve also been giving small amounts of cooked quinoa and/or beans for added protein with his fresh. Is any of this cause for alarm? And should steaming veggies totally off-limits, or is it okay to some degree?

Sorry again for the wall of text. Again, I appreciate your expertise, and your taking the time out of your day to provide it here.

I’m going to try to catch a quick snooze before work tonight, but I will try to check my messages before I leave home.

Thanks again!:heart:

Welcome to AA!

Thank you for being a nurse, you do such a service. Your baby is very cute- you seem to have done some intital research about eclectus which is great! Its great to see people reaching out regarding the care of our feathered friends!


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Thanks so much for the advice on the Ekkie diet! I’d done reading and tried asking bird folks in the know about the diet prior to choosing Pancho, and got varied responses. The all-fresh diet makes sense to me, as that seems closest to what they’d be eating in the wild. I even heard one suggest that Ekkies should be eating MOSTLY pellets...which didn’t sit right with me, but I was afraid to question that to them directly, when I’m the newbie to the Ekkie world.
Much of what people repeat, is dated.

Apologies in advance, but, bird poop question: Should I be concerned if my boy’s droppings seem a little more watery, since he’s eating a lot of fresh? He definitely prefers it to the pellets(no surprise there), and I’ve noticed that maybe a third or so of his droppings seems to have more water in them, and the stool portion itself sometimes appears looser. Sometimes the stool itself is more formed, while other times, it’s more loose. It’s never foul-smelling, though, or looked so off that I’ve gotten a gut feeling of, “Something’s wrong.”
Do you have a picture?
Most of us on AA are poop-oligists ;)
Dropping will change depending on the diet, throughout the day. If the birds 'vent' (bum) is clean, and there are no signs of distress, unless there is obvious discoloration in urine, urates, etc. I wouldnt be too concerned. But give us a photo!

I’ve been very lightly steaming most of his veggies to soften them a bit. I got paranoid from a comment made by an associate of the hand-rearer, saying that some raw veggies, like carrot and others could potentially get stuck in his throat and choke him, even when finely chopped, or in his crop and cause other issues. This same person also recommended steaming. I’ve been mostly hand-chopping the veggies, but tried using my food processor to chop them more finely today. I’ve also been giving small amounts of cooked quinoa and/or beans for added protein with his fresh. Is any of this cause for alarm? And should steaming veggies totally off-limits, or is it okay to some degree?
Is he still being hand fed? If he is on a solid diet then that is utter baloney. Irritates me to an epic level.
Cooked quinoa and beans are brilliant.
Im going to quote my earlier post, steaming is OK.

Many ekkies prefer them not shredded and instead chopped. It will be a bit of experimentation for your mini green monster. At the end of 'Pascals' thread, there is great information:

Thank you for taking such care of an Ekkie- they can be complicated, but extremely rewarding creatures.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Reino de España
Welcome to the Avenue Danielle and Pancho! :starshower1:

No need to apologize so much :) Pancho is gorgeous! :cloud9:

Stay safe :hug9:


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Fudge. I forgot this link. Bird brain.
@Les charlson

I think that is fairly debatable- there are numerous variables, ill summarize a few:

Natural nutrient loss: Fresh produce actually loses quite a bit of nutrients as it ages- natural process of breaking down. Especially things with seeds- the seeds begin their preparation for germination by absorbing nutrients from the flesh.

Timing the freezing: Generally, frozen foods retain their vital nutrients and minerals (no change to macro or micro) versus things like dehydrating (which reduce the water content and concentrate things like sugar). A good way to preserve the nutrients is so ensure the food is not overly ripe, chopping it into designated pieces and freezing it.

Nutrient loss from cooking: Many nutrients are however lost or reduced during the cooking process. When boiling- you are often just making nutrient dense water (vitmins like B and C get released into the water) and vitamin A is lost if the foods are cooked in fats). That is why fresh (uncooked) fruit is so vital, where vegetables can be cooked to ensure they are easily digested and palatable.

Different cooking methods matter, for example boiling causes 30% loss of vitamin C. However microwaved vegetables retain almost all their vitamin C.
So in the case of your pumpkin/squash which is high in nutrients (that ekkies need the most) to ensure it is healthiest- it should be chopped fresh, microwaved, then frozen ;)

Dorcas George

Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Welcome! Thanks for what you do—hoping it doesn’t get crazy! No advice from me, an old lady budgie owner ;) but just wanted to say your new little guy is beautiful! People here are a wealth of info, so I’m glad you joined us at The Avenue!


Meeting neighbors
San Francisco, CA
Real Name
Do you have a picture?
Most of us on AA are poop-oligists ;)
Dropping will change depending on the diet, throughout the day. If the birds 'vent' (bum) is clean, and there are no signs of distress, unless there is obvious discoloration in urine, urates, etc. I wouldnt be too concerned. But give us a photo!
Will do! Sounds like “poop photography”(pootography?) is on the schedule. :hilarious:

Is he still being hand fed? If he is on a solid diet then that is utter baloney. Irritates me to an epic level.
Cooked quinoa and beans are brilliant.
Im going to quote my earlier post, steaming is OK.
Nope, he eats out of his big boy bowl no-problem - though I sometimes do hand-feed him treats like apples and “monkey biscuits” to give us more time to spend together and bond. Thank you for clearing that up! I’ll try introducing more raw veggies into his diet. If there are any you’ve heard of that absolutely need to be prepared or softened in any way, or how finely they need to be cut when raw(if it differs in any way), I’m all ears.

