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green cheek conure noisy before bed


Checking out the neighborhood
Irvine, CA
Real Name
Gerald Tucay
Hey guys! New to this forum :) I just got my first green cheek conure almost 3 weeks ago! Her name is Stella and she's almost 3 months old. I noticed she gets pretty noisy once I cover her. She'll mutter, lightly chatter, but when there's a small disturbance or when someone makes one small noise, she will scream for another minute. This could go on for about 15-20 minutes. Is that just her contact calling for her mates / "stop being so loud so I could sleep!"

Also, she seems to go bonkers when I put my hand close to the cage, but when it's just my face she doesn't care.

1. Is the chattering and noise normal when putting her to bed?
2. Has anyone had any experience cutting down the sound coming from the cage? Soundproofing
3. I just got her a harness, how should I go about getting on her?
4. How can I stop her from always nipping at my fingers when I try to hold her?

Other than that it just seems like she gets grumpy when she's disturbed... then continues back to grinding her beak. Would appreciate any helpful tips or advice :) thank you!

Stella - Turquoise yellow sided green cheek conure :ystgcc:


Jogging around the block
I have four, and they are all individuals. Beau chirps at bedtime. Faith and Hope are ususlly quiet.
Jesse, on the other hand, talks for several minutes. And heaven forbids a door sqeak anywhere in the house, he sqeaks back at it. I usually just tell him goodnight again.
Jesse has been a part of the family longest. When I say it is bedtime, he crawls up on my shoulder and Hope gets on my finger and off to their bedroom we go.
Give your girl time to get comfortable with you. Beau has been with us a little over a month. He still will not let me touch him, but will step up on my shoulder and help me with chores.
Good luck with your girl, but be prepared, she will steal your heart!


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Welcome to the Avenue Gerald! :starshower1:

she seems to go bonkers when I put my hand close to the cage, but when it's just my face she doesn't care.
Some birds, just don´t like hands.

She'll mutter, lightly chatter, but when there's a small disturbance or when someone makes one small noise, she will scream for another minute. This could go on for about 15-20 minutes
What happens if you don´t cover her?

How can I stop her from always nipping at my fingers when I try to hold her?
Stop trying to hold her if she nips. She is saying ¨I´m not ready yet¨. Start off by offering some treats through the cage bars, when she is comfortable receiving them, offer them out of the cage too. Over time she will see that your hands bring treats. Feeding her treats builds trust, and that is the foundation :)

Have a read of these links:

I just got her a harness, how should I go about getting on her?
First, condition her.
Leave the harness in her view. Move it closer day by day. Eventually you can hang it right next to the cage without her freaking out.
Then start to play with it with her, as if it were a toy. Get her comfortable around it. Then put it over her head, and take it back off. Keep doing this until she is comfortable. I will attach a video, the tips are good regardless of the brand you use:


Jogging around the block
Avenue Veteran
A lot to of birds are naturally noisy when they roost. Go outside and listen sometimes. I wouldn’t try to change that.

It sounds to me that when she’s covered and something makes her “scream” she’s scared because she can’t see what’s going on.

Everyone’s setup and birds are different, but I’ve never covered my birds.

Good luck.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Yes, all mine do their little noises before settling down...Amada usually is the noisiest and doesn't like to be disturbed.

Lady Jane

Ripping up the road
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she gets grumpy when she's disturbed
Try working on establishing a regimented bedtime routine so this bird will know what to expect. Same time to bed every single night and same time to wake up. Yes just like the wild birds do, dusk to dawn. You have not had the bird for very long she may get used to the various noises in your living situation.


Walking the driveway
My gcc is screams around when I go to bed. But I'm pretty sure she just doesn't want me to go to bed lol.
Jupiter will also bite me if I hold her statically but if I'm just moving her from place to place then she's fine unless that takes to long then she nips at me lol. And I tell her she's got two wings she can fly if she doesn't want to be on my hand geez.
Just try and avoid bites as much as possible. I don't really let her on me unless it's a quick trip. Anything else I use a perch stick and she flies off when she wants me.


Walking the driveway
Oh I meant to add, I recommend getting a easily moveable perch stand so you can be close to your bird without her having to be on you. I always have a table top perch and a big one with wheels.
So helpful when I'm trying to eat and Jupiter keeps flying to me for food so I just get her perch, put her beside me, and give her a little food. Problem solved.


Strolling the yard
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Bagel is typically very noisy at bedtime. It takes him 15-20 minutes to get settled. As for the nipping... good luck to you! I have accepted the fact that Bagel will be bitey for his entire life.


Checking out the neighborhood
Irvine, CA
Real Name
Gerald Tucay
Ahh you guys are totally awesome, thanks for the feedback and confirming that these are totally normal and comes with the owning of a bird :heart:

I haven't had her for that long, so it will take time for us to build our birb relationship :)


Checking out the neighborhood
Irvine, CA
Real Name
Gerald Tucay
Try working on establishing a regimented bedtime routine so this bird will know what to expect. Same time to bed every single night and same time to wake up. Yes just like the wild birds do, dusk to dawn. You have not had the bird for very long she may get used to the various noises in your living situation.
Yess, always 7:45pm to 7:45am. Typically she starts screaming for me to wake up around 7 but she settles down once I uncover her hahah


Checking out the neighborhood
Irvine, CA
Real Name
Gerald Tucay
Welcome to the Avenue Gerald! :starshower1:

Some birds, just don´t like hands.

What happens if you don´t cover her?

Stop trying to hold her if she nips. She is saying ¨I´m not ready yet¨. Start off by offering some treats through the cage bars, when she is comfortable receiving them, offer them out of the cage too. Over time she will see that your hands bring treats. Feeding her treats builds trust, and that is the foundation :)

Have a read of these links:

First, condition her.
Leave the harness in her view. Move it closer day by day. Eventually you can hang it right next to the cage without her freaking out.
Then start to play with it with her, as if it were a toy. Get her comfortable around it. Then put it over her head, and take it back off. Keep doing this until she is comfortable. I will attach a video, the tips are good regardless of the brand you use:
Ahh yesss, thank you! About to check those out to read and learn :)