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Does this look safe for my bird to play with?


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London, UK
Absolutely not, and don't let your bird play with it outside the cage either. The metal zip could contain zinc. The material looks like neophrene which will cause internal blockages if accidentally swallowed. There's a lot of chemicals used to make it which are not good for your bird.

Please get your bird some safe toys to play with. Safe materials include untreated wood (no pesticides, preservatives, paint or dyes - colours should come from food colouring or pet-safe dyes), cardboard, cork, yucca and mahogany pods. You can offer branches of bird-safe wood with the bark still on - make sure that you scrub them well and let them dry first.
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Mo Amjad

Meeting neighbors
Absolutely not, and don't let your bird play with it outside the cage either. The metal zip could contain zinc. The material looks like neophrene which will cause internal blockages if accidentally swallowed. There's a lot of chemicals used to make it which are not good for your bird.

Please get your bird some safe toys to play with. Safe materials include untreated wood (no pesticides, preservatives, paint or dyes - colours should come from food colouring or pet-safe dyes), cardboard, cork, yucca and mahogany pods. You can offer branches of bird-safe wood with the bark still on - make sure that you scrub them well and let them dry first.
Thanks for the info! I will stop letting him devour it.