Well - I've got the blood results back. Nothing too unexpected - I'll just post them here:
Avian/Reptile CBC - plasma: clear, golden
PCV: 53 %
Total Solids: 5.6 g/dl
WBC Estimate: 7,800 cells/uL
Heterophil %: 54 %
Lymphocyte %: 43 %
Monocyte %: 3 %
Thrombocytes: Present
Morphology: Within normal limits. No hemoparasites observed.
AST 350 130-350U/L
BA <35* 33-154 umo\L
CK 157 45-265 U/L
UA 3.5 2.0-10.0 mg/dL
GLU 281 220-350 mg/dL
CA++ 8.9 8.0-13.0 mg/dL
PHOS 2.3* 3.1-5.5 mg/dL
TP 4.2 3.0-5.0 g/dL
ALB 3.0 1.9-3.5 g/dL
GLOB 1.2 g/dL
K+ 4.7* 3.0-4.5 mmo\L
NA+ 147 136-152 mmo\L
HEM 0 , LIP 0 , ICT 1+
So, fairly good. I probably need to stop giving her bananas every day, and feed something with more phosphorus. The vet recommended TOPs, and I have ordered some... Really just not sure what to do, you know?