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Moving in
Toronto, Ontario
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Tiny rant / Advice?​
I have adopted my green cheek conure and had him for 4 months now and we are best buddies in the whole world. As soon as I come home from work and walk into our room I see him bouncing up and down in his cage. BUT I want to take him out of my room cause i am sure he is going to eventually get bored of just flapping around in the same space. I have a huge open space living room and would love to have him fly around out there but my one roomate who thinks he is a bird expert cause he has own a few birds in his life and this is my first baby.

My bird rightfully so hates him but he also can read my energy as well and knows I dont like my roomate cause he has that "in charge" energy. My bird loves my other 2 roomates but not this one.

I have bought my bird out to the living room to spread his wings and enjoy the big windows but my one roomate is very forceful to him. Trying to make my bird sit on him and will chase him around the living room to do it. Im honestly shocked my bird hasnt bite him...yet (here is to crossing my fingers it happens).
I got to the living room to place him on the couch and chill with my one roomate while he plays Xbox and I go into the kitchen to cook. Well my roomate has his computer set up in the living room and I swear he is like an untrained 7years and sees my bird and chases him, I dont like my bird in the kitchen with me but it has now come to it to keep my bird safe. I also can't keep him in the bedroom cause he will squawk and wake up my nightshift roomate.

I feel like I am a bad guy and put an animal in a bad situation. My bird hasnt plucked out any feathers and is an extreme cuddle bug and sticks by me...i little too much. Bathroom visits will never be me alone anymore lol.
What am I supposed to do? I been bribing my bird to not squawk when I leave the room and give him a treat but that only lasts 9 minutes and then the where are you squawks happen. One short squawk.

Small note: my bird loves calm energy. He was adopted from a family with 4 kids and he just loves to cuddle and fly around. Only sometimes he throws a tantrum cause he likes to eat cords and I have blocked him from eating them but he can still see them.
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zoo mom

Ripping up the road
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If your roommate won't listen to you and leave your bird alone can you get him a playstand that you can move around the house with you. I fun place for him to play with food and water cups also.

What is your birds name? And can we see pictures. We love pictures.


Moving in
Toronto, Ontario
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This is Pogo. My bird. Most photos of him being a dork.

If your roommate won't listen to you and leave your bird alone can you get him a playstand that you can move around the house with you. I fun place for him to play with food and water cups also.

What is your birds name? And can we see pictures. We love pictures.



Rollerblading along the road
Pittsburgh, PA
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Pogo is adorable! :heart:

I think we’ve all had a roommate like that at some point:rolleyes: I like the suggestion of a playstand, that could help.
As far as your roommate being forceful in trying to make the bird hangout with him...if he knew anything about birds he would know it should always be THEIR choice who to play with and when. One thing for sure, if he keeps acting that way, your bird will never trust him!

I’m sorry I really don’t have any helpful advice, just wanted to say I get it. I appreciate that you don’t leave your baby alone and you still let him out even though this keeps happening, hopefully eventually your roommate will take the hint and leave him be.


Cruising the avenue
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Hell, NV
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Sounds like you are being a more responsible owner than the roommate ever was. Good on you! :)

Is that Pogo's actual cage or a carry cage?


Moving in
Toronto, Ontario
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Sounds like you are being a more responsible owner than the roommate ever was. Good on you! :)

Is that Pogo's actual cage or a carry cage?
That is his actual cage i keep him in when im at work. He is in there for 9hours then let him out to do his thing. Even when I got to bed he has a mini play set he falls asleep on to just be slightly closer to me since it is on my sidetable.
It is a huge upgrade from what the previous owner had him...why is this cage still not big enough?!


Moving in
Toronto, Ontario
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That is his actual cage i keep him in when im at work. He is in there for 9hours then let him out to do his thing. Even when I got to bed he has a mini play set he falls asleep on to just be slightly closer to me since it is on my sidetable.
It is a huge upgrade from what the previous owner had him...why is this cage still not big enough?!
The yellow top was his old cage that I quickly YEET out into the garbage. Second photo is his carrying bag. (Im in canada so I want him to be as warm as possible.) Th9rs photo is his new cage. That I try and leave open most of the time. More worried about him pooping on everything, we havent fully gotten a hold of poop training.



