Hi, sorry if posting this re-vives too old a topic or something.... I just read this whole thread, and whooo. My Missy Moo, a 5 1/2 y/o congo has had some seizures. We have been chasing the root problem for 2 years now. This thread has given us hope. We had previuosly thought strobing lighting, (tv, flourescent lighting strobes a bit as do others) then we thought peanut allergy. Once we removed all traces of peanuts from her diet, and switched to pellets, they slowed to 2-3 every few months. We were actually thinking we may have beat it this time, but last night she had a small one, then tonight a big one. I like you, am thankfull and or ignorant of the fact that she always has them when someone is home. I have been scared to death..... I know we all love our little friends, but my moo is very special too. She
just learned to fly recently at age 5+ up until 2 months ago she flew just like I do, she would flap and fall to a thud every time. She also holds back and forth conversations and corrects people when they are wrong. She also sings songs she makes up, and she cuddles on her back on my forearm like a baby. Going forward, we will be looking at adding some calcium, and re-reading the thread for more diet adjustments when we are less emotional, these are so rough...... The vitiman that comes from sun, was it d3?, makes sence, these seem to coenside with times of lesser light. You mentioned adding lighting, is there a brand or certian type we should look for? Just for the record, we are really good parrot parents, we love her with all our heart, and she has a good life. I am so glad Gemini is well!

thaank youuuuu!