Hello folks 
I've been puttering around the forum lurking for a couple of years now waiting for the time to be right to adopt a little feathered beastie. Probably time to say hello then.
The stars have aligned, we're buying a house next year and in the meantime we've moved our office into a room with doors (vs a completely finished but not self contained basement) and we are making the leap. I'm pretty chuffed.
I made a few trips to the local bird store to hang out, ask advice, sit with the birds. I had been thinking one of their parrotlets would be just the thing, I was proven incorrect by a cage full of nearly weaned green-cheeks
We have a deposit down on a normal, now named Ada, and we'll be bringing her home in about a month.
The shopping has begun!

I've been puttering around the forum lurking for a couple of years now waiting for the time to be right to adopt a little feathered beastie. Probably time to say hello then.
The stars have aligned, we're buying a house next year and in the meantime we've moved our office into a room with doors (vs a completely finished but not self contained basement) and we are making the leap. I'm pretty chuffed.
I made a few trips to the local bird store to hang out, ask advice, sit with the birds. I had been thinking one of their parrotlets would be just the thing, I was proven incorrect by a cage full of nearly weaned green-cheeks
We have a deposit down on a normal, now named Ada, and we'll be bringing her home in about a month.
The shopping has begun!