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lovebird plucking

  1. cerva0530

    Soft collar recommendations?

    TL;DR : I would like purchase recommendations for soft collars for lovebirds. Or, recommendations for making one. As well as advice for managing plucking, especially from other lovebird owners with experience. Hi all, my sweet girl Beau has been struggling with feather plucking for a few years...
  2. Eyhx

    I need help!

    So I happen to of gotten a lovebird from a breeder about an hour an a half away. Her name is Bleu , she’s a peach-faced love bird!! So I’ve been in contact with my breeder regarding concerns i have for her and I’ve gotten not much help. These are my concerns if anyone can help me!!! So my...
  3. H

    Lighting-Can parrots get migraines ?

    I have a lovebird that plucks chronically. We’ve checked off the list from everything from the avian vet, diet, enrichment, vitamin d ect... I noticed that while in her flight cage outdoors in sunny days she hides her face in the ridges of her hammock I made for her (shes only gets it under...