I sue foil as wet paper doesnt suit my chest, there is grill bottom between Jasper and the foil so cant get to it.What are you using at the bottom of the cage?
his poop is a bit runny but thats because only thing he is eating fruit wise at minute is grapes so it says that can cause runny poop. Nut no it defo coming from Jasper. I wonder if its because he is on special seed mix with no peanuts or sunflower seeds. I dont re-use the foil I bin it and use fressh but thinking of buying towling as then I can wash it and re-use it. I am changing his tray once a days I have tryed giving veg but he wont have it he is 13 weeks old. I really dont want to send him back but smells do effect my chest I researched my but of on breeds what would suit me so I am rather destroyed with me having problems. I showered him today and smelled better after.I realized you mentioned wet paper doesn't suit your chest. Do you mean it irritates your allergies or something? Eclectus on a fresh diet shouldn't really get papers wet with their poop. It should dry fairly quickly and be solid. This may sound gross... but if you can, possibly post a picture of it. That could be a clue right there that something like an infection could be going on, especially with the odor.
The only times Reza would have poop that seemed to get the newspaper wet was if he had bathed or ate something with high water content.
yeah I know about the toe tapping think I need to try get him to eat more see if I can turn the muskyness into sweet. Otherwise I may have to return him : ( I never new about this musky smell and I read that site loads. I was just concerned the feathers wouldnt effect me the whole smell thing didnt even crop into my mind grrrr.I was about to say, actually that eclectus normally have a sweeter smell. To me Reza always smelled like a hint of Fruit Loops. He ate many different fruits, veggies, and grains daily. No pellets and a 1/4 of Volkmann's eclectus mix.
Sometimes pellets or fortified foods can cause toe tapping, wing flipping, and plucking.