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Help taming my baby lovebird??

Lovebird lover

Moving in
I have just recently purchased a male lovebird from a bird store two days ago. The vendor said he was still a baby so it would be easy to train. He said in order to train it I have to grab it from its cage and take it outside and get it used to my hands?
I am skeptical about this because the lovebird was screeching and looked frightened and I have read online about how forcefully grabbing lovebirds from their cages is a big no. I also read online that I should just sit by my bird in his cage for a couple of days and do things with him such as reading to him, sitting next to him to eat, and sleeping in the same room as him. I did eat next to him today and he seemed to enjoy it as he hopped down from his perch and started eating too
I am looking for advice on how to tame him. I really want to have a bond with him and have him do simple things such as step up on my finger and have him with me outside of the cage. He is not scared of my presence in the room or if I approach the cage. He does quickly look at me and moves slightly but does not screech or move or flap around. Even changing his food or his toys isn't a problem he simply sits there and stares. The only problem is reaching my hand in the cage and going towards him, that is when he starts climbing all over and chirping loudly and flaps to get away. I did take the vendor's advice on grabbing him and putting the bird in a bathtub (his wings are clipped) and it wasnt so good at first but after a while he would step onto my hand to try to get out and he wouldn't be as afraid. He even perched on my finger to put him back in his cage. He was more open then, but getting him out and getting him used to me was a problem. I even let him roam the house sometimes and yes I have to catch him to put him back but he runs around and doesn't flap.

Should I continue to do as the vendor said? (It did go well after a while and he even perched on me so he could get a bath under the sink) Or should I do as most people say and take it extremely slow and not touch him? He is a 1-3 month old male lovebird. Thanks

zoo mom

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TAKE IT SLOWLY. How would you feel if a giant reached into your house and grabbed you out and insisted on you interacting with it. You would probably do what he wanted but it would be out of fear not out of trust or friendship.

Sit beside his cage. Read to him. Talk to him. Eat with him. Find a favorite treat and hold it out to him and see if he will take it from your hand. If not drop it in his bowl. Eventually he will come over and take it from you. After he does that consistently, hold the treat so he had to step on you to get it. Then let him go back to his cage. Also put a perch on the door of his cage so it is outside the cage when you open the door. He may be more likely to step up if he is not inside the cage.

Lovebird lover

Moving in
Thank you for the advice! He does love coming out of his cage when I leave it open. Maybe I'll try leaving a few treats and a perch outside his cage and start to offer him some treats by hand when he is ready. Would you recommend holding a perch next to him in his cage so he will climb on and then take him outside? I have seen many people do this as a start besides using millet to hand feed the bird.


Sprinting down the street
The netherlands
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Thank you for the advice! He does love coming out of his cage when I leave it open. Maybe I'll try leaving a few treats and a perch outside his cage and start to offer him some treats by hand when he is ready. Would you recommend holding a perch next to him in his cage so he will climb on and then take him outside? I have seen many people do this as a start besides using millet to hand feed the bird.
It far too early for that now, that comes after the trust inside the cage.

Nancy B

Rollerblading along the road
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I have had a family of 5 lovebirds for the past 16 years, and they are all different. Their father was the friendliest, the babies are very sweet but have some of their independent mom in them. Their mom was not hand tame and could never touch her. Get some dowel rods from a local craft store. Hold the stick right at his feet and gently touch his ankles with it, saying step up. Hold a piece of millet, and give him a nibble when he does it. All of my birds would hop on a dowel rod, then would spin and twirl on it! Lovebirds are a great breed!