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Bird bite photos (Warning ~ Graphic)


Ripping up the road
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Jimi (Hahns Macaw) hates the vet. He tries to kill me when I go to put him in his travel cage.
I thought he didn't know what I was up to this morning but he figured it out and was coming for me and I was running away and protecting my face.

So he got the back of my ear. I was happy he didn't go all the way thru.
But that is a really weird place to get bit. Really sore and will keep me up tonight when I roll on it.

When I scraped him off my ear (still protecting my face) he bit my upper arm.
then he went for my hand but I managed to grab his head finally.

Traditionally I endure this for up to 5 days after a vet appt, although if he draws blood he will quit early.
I don't think I have a pic but once he leaped from my lap to bite thru the septum of my nose, that hurt like I can't even say. I forgot how to breathe.

Back of my ear. It is impossible to take a good pic of the back of your own ear.
View attachment 438876

Upper arm

View attachment 438877
Oh my goodness that looks so painful,I'm so sorry.


Super Moderator
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Vic, Australia
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Jimi (Hahns Macaw) hates the vet. He tries to kill me when I go to put him in his travel cage.
I thought he didn't know what I was up to this morning but he figured it out and was coming for me and I was running away and protecting my face.

So he got the back of my ear. I was happy he didn't go all the way thru.
But that is a really weird place to get bit. Really sore and will keep me up tonight when I roll on it.

When I scraped him off my ear (still protecting my face) he bit my upper arm.
then he went for my hand but I managed to grab his head finally.

Traditionally I endure this for up to 5 days after a vet appt, although if he draws blood he will quit early.
I don't think I have a pic but once he leaped from my lap to bite thru the septum of my nose, that hurt like I can't even say. I forgot how to breathe.

Back of my ear. It is impossible to take a good pic of the back of your own ear.
View attachment 438876

Upper arm

View attachment 438877
Oh boy what a bugger of a place the ear is for a bite! I hope they heal fast and don’t leave any permanent damage. I also hope everything went ok at the vets and you don’t have to deal with too many days of angry biting Jimi.

I got a beauty a few months back where my whole bottom lip got torn open quite badly


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Biking along the boulevard
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Now that he is older it is only associated with vet visits. In his terrible 2's (17 now) he was quite volatile in temper and too quick for me to react to body language.
I more had/have to manage the antecedents.
I had to get a Celltei Pak-o-Bird to take him outside because the travel cage is too linked to vet visits in his mind.
Normally he is my good buddy now and is quite safe for shoulder privileges and even down my shirt, unless I let him get overstimulated.
But it has made me quite good at always being aware of body language at all times plus my own emotional energy level.
I can nap around my Amazons, but I never really let my guard down around Jimi.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Ouchie ouchie ouchie


Biking along the boulevard
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Portland Oregon
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Lurch got my ear about like that when I forgot to share my hot cereal fast enough when he was on my shoulder. We had a very bad talk and I stuffed him in his cage kicking and screaming. It was my mistake but we both had to cool off a while and yes it really hurt. Pretty sure the pictures are in here somewhere and I hope you heal fast and are friends again. :bluhug:


Jogging around the block
Avenue Spotlight Award
That does look so painful!

My youngest bird is finally past the baby phase of biting ears just because they're there - and that hurt even without him trying to Bite!

A couple of the birds where I volunteer have learned that the back of ears and the bridge of the nose is where humans will do Exactly What They Want and Leave Them Alone and I am always.gratwfil I haven't been on that list yet!


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
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Avenue Spotlight Award
Now that he is older it is only associated with vet visits. In his terrible 2's (17 now) he was quite volatile in temper and too quick for me to react to body language.
I more had/have to manage the antecedents.
I had to get a Celltei Pak-o-Bird to take him outside because the travel cage is too linked to vet visits in his mind.
Normally he is my good buddy now and is quite safe for shoulder privileges and even down my shirt, unless I let him get overstimulated.
But it has made me quite good at always being aware of body language at all times plus my own emotional energy level.
I can nap around my Amazons, but I never really let my guard down around Jimi.
I'm learning all these....:cantsee:


Biking along the boulevard
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Ontario Canada
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I got a tiny ween little bite today. It was because of over excitement. I had a glass bottle sort like wine bottle but it hsd non alcoholic beverage in it. Echo got all excitement about it. I thought I should put him in his downstairs cage so could open it safely. When I was walking over to his cage with him, he decided wanted to be swung around.

He's likes when I do big arm loops with him. He can get mouthy with my fingers doing it but he almost never bites. We do it alot, right now almost every day, and I can't even remember how many times he's actually bitten me while doing this. Like maybe 2-4 times over the years.

Anyway on like the third loop he got me. I let go of him and he flew to the floor. He barely got me but I was just so startled by it. He's been a little edgy since I had to board before Christmas. He's slowly settling back into things. He's ripped in to me the early days of our relationship, I been worried I'd get bad bite again because our relationship was tested a bit because of the boarding. 20240122_210345.jpg
Can you spot it? The camera barely picks it up :lol: I guess I don't have that much to worry about. My ego is more bruised than my finger :laugh:;)


Biking along the boulevard
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Portland Oregon
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Certainly could have been a lot worse,. Probably trying to make a point or just trying to hold on a bit more aggressively than normal. Dobby has never officially bit me but Lurch did a lot at first, tiny Pippen likes to nip and bite, a Kiwi sorta tries to bite but most times it's a grab and lick or a sideways knaw trying to put pressure on the offending finger that I can roll out of.
Pictures of the worst Lurch bites should be buried in here somewhere, he got me good in the ear once morning, I sure miss his grumpy self.


