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Urgent 1 month old GCC questions


Moving in
hey all, long time lurker, first time poster. I recently bought an unweaned baby green cheek at 21 days old- something i would never do again. the baby is now a month old ❤ and adorable as can be. i recently took baby to a specialized avian vet two days ago (cost quite a pretty penny) to make sure everything was going well, and make sure baby had not aspirated (i heard a slight clicking noise when breathing). baby was given a clean bill of health but given a shot if doxy as a precautionary measure, i was taught how to properly hand feed (103-107 degree formula, 4x a day). baby is kept in 80-85 degree temperature as instructed by vet.
okay, now that thats all out of the way, i have two concerns i bring to you now. just about an hour ago, i noticed chusi has really stinky poops. im not positive this wasn’t the case beforehand, but i don’t think it was there before. im wondering if perhaps a mild yeast infection has developed due to the antibiotics? could it be the formula im feeding? i recently switched from kaytee exact to harrisons juvenile. the baby is very active, vocal, practicing flying (adorable!) always begging for food, snuggling, etc. i really cannot afford another vet trip, but i will find a way if this is truly an emergency.
something else i’ve noticed is that chusi has an emerging bald spot on their crop, and im trying not to be worried but there don’t appear to be any follicles under the skin in that area. i’ll attach some recent pictures, one with a full crop (so you can see the bald spot), and some other cute ones. thanks again!



Moving in
also, i forgot to mention that im feeding him 11ml a feeding, and he currently weighs 74g


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chusi has really stinky poops. im not positive this wasn’t the case beforehand, but i don’t think it was there before. im wondering if perhaps a mild yeast infection has developed due to the antibiotics? could it be the formula im feeding? i recently switched from kaytee exact to harrisons juvenile.
It could be.
It is not recommened to switch suddenly to a new formula, you have to slowly transition by mixing the powders.
Smelly poops are not a good sign and should be looked at by a professional.
Maybe you could call the vet and speak over the phone or send an email?

chusi has an emerging bald spot on their crop, and im trying not to be worried but there don’t appear to be any follicles under the skin in that area.
That is correct. The crop expands. When it is not full the feathers will cover it as should be. Perfectly normal.

also, i forgot to mention that im feeding him 11ml a feeding, and he currently weighs 74g
Should be feeding 7.5-8CC per feed. 11 is too much, feeding too much can lead to overstreched crop as well as other problems.


Moving in
thank you for your response! i really appreciate it. i have changed the babies feeding to 8cc per feeding. i called the vet and im waiting for a response