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Lovebirds giving mixed signals


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Hi all, brand new to the group and thought I'd ask for some advice. We have 2 lovebirds, Kulu (peach face, assumed male) and Lola (blue, assumed female).
We had Kulu first and he is v noisy but happy and always lively, but we were worried he was lonely during the day hence we bought Lola. We introduced them very slowly and did everything right (so I believe) with quarantine, then placing the cages next to each other and letting them get used to each other. They sat as close to possible to each other all the time and seemed really interested in each other so eventually we decided to let them out together, they were fine and they seemed to really get on!
3 months later we decided to try putting them into a brand new larger cage, new toys new everything.
At first they were FINE a few pecks here and there but nothing to even 2nd glance at and Kulu started regurgitating food for Lola and they were preening each other every day.

But on Christmas eve, we made the decision to separate them back into separate cages again due to Kulu really having it in for Lola, he kept biting her ankles and chasing her round the cage just to attack her and Lola was sat on the bottom of the cage cowering.

They seem happy again now they are back in their separate cages, but it seems such a shame when they were getting on so well and preening and cuddling each other just a week before.

Does anyone have any advice on this, what could be the cause, whether it was anything to worry about or if it was mating behaviour. We would obviously LOVE to have them in the same cage and would love to get back there at some point.

Worth noting neither birds have their wings clipped and neither are hand tamed despite best efforts lol.



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Sorry meant to attach this pic instead of the same one twice lol. This is them both outside of the cage and the other image is them both when they were cuddling in the shared cage.



♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Hello Zoe :)

Kulu (peach face, assumed male) and Lola (blue, assumed female)
Both of your birds are Peach-faced (Agapornis Roseicollis)
What makes you think Kulu is male?

The bird on the left is Turquoise pied and possibly something else that is making the blue look so pale. The bird on the right is Aqua. Different mutations, same species :)

if it was mating behaviour
No. The girls will sometimes nip at toes but never one bird chasing the other around. You did the right thing separating them.
You can wait for some time. Observe them together out in the room, be sure to offer them this time together to give them chance to interact.
You can try again in a few weeks and see how they get on a second time.
It could also be the change of cage that upset Kulu, maybe see how they get on in one of the existing cages? Or be sure to move fave toys over.


Moving in
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What makes you think Kulu is male?
He has regurgitated food for Lola but 'she' has never regurgitated for 'him' this is the only reason I have for thinking 'he' is male and 'she' is female. :) It doesn't really matter to us but obviously it matters to them due to I know females tend to be more aggressive.

No. The girls will sometimes nip at toes but never one bird chasing the other around. You did the right thing separating them.
You can wait for some time. Observe them together out in the room, be sure to offer them this time together to give them chance to interact.
You can try again in a few weeks and see how they get on a second time.
It could also be the change of cage that upset Kulu, maybe see how they get on in one of the existing cages? Or be sure to move fave toys over.
Honestly, out in the room they're great together, I think they make each other feel more confident as every day they are out they are exploring more and more and gradually getting closer to us which is really what we want, for them to make the decision to come close to us and interact.

I thought that by getting all new cages and toys etc that it would be a neutral space that neither had previous claim over, I know Lovebirds can be extremely territorial and possessive over toys and spaces so we didn't want to risk putting Lola into Kulu's larger cage in case he attacked her.

A friend of mine has 2 budgies and she has said that she needs to get 2 of everything so that one bird doesn't feel left out if the other has a toy that they like... Its like having kids!! :laugh:

Really appreciate the advice though thank you so much!!

I had no idea that Kulu was an Aqua Peach Faced- we always thought that he was a Dutch Blue! :)


Sprinting down the street
Avenue Veteran
I wholeheartedly agree that giving them time outside of their cages together is a good idea before trying to put them in a single cage again. I am interested to see their individual and joint cage set-ups, and them interacting with each other as well as you. Do you have a social media page for them or anything?
If their wings are clipped and they aren't hand tame, how are you getting them back into their cages?


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Reino de España
I had no idea that Kulu was an Aqua Peach Faced- we always thought that he was a Dutch Blue! :)
Dutch blue will have a two-toned beak. I don´t see that in the picture you posted.

Sounds like you´re doing everything right, but these birds just aren´t black and white, and things that should work, sometimes don´t. @Momo & Mido has two boys, they get on well out of their cages but they are housed separately for bedtime, maybe she will know something more, or have some tips.

A friend of mine has 2 budgies and she has said that she needs to get 2 of everything so that one bird doesn't feel left out if the other has a toy that they like... Its like having kids!! :laugh:
lol lovebirds are so darn stubborn, if you have two of each same toy, they will still fight over one toy :lol:


Sprinting down the street
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I feel your pain. You just want them to be happy together, but one of them is just a little to territorial.
From what you’ve said you did an excellent job. When I brought my second one home, someone here warned me about the honeymoon fase. And although they were getting along so well in the beginning, my first bird got very territorial. No problem for me because I was prepared for it with a huge cage that I can divide into two with plexiglass. But still, it broke my heart.
2.5 years later they are still very good friends. They still sleep separate, but do everything else together. When we board them at the parrot rescue they are together in one big cage. And come back to us like this bonded couple.
My advice would be to take a step back. Celebrate the moments they share with each other. But prepare yourself that they may be never more than just good friends, and you will be fine

Good luck. And keep us updated. We can learn from each other