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cockatiel baby

  1. P


    hi guys!! It's been about a week with my new cockatiel. he's the sweetest ever! i was just wondering one thing, what do these sounds mean? 20240705_184049.mp4 he's only 2 and a half months, already very clingy and screams when i leave the room lol. do these sounds mean anything or is he just...
  2. L

    Baby Cockatiel Age

    Hi i recently got my first cockatiel on May 20th i was in contact with the breeder from the 5th of May at that point he'd told me the hatch date of my bird was April 16th i'd received a bunch of pictures i'll add them here and since he's been in my care (just assuming gender) he's been seeming...
  3. M

    Identifying cockatiel type

    Breeded white face male cockatiel and cinnamon pearl cocktiel...Surprised to see chick with red eyes...What does it mean and what type it is...
  4. E

    baby cockatiel questions

    Hello! i’m pretty new to actually posting on this website but i use its advice constantly, i have three parakeets and a lovebird. and two days ago i got a 9 week old cockatiel. i’m very new to this whole hand feeding thing but i’ve been researching like crazy. i’m so anxious and i definitely...
  5. SilverSoo

    Hey, I'm new baby owner here

    Hi, thanks for having me here I've been reading some posts here and decided to join. I've been gifted a baby cockatiel, they said its 4 weeks old at most, to take care of and wanted to learn as much as I could to make him happy, I named him Jamie, even tho I still dont know if its a male or...
  6. B

    My cockatiel is very aggressive when around my new cockatiel

    Hello All, I have a cockatiel that is about a year old (named Mac) who has always been a sweet bird for the most part. Recently he has been more aggressive in certain scenarios but I am sure that is just because of his hormones and what not so I have just been more careful when handling him...
  7. P

    Weaning and handfeeding

    So I bought these 2 babies (1- born sep 27 and 2- oct 1) and I had to take them home earlier than expected (on nov 7- so they were 6 weeks) and handfeed them myself as the breeder was travelling. I've never handfed or weaned babies before and so she taught me how to prep the food, how to do it...
  8. P

    Taking a baby cockatiel home at the 28 day old

    I have bought 2 cockatiels 1. a pearl-(born Sept 27/2020) and 2. a normal grey- (born Oct 01-2020) and I initially told the breeder I wanted to take them home once they're fully weaned, however, the breeder has just informed me that she is traveling on Nov 1 and would like if I take them home...
  9. I

    baby cockatiel refuses to eat if not handfed (51-days-old)

    hey!! writing from my phone, so please excuse any mistakes,, i currently have two cockatiels, a lady and her 51-day-old baby. when the baby was much younger and they were temporarily not living with me (i was moving, so i left my babies at my dad's house to avoid issues both with the move itself...
  10. RayRay

    Cockatiel strange behaviour

    Hi! I have a roughly 5 month old cockatiel that I assume is a female based off of its behaviour. Its definitely taken a liking to me as it spends the entire day with me compared to family members. Recently its started a strange behaviour that I'm not sure about. It sits on my laptop and gets...
  11. C

    Accidentally forgot to check the chick crop before feeding, worried that I may have overfed. Advice?

    Hi, so I'm not a breeder, I used to foster baby birds for people who didn't know better than to purchase a <4 week old chick. All the chicks I helped with from 2 weeks to 9 weeks were always fine. I never panicked like this. My mom recently brought home a 3 week old cockatiel chick. Normal...
  12. M

    3 Week Old Cockatiel suddenly not interested in food (sad update #7)

    Hey guys. New to this forum. I recently got a 3 week old Pearl cockatiel I've been hand raising. (I have experience with hand feeding). She's been doing fantastic for a week now, eating like a champ and gaining weight. Poops are normal. She's kept in a brooder at 87 degrees. When I went for the...
  13. Birdman696

    Pictures Help identifying my new cockatiel

    I just bought a baby male (supposedly) cockatiel and was wondering if anyone could help me identify its mutation. Thanks in advance. Also any help identifying its gender would be excellent as I am unsure if it is actually a male.
  14. PipTheBird

    4 Month Old Cockatiel Questions

    (Please let me know if this in the wrong thread! If so, I apologize and I'll move it to the appropriate one.) Hello! I just joined this site recently, mainly to ask a few questions about my Cockatiel. My boyfriend and I just got a 4 month old one a week ago, and he's technically our first bird...
  15. M

    Cockatile baby handfeeding

    Hi, I have a 3-4 weeks old cockatiel baby. I fed him when his crop is empty with syringe. But I want to know how many ml (mililiter) I should feed him and how many times a day for 3-4 weeks old baby cockatiel. Thanks
  16. A

    4 week old cockatiel refusing formula

    In need of urgent help I have been handfeeding a baby cockatiel (pulled at 3 weeks of age) and she has been accepting the formula without any problems before. Lately she has started to refuse the formula and started to take interest in seeds. I'm aware that it's possibly self-weaning but it's...
  17. Nestum

    Cockatiel eats everything!

    So I got Plato this Wednesday and everything is going amazingly well. Since Socrates already came sick I never really experienced what was having a real cockatiel. Plato seems very healthy, he's very active and loved the toys I gave him right away. Within two days he was practically fully...
  18. Nestum

    Cockatiel eats everything!

    So I got Plato this Wednesday and everything is going amazingly well. Since Socrates already came sick I never really experienced what was having a real cockatiel. Plato seems very healthy, he's very active and loved the toys I gave him right away. Within two days he was practically fully...
  19. Nestum

    New bird, new worries

    This week I'm going to pick up a two month old pearl white faced Cockatiel, independent, an absolute cutie. I think it might be female but it's still too young for me to know and I'm probably not getting a DNA test anytime soon. Either way I'm going to name it Plato since my last bird was named...
  20. Szandor

    Best new bird to go with a male Tiel?

    Hi! I've made a couple posts here about my Tiel named Sam, and I'm thinking of getting him a brother later this year! I've heard a lot of different things about which breeds and sexes of breeds are best for a male Cockatiel, but thought I'd ask here as well. He's quite friendly, has had some...