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Rescue or Baby Bird?


Strolling the yard
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Hey everyone,

I hope you are doing well.

For a while now I have been thinking of adding a new bird to my flock as we now have a bird room and thinking of getting an avairy too. Just so I know its right for me i've allready started thinking about it even though it wont happen till the end of the year. Im trying to decide if I should go to a rescue and adopt a bird or go to a breeder and get a baby bird. I'd love to know your experiences and what you would do.

Thanks for all your help in adavance!

Hope you had a good day, Charlotte

Budgie- Boo:yfbudgie: Peachy- Lovebird:piedlovie:
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Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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I will never buy a baby bird again. I'm too sensitive and when they choose someone else in the home to love, or go through the bratty puberty stage, it's hard on me emotionally.

My over 10 year old rehomes have always been my best birds. They teach me what they like and it makes it much smoother ;)


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I'm waiting for Maks to loose his cuddly side and morph into a rotten turd boy...but enjoying him while I can. On the other hand, my babies that I brought in older are amazing. Madi the most recent just feels like she has always been with us...she is four and wonderful.

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Ripping up the road
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I volunteer with a rescue- so I will always say adopt. :) But that aside, there are so many wonderful birds out there in need of good homes. "Rescue" doesn't mean "problem" bird. They are surrendered not because they're "bad" but because of their owners. All 3 of my birds are from the rescue. One because his owner died. One because his owner got too sick to take care of him. And my cockatoo, well because he's a cockatoo and more than a lot of people are willing to deal with. The other advantages to adopting is you will have a better idea of what the bird's personality is and a good rescue should be able to steer you towards a bird that is a good fit for both of you.


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I have always had older parrots that have had several homes before I adopted them. When you earn their trust and they finally know they found their forever home is one of the most amazing things in the world.


Flying along the Avenue
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Babies seem to oftentimes 'move on' and find anther to love.
It can break your heart.
Adopted birds are past that 'mommy love' stage and ready for permanent attachments.
I've had both, and loved both to death.
My older rehomed bird though was very much different than my hand raised babies.
Our bond took longer to build, but was growing strong. Sadly he passed after I had him a little over a year and a half.


Strolling the yard
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Babies seem to oftentimes 'move on' and find anther to love.
It can break your heart.
Adopted birds are past that 'mommy love' stage and ready for permanent attachments.
I've had both, and loved both to death.
My older rehomed bird though was very much different than my hand raised babies.
Our bond took longer to build, but was growing strong. Sadly he passed after I had him a little over a year and a half.
Im so sorry for your loss. Thank you for the advice though!


Meeting neighbors
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We had our name down to get a hand raised baby when I saw Lilly. She was in a pretty bad situation so we decided to take a chance on her. I’m a teeny bit sad that I didn’t get my little cute baby bird, but also so glad that this gorgeous girl is now safe & happy. The way I see it, there’s always going to be people wanting baby birds - like puppies & kittens. There’s not so many people wanting to take on the unknown quantity that is an adult/rescue bird. I’m happy that we decided to rescue :)


Strolling the yard
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We had our name down to get a hand raised baby when I saw Lilly. She was in a pretty bad situation so we decided to take a chance on her. I’m a teeny bit sad that I didn’t get my little cute baby bird, but also so glad that this gorgeous girl is now safe & happy. The way I see it, there’s always going to be people wanting baby birds - like puppies & kittens. There’s not so many people wanting to take on the unknown quantity that is an adult/rescue bird. I’m happy that we decided to rescue :)
Thank you for your insight and experience I think thats a great way to think about it!


Sprinting down the street
I'm personally looking into adopting a budgie. My current one I actually got from a chain pet store. My parents might even let me get another pair at some point, now that I have the cage for it!
I think with the smaller birds, they often get overlooked in rescues. (I have no direct experience with this, I'm just assuming). I mean, it's so much easier to just go to your local pet store, pick out your favorite color, sign a paper, and bring it home. Why go through the adoption process if you can just do that? (I see that you have a budgie and a lovebird, so I'm assuming you're going to be getting a bird that's a little on the small side).
Having a baby bird is amazing, but I haven't yet gone through the feisty stage with Kal. We'll have to see how that looks with a budgie. :roflmao:
I personally say rescue, but if you do have a good breeder near you, I see no problem with getting a baby bird. I mean, yeah, there's a problem, but if you give that bird the best life possible, and never let it go (unless you die), then I personally don't have an issue with that. I think a rescue is a better option, but a breeder could potentially be good too.
Keep us updated, though! I know you won't be getting another bird for a while, but we'll all want pictures!


Strolling the yard
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I'm personally looking into adopting a budgie. My current one I actually got from a chain pet store. My parents might even let me get another pair at some point, now that I have the cage for it!
I think with the smaller birds, they often get overlooked in rescues. (I have no direct experience with this, I'm just assuming). I mean, it's so much easier to just go to your local pet store, pick out your favorite color, sign a paper, and bring it home. Why go through the adoption process if you can just do that? (I see that you have a budgie and a lovebird, so I'm assuming you're going to be getting a bird that's a little on the small side).
Having a baby bird is amazing, but I haven't yet gone through the feisty stage with Kal. We'll have to see how that looks with a budgie. :roflmao:
I personally say rescue, but if you do have a good breeder near you, I see no problem with getting a baby bird. I mean, yeah, there's a problem, but if you give that bird the best life possible, and never let it go (unless you die), then I personally don't have an issue with that. I think a rescue is a better option, but a breeder could potentially be good too.
Keep us updated, though! I know you won't be getting another bird for a while, but we'll all want pictures!
Thank you for your insight and yes I will be getting a smaller bird. Good luck with adopting a budgie and ill make sure to update evryone when its closer at this point, I am leaning more to the rescue side!