Ripping up the road
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Palm Coast, FL. Carioca'55 when RJ was in GB.
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I don't really have any advice other than to tell your roommate to leave Pogo alone because Pogo does not like him and never will if he keeps chasing him around. And if he gets snarky about being a "bird expert" ask him how come he doesn't have any any more?


Cruising the avenue
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Hell, NV
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Sky, you clear care and have done great for Pogo! :)

I'm an advocate for large cages. If I could, I would have all of my cages be 32" x 21" x 35" or larger. I have one cage currently in use that's smaller than that for a sick cockatiel and the next smallest one is something like 30" x 18". That one houses a green cheek conure. My other cages that are in use are the 32x21 size or larger and they either have larger birds in them, or multiple birds.

So if it were me, I would definitely put Pogo into a larger cage, toss out the wooden dowels and replace them with natural perches, maybe one or two rope perches (as long as they aren't chewed on!), toss out the hut and introduce more destructible toys. Toys made out of wood, balsa, yucca popsicle sticks, etc. I do love that there is at least one foraging toy in there!

If it's something you think you can do in time (no need to rush out and do this now if you can't, with it being the holidays and all), then put some extra money towards Pogo's care so he can have a bigger cage full of more enrichment to keep him happy and engaged. :)


Moving in
Toronto, Ontario
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I don't really have any advice other than to tell your roommate to leave Pogo alone because Pogo does not like him and never will if he keeps chasing him around. And if he gets snarky about being a "bird expert" ask him how come he doesn't have any any more?
The funny part is he had a beautiful pineapple conure but would attack everyone, even him. After a month of no improvement she went on Kijiji unfortuantly. Sadly I would of adopted her because she would step up on my finger when no one was around and only bite me here and there but I am an inexperienced bird owner. And ontop of that terrified of birds. I am getting use tp my bird flying to me but I only now sometime flinch.

The pictures arent good but this is two pictures of my bird and his bird.



Moving in
Toronto, Ontario
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Sky, you clear care and have done great for Pogo! :)

I'm an advocate for large cages. If I could, I would have all of my cages be 32" x 21" x 35" or larger. I have one cage currently in use that's smaller than that for a sick cockatiel and the next smallest one is something like 30" x 18". That one houses a green cheek conure. My other cages that are in use are the 32x21 size or larger and they either have larger birds in them, or multiple birds.

So if it were me, I would definitely put Pogo into a larger cage, toss out the wooden dowels and replace them with natural perches, maybe one or two rope perches (as long as they aren't chewed on!), toss out the hut and introduce more destructible toys. Toys made out of wood, balsa, yucca popsicle sticks, etc. I do love that there is at least one foraging toy in there!

If it's something you think you can do in time (no need to rush out and do this now if you can't, with it being the holidays and all), then put some extra money towards Pogo's care so he can have a bigger cage full of more enrichment to keep him happy and engaged. :)
You just may just be the person I wanna have a chit chat with. I have always built things and I plan on actually building him a better cage but first I want to build him a almost tunneling system so he can stroll around my room and create a space he can relax by the window without me wprring he will poop and bite things he shouldnt be.
I want to make an extention off of the cage I have now but what material should I use. Cause he doesn't bite on anything and he is so delicat to the foraging toy I got him.


Cruising the avenue
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Hell, NV
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I would worry about enclosed tunnels a little as they could be viewed as a great place to nest! The safest wire to use is stainless steel, which is pricey... I actually need to do some measurements and see how much wire I need to create an indoor aviary for my flock. If you do decide to go that route (something like a cat walk, but for birds) I would recommend making sure you have a way to open it up to clean inside.


Strolling the yard
Definitely get a playstand to keep him with you around the house. But you definitely need to establish some boundaries with that roomate. Acting like that is not acceptable. Especially with an animal that isn't his. If you're having trouble getting him to cooperate bring in your other roomates to back you up if possible. Your pet should be able to be safe and comfortable in the house that you pay rent for. I know all about difficult roomates, so good luck!


Jogging around the block
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Katie Denski
You need to step up and put your roommate in place. Id also put a lock on Pogo cage. Your roommate sounds like an idiot.