Cruising the avenue
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I got a tiny ween little bite today. It was because of over excitement. I had a glass bottle sort like wine bottle but it hsd non alcoholic beverage in it. Echo got all excitement about it. I thought I should put him in his downstairs cage so could open it safely. When I was walking over to his cage with him, he decided wanted to be swung around.

He's likes when I do big arm loops with him. He can get mouthy with my fingers doing it but he almost never bites. We do it alot, right now almost every day, and I can't even remember how many times he's actually bitten me while doing this. Like maybe 2-4 times over the years.

Anyway on like the third loop he got me. I let go of him and he flew to the floor. He barely got me but I was just so startled by it. He's been a little edgy since I had to board before Christmas. He's slowly settling back into things. He's ripped in to me the early days of our relationship, I been worried I'd get bad bite again because our relationship was tested a bit because of the boarding. View attachment 441403
Can you spot it? The camera barely picks it up :lol: I guess I don't have that much to worry about. My ego is more bruised than my finger :laugh:;)
Look at his face sorry mummy :heart:


Biking along the boulevard
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Wales, United Kingdom
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I got a tiny ween little bite today. It was because of over excitement. I had a glass bottle sort like wine bottle but it hsd non alcoholic beverage in it. Echo got all excitement about it. I thought I should put him in his downstairs cage so could open it safely. When I was walking over to his cage with him, he decided wanted to be swung around.

He's likes when I do big arm loops with him. He can get mouthy with my fingers doing it but he almost never bites. We do it alot, right now almost every day, and I can't even remember how many times he's actually bitten me while doing this. Like maybe 2-4 times over the years.

Anyway on like the third loop he got me. I let go of him and he flew to the floor. He barely got me but I was just so startled by it. He's been a little edgy since I had to board before Christmas. He's slowly settling back into things. He's ripped in to me the early days of our relationship, I been worried I'd get bad bite again because our relationship was tested a bit because of the boarding. View attachment 441403
Can you spot it? The camera barely picks it up :lol: I guess I don't have that much to worry about. My ego is more bruised than my finger :laugh:;)
I get it. It's not about the bite. It's the trust issue. He'll come around :)
I was worried to see you posting in here and was reluctant to look. I was picturing somerhing really bad. :(
I'm so glad it was just a wee puncture. xx


Strolling the yard
Celebirdy of the Month
East Coast US
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Last night my pionus decided it was time for new piercings right before bed :dead:
It was no one's fault--- we were walking down a dark hallway, and Tatu had one of her weekly pain moments and yowled (they only last 5-15 seconds), and Gattaca, who was on my hand, got spooked and decided to defend us all.
The indent below my lip hurt worse than the lip puncture; probably because it tore my frenulum a bit on the inside. Just glad it didn't go all the way through. I would have been less than pleased if I'd needed stitches.
I told her she hurt me, and she was apologetic (after some debate haha), so all is well.
Her occasional bites (usually to my hands) don't normally cause bleeding, so I thought it was noteworthy. (99% of bleeding bites have come from my conure, thankfully significantly less the past few years)



Cruising the avenue
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Last night my pionus decided it was time for new piercings right before bed :dead:
It was no one's fault--- we were walking down a dark hallway, and Tatu had one of her weekly pain moments and yowled (they only last 5-15 seconds), and Gattaca, who was on my hand, got spooked and decided to defend us all.
The indent below my lip hurt worse than the lip puncture; probably because it tore my frenulum a bit on the inside. Just glad it didn't go all the way through. I would have been less than pleased if I'd needed stitches.
I told her she hurt me, and she was apologetic (after some debate haha), so all is well.
Her occasional bites (usually to my hands) don't normally cause bleeding, so I thought it was noteworthy. (99% of bleeding bites have come from my conure, thankfully significantly less the past few years)
Ouch hope it heals soon


Biking along the boulevard
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Portland Oregon
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Definitely could have been a lot worse. Lurch almost pierced my ear years ago when he was with us and I didn't offer a bite of my hot cereal fast enough. We had a very bad talk and he got put away and covered while we both calmed down.
Pippen gcc will bite just because too and usually they bleed. They have quite the bite for such tiny birds. That is why she doesn't get out much.


Strolling the yard
Celebirdy of the Month
East Coast US
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Ouch hope it heals soon
Thanks! My lip is pretty bruised/swollen, but it doesn't really hurt at this point. I'm sure I'll be good as new in a few days :)

Definitely could have been a lot worse. Lurch almost pierced my ear years ago when he was with us and I didn't offer a bite of my hot cereal fast enough. We had a very bad talk and he got put away and covered while we both calmed down.
Pippen gcc will bite just because too and usually they bleed. They have quite the bite for such tiny birds. That is why she doesn't get out much.
Oh for sure. This wasn't bad, just surprising coming from her. When she does bite, it's hands, not face. My conure has given me/others some pretty nasty bites over the years, and he does go for the face. You'd have thought some of his bites came from a macaw!
My bird bites tend not to scar, thankfully. Weirdly enough, the worst bird-caused scar I have wasn't from a bite, but a scratch. Years ago Tatu, my princess, scratched her beak down the side of my nose, not even hard at all, and for some reason it scarred.


Biking along the boulevard
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Portland Oregon
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The big guy freak out and bite you because he got scared?