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I NEED HELP PLEASE, baby in my ¨garden¨


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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I'm still sat in the car waiting to hear any news....

Tiel Feathers

Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Oh no, I’m so sorry to hear this! You are awesome for helping him. I hope he will be okay, his parents must be worried sick!


Rollerblading along the road
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London, UK
Fingers crossed for the little one! I wonder if the crop got damaged when they fell...


Rollerblading along the road
Phoenix AZ
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Maggie Beasley
:bounce7: YESS!! :bounce7:


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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I have no idea how it happened, I think I didn´t notice yesterday because he hadn´t eaten much, and when he ate a lot this morning, it was being squished out.

The vet said that they have stitched the inner layer and stitched outer layer of the crop. He has sprayed something on it, it is silver. I think he called it aluminium spray (?) . I have some meds too, need to feed one quarter tablet every morning and every night. I think it is called Clavubactin. He said ideally I could give meds for 8 days... but obviously he may take flight before then. The more medicine he has the better chance of survival.

When I got home I made a better job of blocking off the gaps. So the bird will only leave once flighted.

I had seen the baby pecking at the seeds earlier, vet confirmed he had eaten them.

I´ve put a clean blanket down, I will wash the other by hand in the shower before the washing machine.

I just heard the little one cry out. Hope fully the parents will come back. It is almost 9pm now... if not tonight, I hope they reappear in the morning.....


Rollerblading along the road
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You are so kind Zara! I hope the little guy makes it. I took in a almost fledgling sparrow years ago. I crawled under a car to get him in a parking lot of an apartment complex where young boys were tormenting him. The mom was squawking close by. I took him in and placed him in a small cage in the window where the mom would come feed him. She came faithfully and the little guy started flying around my living room after a few days. I took him outside, waited for mom to show up and let him fly off with her.


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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I took in a almost fledgling sparrow years ago. I crawled under a car to get him in a parking lot of an apartment complex where young boys were tormenting him. The mom was squawking close by. I took him in and placed him in a small cage in the window where the mom would come feed him. She came faithfully and the little guy started flying around my living room after a few days. I took him outside, waited for mom to show up and let him fly off with her.

Aww that´s so nice! I hope this little one can fly off with his parents when the time is right!! :)


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Spotlight Award
CA, North America, Planet Earth
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Oh my goodness, what a ride. So happy he's doing better!!!! You said you closed up the gaps so he couldn't get out but the parents can still come in? If you're worried about him being able to get off the balcony too early, you could also take him in and feed him yourself and then let him fly free in a week or so when he can fly well. I got a pair of orphaned pigeon babies once, that were fully feathered but not yet able to fly and live on their own, and it only took about a week of feeding before they were ready to be freed again and they did great. But of course since this baby's got doting parents, that's so much better!

Thank you so much for helping them out! You're amazing; you've saved that sweet baby's life twice now!


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
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Awwww that's lovely. Thanks for taking care of him!
I hope the parents return soon :heart:


♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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I really was so scared for him
I got a bad feeling when I saw the wound, but I didn´t want to prod and poke. When the vet cleaned the crop and I saw the hole, my heart sank :(

Did the vet say if he would be able to eat so soon after the operation?
He didn´t say. But I told the vet the parents feeding schedule today and he never said anything.

You said you closed up the gaps so he couldn't get out but the parents can still come in? If you're worried about him being able to get off the balcony too early, you could also take him in and feed him yourself and then let him fly free in a week or so when he can fly well.
Yes, I forgot to post the picture I took. So before, in prev. pictures you´ll see I left upside down plant pots to block the gap under the glass so that the chick doesn´t fall from the balcony. The parents fly in and feed him.
I really don´t want to assert myself and get involved. I want the bird to stay wild, his parents were feeding him today so as long as they return tomorrow, I don´t need to feed him :)
I´ll get my mobile and post you the picture :)

I got a pair of orphaned pigeon babies once, that were fully feathered but not yet able to fly and live on their own, and it only took about a week of feeding before they were ready to be freed again and they did great.
That´s great! So nice to hear other have helped baby birds too! :loveshower:

I think I´m extra invested after the recent events with chicks. Go back and I´m sure I wrote 3rd time lucky.

It´s dark now 10pm. I´ve set my alarm for sun up :)

IMG_20190823_203645.jpg IMG_20190823_203657.jpg

I gave him the clean blanket and he pooped on it :cautious:
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♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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If only we had an animal language interpreter. I'd love to hear the story he tells his parents about his outing when they come back
Me too!
I think he was very frightened. He must be in pain too. He just sat the whole time. And waas very calm at the vet.

This is the third time a bird has been in my car. Sydney when he was a baby, then the baby chicken, then this little one... When I went to collect him after the surgery, a young lady about my age was sat in the waiting room, they called her in and didn´t close the door. He presented her with a box, which within a minute was jumping all over the table. She had found a sick chicken in the park where I found the chick the other month. Bless her, she took it to the vet, I think it hada wound too.