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Dios bitting issues


Checking out the neighborhood
Hi! I’m new! I have an around 8 month old male cockatiel named Dio! I’ve read A couple of threads with similar issues but I would like to get some answers of my own questions I know that it could be him going through hormonal changes also but still would like to ask. When we first got him he was scared and hissed all the time But after three weeks he was a fast learner and seemed to love us. He would ask for head kisses and scratches by making a kissing noise and would be a complete sweet heart. So now that he’s changed a bit I’m worried and hope any one can answer these
1. He never really let us touch his back or wings with out him trying to bite us can I work with him more on that? And how?
2. He’s been trying to bite our faces aggressively but a month ago it was more of a “not right not please” nibble
3. His aggressive biting started to become the bigger issue when he would be fine on our shoulders but if we turned he would go after our faces and I have a little
Sister who loves to spend Time with him and we’re worried he will hurt her badly as he had already made me bleed a couple times
I will greatly appreciate any answers or tips on how to work on that with my bird thank you so much!


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It’s not really recommended to pet birds anywhere other than their head and feet- the rest of the body is basically only allowed to be touched by their partner- the easiest way to explain it…. it’s a sex thing pretty much.
This article may help explain it clearer Site Name - Articles - Behavioral - Sex And The Psittacine


Rollerblading along the road
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I agree with shezbug, petting your bird in unwanted places causes a lot of behavioral issues, but don't feel guilty, you did the right thing trying to find out what's wrong, so you found this out the right way, many people don't try hard enough to fix problems with their animals, There are many responsible people here on AA (also I love your account picture, it's so funny and cute)


Checking out the neighborhood
It’s not really recommended to pet birds anywhere other than their head and feet- the rest of the body is basically only allowed to be touched by their partner- the easiest way to explain it…. it’s a sex thing pretty much.
This article may help explain it clearer Site Name - Articles - Behavioral - Sex And The Psittacine
Thank you for the article! I added the petting part so I can know better thank you but any tips on the bitting? It seemed to have started before the changes :( could
It be stress of a new cage?


Ripping up the road
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I'm leaning towards it being hormones. Each bird is unique but tiels aren't typically biters and they usually give warning signs before they bite. Since it doesn't seem like your tiel is doing this, that's why I am thinking hormones. For now, I wouldn't let him on shoulders. You want to avoid a face bite. The other thing is to try to just respect his wishes. I rarely pet my birds without asking- which sounds kind of silly- but I'll make a scratching motion of kind of cup my hand, if they want scratches, they put their heads down. If they don't put their head down, I don't scratch them. They're different than say dogs, who seem to always want pets. Birds don't. Also, he may be trying to exert some independence. He's not a baby any more. So he might be just trying to say I'm a big bird now. Maybe try to encourage him to engage in more independent play with toys, etc. and let him seek you out when he wants attention?

Tiel Feathers

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In addition to the good advice already given, make sure you reward all desired behavior and ignore unwanted behavior. Never force your bird to do anything, but try to make it his choice. Also, you can try training him to do simple behaviors. This will strengthen your bond and give him something to focus on. I like to save millet just for taming/training. You can also give him millet while he is on you, so he associates you, or your sister, with good things. If he ever seems like he’s getting antsy or cranky, back off whatever you are doing. Keeping him off shoulders for now is a good idea. Reward him for sitting on your lap. My birds like to sit on my bent knee while my foot rests on a chair or table. Try to avoid bites, because they can become a habit, so pay close attention to his body language. Hopefully he will mellow out again in a few weeks.


Checking out the neighborhood
I agree with shezbug, petting your bird in unwanted places causes a lot of behavioral issues, but don't feel guilty, you did the right thing trying to find out what's wrong, so you found this out the right way, many people don't try hard enough to fix problems with their animals, There are many responsible people here on AA (also I love your account picture, it's so funny and cute)
Thank you :) I have many meme worthy pictures of him haha. Just trying to be a good bird mom