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I need help!


Moving in
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Esmeralda H
So I happen to of gotten a lovebird from a breeder about an hour an a half away. Her name is Bleu , she’s a peach-faced love bird!! So I’ve been in contact with my breeder regarding concerns i have for her and I’ve gotten not much help. These are my concerns if anyone can help me!!!
So my little Bleu , she's now plucking her main feathers .. more like the big ones that have been cut by her breeder. But I've been reading and reading about some of these behaviors and some just don't explain or help at alll. I showered with her to bond because she still won't let us touch her and that's okay no rush but she falls asleep in the shower, still really has super good balance but doesn't bathe herself just kinda sits there and dozes off. I have a corner where shampoos go about as high as my chest but it kinda sinks in to where 1-2 cm of water sit too so she can bathe herself as well that's the most I've touched her I guess because she was sleeping still very hesitant and she let me carry her to the room afterwards in a towel not wrapped up just kinda hanging on and we got her more toys and she doesn't play with them. She’ll maybe jingle these tiny Christmas bells I got her sometimes here and there. She comes out (we leave her cage door open) but still keeps her distance away from us. For me she lets me get close to her but still very hesitant but only to clean or put food in cage. She does this thing where she’ll tap with her beak on the food container even if it’s full and one more thing she doesn’t like sunflower seeds and won’t eat fresh veggies or fruit. I’m going on my one month with her on the 13th of December


Moving in
Real Name
Esmeralda H
Do I follow them or look at their page I’m kinda new to this. I joined todsy


Rollerblading along the road
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Bear (It's a nickname)
When they are active next they will come and help. I am not a lovebird person and do not want to give the wrong information. Sorry.


Ripping up the road
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She's plucking her feathers as in pulling them out? How old is she? Has she ever been to the vet? When a bird is plucking it's always good to rule out health issues first before moving on to behavioral issues. She seems too young to me for it to be behavioral. And how long are you leaving her in the shower that she's falling asleep? A month is a very short period of time for a bird. You sound like you're doing the right things- just move slowly at her pace to build trust. Try hand feeding her something that she likes a lot like maybe millet spray? It can take awhile for a bird who has never had fruits and vegetables to eat them. Just keep trying.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Welcome to the Avenue Esmeralda :)

Her name is Bleu , she’s a peach-faced love bird!!
Congratulations! :starshower:

she's now plucking her main feathers .. more like the big ones that have been cut by her breeder. But I've been reading and reading about some of these behaviors and some just don't explain or help at alll.
Are you new to birds? It is common for a bird to ¨preen¨ (groom) their feathers. Especially after baths and journeys.
If she is paying a lot of attention to clipped flights, it could be they were clipped recently, or she could fly before, and the flight feathers were cut and she´s trying to figure it out.

but she falls asleep in the shower, still really has super good balance but doesn't bathe herself just kinda sits there and dozes off.
I don´t shower with my birds, so I don´t know what my little ones would do in there. @DoubleTake @fluffypoptarts ?
Sleeping a lot throughout the day can be classed as a sign of illness. Did you take her for a vet check up to be sure she is illness and disease free? If not, I would make an appointment, it is always recommended when bringing home a new bird.

we got her more toys and she doesn't play with them
In time hopefully she will enjoy them. To encourage her, you can ¨play¨ with her. For eg, you have a mahogany pod, when she is near you, show it to her, then pick off a couple of small pieces. Same can be done for paper type toys, crinkle it a bit (not to fast though), try to getch her interest. Small plastic balls (wiffle balls/cat balls) can be rolled on a table top or cage floor.

She does this thing where she’ll tap with her beak on the food container even if it’s full
My birds, both male and female, will beak bang things for one of three reasons; hormonal, checking out a potential nest, or for fun.

she doesn’t like sunflower seeds
Some of mine don´t and I don´t lose sleep over it. They should be fed in moderation, just a few a day anyway. You can use millet spray for treats instead of SF seeds

won’t eat fresh veggies or fruit.
I only offer a small 1cm2 piece of fruit to each bird, they don´t really eat a lot of it, they go for veggies first.
Try offering the veggies in the mornings when Bleu is most hungry. It can take some patience, but hopefully they will eat them in the end. Also, if she doesn´t eat a certain vegetable one day, don´t assume she doesn´t like it, just keep offering her small pieces of it.

2 weeks with a bird is a very short amount of time, I´m sure you will know so much more in a couple of weeks from now, and even more a few months after that :)

(Sorry for the delay in response, I read it like you got her an hour and a half ago, and wrote a really long post then saw the last line and had to start again! :facepalm: :lol: )


Rollerblading along the road
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My girl doesn't bath in the shower. She just sits there with her eyes closed and tllrts the mist hit her. She only enjoys bathing in her bird bath. She will sometimes bathe in her water bowl but only if it's a while since I brought out the bird bath.


Biking along the boulevard
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Mine are intimidated by the shower and prefer bathing in the sink or their bowls! They’re active bathers, though...I’ve never seen a bird just sit there and fall asleep in water/a shower.


Moving in
Real Name
Esmeralda H
She's plucking her feathers as in pulling them out? How old is she? Has she ever been to the vet? When a bird is plucking it's always good to rule out health issues first before moving on to behavioral issues. She seems too young to me for it to be behavioral. And how long are you leaving her in the shower that she's falling asleep? A month is a very short period of time for a bird. You sound like you're doing the right things- just move slowly at her pace to build trust. Try hand feeding her something that she likes a lot like maybe millet spray? It can take awhile for a bird who has never had fruits and vegetables to eat them. Just keep trying.
She’s 4 months soon to be 5 now and yes pulling them out from the front like the small one and the flight feathers I believe too. I’m not sure if she’s been to a vet and while I’m in there for maybe 20-30 mins max but she’s not in water the entire time.


Moving in
Real Name
Esmeralda H
Mine are intimidated by the shower and prefer bathing in the sink or their bowls! They’re active bathers, though...I’ve never seen a bird just sit there and fall asleep in water/a shower.
I have given her the option of a sink or bowl and she still won’t


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Reino de España
She’s 4 months soon to be 5 now and yes pulling them out from the front like the small one and the flight feathers I believe too.
At this age she will be going through her first moult/main moult. It will be the most interesting moult she will ever go through as she will lose most of her baby feathers, and lose the dull colour, getting brighter plumage. Her brow line will become more prominent.
It is the moult where she will lose those most feathers all at once, and at times can look a bit shaggy but won´t have any bald patches - that would be a problem.

I’m not sure if she’s been to a vet
If you (personally) have not taken her, then I recommend you make an appointment to take her and get her checked over. Lovebirds are notorious for certain diseases.

**When bringing home a lovebird, it is important to have them tested for PBFD, Psittacosis and Polyoma by your avian vet.
Full info post; Bird Species & Diseases They are Most Susceptible to