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Update on Trinity


Meeting neighbors
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I just wanted to give all of you an update on my Meyer's parrot, Trinity. In case you forgot, I posted before asking about what I could do to help her get better. She had a high yeast count and a low good bacteria count.

I got some apple cider vinegar and continued with adding probiotics to her food. I alternated between apple cider water and probiotic water to try and give her the best chance.

It's been working! She's much more active and is back to destroying my stuff (RIP inflatable pool I bought last week) and demanding scratches. I didn't realize her appetite had dropped until she got it back. She's a ravenous little birdie and is back to trying to steal the crust off my toast every morning now instead of every now and then.

She's not a 100% yet but she's getting closer. Here's a grainy picture of my little turd about to demand scratches 2023-05-0913.55.006809385297260225649.jpg


Sitting on the front steps
Real Name
What a cutie. What probiotics are you giving her? Also how much ACV?


Meeting neighbors
Real Name
What a cutie. What probiotics are you giving her? Also how much ACV?
It's from Morning Bird. The instructions say to add 1/4tsp per cup of food or 1/4tsp per quart of drinking water so that's what I'm following. She doesn't get the probiotic water all the time since I don't want to stress her little system but the food is always probiotic food. The apple cider vinegar water is I THINK 1tsp per 16oz. I can't remember off the top of my head exactly but I have the exact amount written down. I'm just too lazy to grab it right this second. So far the water schedule is two days of apple, two days of regular, two days of probiotic, two days of regular, and repeat. It's two days because that's how long the treated water lasts since I change it at least daily
Here's a better picture of her enjoying the fresh air from behind the door. I bought one of those magnetic bug screens for the door so I don't have to worry as much about her escaping

