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Help with my Pineapple GCC. He has anxiety?


Moving in
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So I'm in kind of a unique situation with my GCC. When I first rescued him 2 years ago he was pretty outgoing. Then when springtime hit like a week later, he became hormonal and cranky. Always biting and cursing (I think he learned from his previous owners) After spring ended, he became nervous and jumpy. He's been like that ever since.. for 2 years. I'm always trying to bond with him but for some reason he seems anxious with everyone here. None of us have ever done anything to him. We even adopted a Jenday a few months after we brought the GCC home for my mom and for him to bond with, hoping that his anxiety will calm a bit, and and he hates her. The Jenday however, is fine. No behavior issues and is very loving. I don't know what changed to make him so jumpy. Could he be getting some ptsd or something from his last house? We rescued him because he was neglected. The only time he's not jumpy is when he's biting any of the men in the house. He really hates men.

I took him to the vet and she said he just has anxiety and to spend time with him. So I've been trying and really patient but I just can't seem to get him as outgoing as he used to be for that one week. I thought I'd finally turn to you guys for help since the vet didn't help that much.

Also he has a huge cage for himself with lots of toys and a perch with even more toys. So I don't think he's bored?


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I don't have experience with conures nor something that fits your exact situation.

I just want to say. Poor little guy. So sad that he was abused so badly that he knows curses and lost all hope in humans.

I am sorry he doesn't get on with the Jenday. I hope you get useful advice here. Don't give up on him, I am sure he is doing everything for a reason.

As a human with ptsd in my therapy I learned how to accept parts of my own behaviour as things that are part of surviving. Sometimes we just need to protect ourselves and our bodies do a good job at that even if it causes us to struggle in social situations. Not to say that birds and humans deal with trauma the same. Just that I am sure he has good reasons to have built his walls. Best of luck helping him find trust again. :hug2:


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If he was good the first week, that might have been an abnormal behavior for him like the honeymoon period everyone talks about. He may just have a nervous personality. Dr. Orosz’ office recently prescribed Paroxetine for a friend's cheekie. I plan on asking about it at the next appointment.