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Taming lorikeet pair


Walking the driveway
Avenue Veteran
I have a 3,5x6m aviary with 5 lorries. i have Had them for around a year. When they all came to me they were not tamed (from different places) im not sure if all of them are wild caught but im pretty sure these two rainbow lorikeets are. Some of them were chained and put in a really small cage. It took some time for them to learn to fly around the cage at first. The two lorries came to me as a pair. I have been trying to tame them down so at least they wont panic when i enter the cage. The others have tamed down since then and they even started coming to me and perching on me. I usually stay still in the cage when i first tamed them and then i started offering food from the bowl i bring in. The others now greet me when i enter, but not these two. The two lorikeets are scared to death of me still. When i come in the cage, they fly to the other end in a panic like im trying to attack them. I dont even come near them at all. I dont know what happened to them before they came to me. Any way they will tame down to at least not panic that much? (I dont need them to come to me or anything)


Cruising the avenue
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
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Avenue Spotlight Award
Hell, NV
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Instead of offering food inside the cage, can you offer food through the cage bars? Even if they don't come over, just feed the others through the cage bars with either food or treats. This may help if you do this frequently. Also, do they have a way to "hide" from you if they choose to? This could be a big toy, a hanging net, some foliage, or?


Walking the driveway
Avenue Veteran
Instead of offering food inside the cage, can you offer food through the cage bars? Even if they don't come over, just feed the others through the cage bars with either food or treats. This may help if you do this frequently. Also, do they have a way to "hide" from you if they choose to? This could be a big toy, a hanging net, some foliage, or?
They have lots of plants and tree trunks but they never really hide from me, they prefer to just fly in a panic. Not sure how to feed them through the bars though, since they eat fruits, veggies and nectar. But i will try feeing the fruits and veggies from the outside.


Cruising the avenue
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Hell, NV
Real Name
What about a syringe? Could you feed nectar in a syringe through the cage bars? That, or a spoon, but I imagine the spacing may not be wide enough for something like that...


Walking the driveway
Avenue Veteran
What about a syringe? Could you feed nectar in a syringe through the cage bars? That, or a spoon, but I imagine the spacing may not be wide enough for something like that...
Im not sure if they will fit but i will try syringe today.