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Bird bite photos (Warning ~ Graphic)


Sprinting down the street
Queensland, Australia
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the only thing about lorikeet bites is i swear almost all the time, they get a slight infection. probably because of the food they eat. one time my finger swelled up massively from infection. luckily it cleared up quick


Walking the driveway
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Tianna Schwindel
Oh my!
Millie doesn't bite me too hard, but she does like to bite the inbetweens of my fingers, my ears, and sometimes she bires my eyelids. Not to be mean, but shes just being curious.
Hope you heal well!


Meeting neighbors
AMERICA the land of eagle simps
I love my birds as much as life itself but there is a reality to being enslaved to a large parrot. They bite.

A "few" of the bites I took photos of. Pain means nothing to me (anymore). :D

This is actually the second bite in exactly the same spot.

This is the first time he got me there.

Second day. Had a black eye for a week. :(

The nasty scar after it healed. Tika has "branded" me.

Got this one right on the chin. :eek:

He doesn't have a favorite spot. He'll nail me where ever it's convenient.

And of course the biggest target of all!!!

Holy crap hope your alright dude


Sprinting down the street
Queensland, Australia
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ignore the gross chin hairs and blackheads but oh my, Ellie was not happy at all today. she's been so angry lately, she was full on attacking me even though she was being sweet and just sitting on my shoulder a second ago. I don't think I did anything but I must've. maybe she just wants her breakfast lol. this is probably the worst bite I've received from her so far


Ripping up the road
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ignore the gross chin hairs and blackheads but oh my, Ellie was not happy at all today. she's been so angry lately, she was full on attacking me even though she was being sweet and just sitting on my shoulder a second ago. I don't think I did anything but I must've. maybe she just wants her breakfast lol. this is probably the worst bite I've received from her so far
Ouchie! I wonder if it's because she just laid an egg so she's so feisty.


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Australia, Sydney
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Elk [He/They]
Owch!! And I thought conure bites were bad! This'll def play in my mind next time im near a big bird. :dead:


Biking along the boulevard
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Oh Canada
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Annette Thompson
Ouch :)


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Veteran
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Portland Oregon
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Owch!! And I thought conure bites were bad! This'll def play in my mind next time im near a big bird. :dead:
Pippen proved she can give a nasty little bite when she wants to but it's not as bad as the medium sized and bigger hook bills. Lurch could really bite and he was a Maxi Pionus who meant business before he decided I was OK. Either way getting bitten and bleeding when you just want to be friends hurts you and your feelings. They're just doing what parrots do till they trust you


Biking along the boulevard
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Portland Oregon
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Pippen accidentally got out a week ago or so when sister was changing all the cages. She forgot to fully close the bottom door on her flight cage. I wandered over after she left to get dinner or something and noticed all the crumbs on the floor in front of the cages so I broke out the Shark cordless vac to clean up the mess. I bent down by the corner of Pippens cage and I noticed her staring at me from the OUTSIDE corner of her cage by the slightly open door I put my sleaved arm out quickly to get her to hop on and go in.
She ran down my arm biting as she went then spotted my exposed hand and started chewing on it below my thumb. I'm like ouch, ouch ouch, STOP IT, while reaching into the cage and shake her off. She hung on like a tiny Raptor and finally fell off and flew to her platform.
I told her she was bad and after we both calmed down I gave her a scritches thru the bars and she was like nothing ever happened.
Little bugger sure hated to go back in but chewing on me isn't helping her case.
Luckily it was mostly a blood blister that cleared right up but she sure can pinch and bite and it still stings when she does it.



Cruising the avenue
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South Carolina
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Yep! Those littles make it count. What a stinker!!! Astro has decided she wants nightly cuddles. All these years she’s been aloof unless I try to pet her and she either runs away or puts her tail up in the air so I don’t pet to encourage that behavior. Now when I’m changing her paper she dives into my neck and down my arm. I hold my hand up so she can sit in the crook of my arm and she’s so happy. I get nothing done! She’s one of my 2008 babies.


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Veteran
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Portland Oregon
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When she first got here she was so tired and hungry all she wanted to do was eat, cuddle, and sleep, as soon as she started feeling better I had to pay for rescuing her from the guy she landed on who couldn't safely keep her.
She knows gentle means she's biting too hard but she just loves to bang her beak against our fingers and try to get a nibble or bite in. Every time she gets out eventually she refuses to go in and goes into tiny raptor mode so we have to be careful with her. She loves scritches through the bars but eventually tries to grab and bite so I ask her if she wants a scratch and scritch till she gets too wound up or I get tired of saying gentle. She sometimes says pretty bird in her little squeaky voice.


Cruising the avenue
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
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South Carolina
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When she first got here she was so tired and hungry all she wanted to do was eat, cuddle, and sleep, as soon as she started feeling better I had to pay for rescuing her from the guy she landed on who couldn't safely keep her.
She knows gentle means she's biting too hard but she just loves to bang her beak against our fingers and try to get a nibble or bite in. Every time she gets out eventually she refuses to go in and goes into tiny raptor mode so we have to be careful with her. She loves scritches through the bars but eventually tries to grab and bite so I ask her if she wants a scratch and scritch till she gets too wound up or I get tired of saying gentle. She sometimes says pretty bird in her little squeaky voice.
The only seed my littles get is at night when I’m changing papers. It amounts to a teaspoon 1/2… which looks like nothing in a bowl. They practically dive into their cages to get it. Little crack seed addicts look so happy they could care less about anything else so I don’t need to encourage anyone to go in… except Astro right now. She’s wanting some cuddle time without being touched. I tried pushing her off yesterday and she wasn’t having it so she got to stay with me longer. When she’s ready she willingly goes in her cage. The biggies… want to hold out. They don’t get any seed. They do get pieces of nuts ( walnuts or pecan).. Lola won’t go in on her own until I turn a lamp light off next to her cage to eat her nut treat first then pellets. When they’re done eating and set to roost for the night I turn out the overhead lights. My cue words are “ Alright, come on let’s go”. Henry says Alright and come on or come here all the time.

Deleted member 57370

My bite is very minor, ( sympathies @Dartman )..well actually she bit me like 10 times...all minor wasn't till this morning I could see more evidence of them.
All completely my fault and mistake for trying to move an amped up parrot. And she was using restraint and not full force bites. But she did hold on and bam, bam , bam get me
How many do you count? ;)
Been a long time since a parrot successful landed a bite. Good refresher lol

Her she is checking out her handiwork shorty after.

Deleted member 57370

It probably should, but I'm going to see if it'll start to close on it's own..
Chaos was getting into stuff, and I was telling him to stop. He gets pretty excited when we butt heads, and I decided he needed some lunch and downtime and asked for a step up to walk him back to his cage.
He was flared, but I figured once we were moving he'd be okay, nope, not okay.
It does not pay to get complacent, just because things have been on an even keel.
This is exactly the mistake I made that earned me some barely count as bites compared to your big bird serious bite.

What an aweful spot to get nailed too!@