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What type of bird is this?

Cat The Great

Sprinting down the street
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Normally I usually never post and I just look at posts, but since you are possibly considering a BB parrot I thought I would chime in. For reference, I have a six year old canary-winged parakeet (also known as a BB parrot) named Georgie. From my experience as an owner I can say that when BB parakeet scream are extremely loud with a piercing quality. When my bird has screamed you can hear her scream outside the house (just to give reference on how loud their screams can be) That being said, my bird will typically use these screams if she is not happy with something, scared, or mad. While I can say that it is not constant, my bird does scream like that depending on the week. Sometimes I go weeks with her behaving herself and not screaming bloody murder just cause she wants to and other times like this week she was screaming bloody murder. I will say that generally speaking, she is very quiet parrot with loud vocalizations about once or twice day. My bird does fall out of the typical personality of a BB parrot so I won't comment on the research for their typical personality. For me personally, my bird is sweet but is generally a sassy individual. She is a perch potato and occasionally I will spot her playing with a toy she loves but not too often. My bird enjoys showers and taking walks with the bird backpack I have. She is very flock oriented and likes to eat when everyone else in my family does. That being said just realize that my experience and my bird's personality is obviously not going to be the same for you or any other owner.
I hope this helps,

Kiwi's Dad

Rollerblading along the road
Mayor of the Avenue
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Wanted to add that canary winged and white winged parakeets are different :)

Bird &Fish

Moving in
Ok, thank you all.
Normally I usually never post and I just look at posts, but since you are possibly considering a BB parrot I thought I would chime in. For reference, I have a six year old canary-winged parakeet (also known as a BB parrot) named Georgie. From my experience as an owner I can say that when BB parakeet scream are extremely loud with a piercing quality. When my bird has screamed you can hear her scream outside the house (just to give reference on how loud their screams can be) That being said, my bird will typically use these screams if she is not happy with something, scared, or mad. While I can say that it is not constant, my bird does scream like that depending on the week. Sometimes I go weeks with her behaving herself and not screaming bloody murder just cause she wants to and other times like this week she was screaming bloody murder. I will say that generally speaking, she is very quiet parrot with loud vocalizations about once or twice day. My bird does fall out of the typical personality of a BB parrot so I won't comment on the research for their typical personality. For me personally, my bird is sweet but is generally a sassy individual. She is a perch potato and occasionally I will spot her playing with a toy she loves but not too often. My bird enjoys showers and taking walks with the bird backpack I have. She is very flock oriented and likes to eat when everyone else in my family does. That being said just realize that my experience and my bird's personality is obviously not going to be the same for you or any other owner.
I hope this helps,
Thank you so much.