One last question for now: is there a way to accurately gauge how much fresh/chop you should serve at each “mealtime?” Right now, I’m just trying to see how much he eats with each meal before he hops away seeming full and satisfied, and then going from there. I’d be more worried about UNDERfeeding him, but I know that overfeeding is something I’ve been told to be cautious of as well - though hopefully, if it’s all fresh veggies and the like, I may just be worrying too much again(shocker).

Thank you all again! This really does seem like a wonderful community, and I’m very grateful to have found it. :cloud9:

For good measure, here’s a photo from yesterday of somebirdie thoroughly enjoying his dinner...


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Dont worry about overfeeding- Ekkies are notoriously slow eaters that are usually under weight.

Calories: Companion ekkies need approximately 69 calories a day (assuming you have a 450g ekkie- which most are pretty close to that)

Waste: Ekkies produce a MASSIVE quantity of mess and waste (as im sure you boy has taught you). So it is imperative to over provide fresh food, and not leave it in the cage for a long period of time.

What you need to provide is:
High moisture content
High Glucose and Fructose
Low Lipids
Low Fat
Low- Moderate Protein
Low- Moderate Fiber

Ekkies are more closely comparable to frugivorious instead of granivorious because of their extremely unique digestive system- so fruit and less fiberous veggies should be the main components.

A massive variety should be fed, you can make it easy on yourself by using this method: Freeze/thaw (link at the bottom)
By doing this, it soften the veggies ever so slightly, easy storage and wide variety!

Things that are not ideal, but can still be offered:
Broccoli, Cauliflower, Swiss Chard, Corn, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts, Cabbage, Mustard, Turnip Tops

Ideal- things to focus on:
Butternut Squash, Pumpkin, Zucchini, Kale, Bok Choy, Winter Squash, Summer Squash, Yams, Cooked Beans
Guava, Passionfruit, Figs, Pomegranates, Mango, Cantaloupe, Plums, Blueberries, Papaya, Apricot, Nectarines, Cherries, Kiwi... really any fruit!

If you do 2 feedings a day, about 1 cup of chop is required. Following the foods above, that should provide him with about 130 calories (plenty of waste).
Keep seeds, nuts and pellets (recommended pellets IF any would be TOPS) to a minimum.

Here is what I put together this morning, some things that were left over in my fridge.
What you need: knife, ziplock bags (resealable as you will be adding to the bags- almost daily)

Step 1: Cut up whatever you have on hand. Put in freezer until frozen.
This it what it looks like before freezing:
From left to right:Yams, zucchini, green beans, banana, carrots and sweet potato (cooked), gooseberries and thai chili, blue berries, mango, kiwi, red bell, broccoli slivers
View attachment 332117

Step 2: To this I add pieces of stuff I have frozen premade from the supermarket (I chop it frozen): Cranberries, Jackfruit, Papaya, Pineapple, Cherries, Peas, Strawberries
This is what it looks like when I put it in bags (use multiple bags- in this case I used two bags):

View attachment 332118
View attachment 332120

Step 3:
Later today, I will add to these bags after I make meals for my hubby and I. *Frozen in the same manner, add to each bag.
Butternut squash (leftover from dinner trimmings)
Brussel Sprouts (leftover from dinner trimmings)
Quinoa (because I will make it for lunch)
Apple (leftovers from my breakfast)

Step 4:
Tomorrow I may ad:
Plum pieces (from breakfast)
Corn (from dinner)
Cooked cauliflower (from dinner)
Kidney beans (cooked from lunch)

*Frozen in the same manner, added to each bag, I will fluff up the bags to mix it together.

By adding a little to EACH bag a day- it never depletes (even though I remove from the bags each day). So I know that I will always have variety on hand. This takes the stress out of it. Of course I give fresh- but this is foolproof :)

This is the mini freezer I can store everything in- it was 160usd:
View attachment 332119

Hope this helps!!! :birdance:

More detailed questions, feel free to ask in the Eclectus Alley :)


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
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Western PA
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I love the name and the nickname (Panchito)! Welcome to the Avian Avenue and so glad you're getting such wonderful advice here. Also, a huge thank you for all the courage it takes to be working as a nurse during this difficult time. :heart:


Ripping up the road
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Welcome, and enjoy the site!


Hit the Road
Frankenmuth, Michigan (Formerly from the U.K.)
Real Name
Hi! My name is Danielle. I'm a 27-year-old registered nurse from San Francisco, CA.

I recently welcomed an almost-six-month-old Solomon Island Eclectus boy into my home, named Pancho(or "Panchito" if you like). He has been home with me for a little over a week now, and so far, all seems to be going well. He received a thorough wellness check and clean bill of health from his avian vet, is sleeping and eating well(though he doesn't seem too big a fan of collard greens), and enjoys showing off his climbing and warbling skills. He loves to play with his rattle, and sit and cuddle while looking out the window - we have a nice view of the Pacific Ocean from my back window. I often have soft music playing for him, especially when I have to sleep during the day(I work the night shift at my hospital), and he sounds like he's trying to sing along sometimes!

My family kept smaller birds while I was growing up(budgies, mostly), but Pancho is my first "big" parrot. I want to make sure that I do right by him, and give him the best quality of life possible. I'm excited to hear and learn from other folks sharing their lives with birds.

My biggest concerns are ensuring that I always feed him a well-balanced, nutritious diet - he gets fresh-made chop every day, with non-colored pellets in a separate dish - and, especially when his flight feathers grow back(the woman who hand-reared him had clipped them), making sure he gets plenty of exercise and safe flight time.

Sorry if that was a lot. Any advice from more experienced "parronts" is welcomed! Thanks a bunch, and stay safe out there!

View attachment 332414
(Psst...Pancho says hello, too. :p)
Welcome and hello beautiful to your bird pancho.


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
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Welcome to Avian Avenue!