Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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I know. Dogs and birds are a terrible idea. But we fell in love with this guy at the shelter yesterday and little boys and dogs go together like peanut butter and jelly.
He was at one shelter for a couple months before being transferred to the one we adopted him at. He is about 2 years old and so freaking sweet. So far great with the kids, ignores Ripley (he's on a leash so even if he wanted to go after him, he can't) and isn't even giving my cat the time of day. When I met him he was one of three dogs that were calm and quiet while the other dogs at the shelter were barking and jumping.
He's about 70 lbs so a bigger boy! But so far we love him
His original name was Duke which we liked, but Nikolai wanted to name him Lucky, so we compromised on Luke
He was at one shelter for a couple months before being transferred to the one we adopted him at. He is about 2 years old and so freaking sweet. So far great with the kids, ignores Ripley (he's on a leash so even if he wanted to go after him, he can't) and isn't even giving my cat the time of day. When I met him he was one of three dogs that were calm and quiet while the other dogs at the shelter were barking and jumping.
He's about 70 lbs so a bigger boy! But so far we love him
His original name was Duke which we liked, but Nikolai wanted to name him Lucky, so we compromised on Luke