Flying along the Avenue
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Avian Angel
Shutterbugs' Best
It probably should, but I'm going to see if it'll start to close on it's own..That looks like it could use a couple of stitches. Sorry you got bit. Cosmo got me good a few days ago for taking her away from my dachshund's crate which she thinks should be her nest. Except, it was just a pressure bite to my little finger. Swelled a little, still sore, only minor bruising and minimal bleeding. I was lucky.
Chaos was getting into stuff, and I was telling him to stop. He gets pretty excited when we butt heads, and I decided he needed some lunch and downtime and asked for a step up to walk him back to his cage.
He was flared, but I figured once we were moving he'd be okay, nope, not okay.
It does not pay to get complacent, just because things have been on an even keel.