Sprinting down the street
BooBoo chews her wings like this, so we used to take her out without a harness. My husband still wants to take her out harness-less (because we're still miles away from her wearing the aviator we have for her), and every time he's like "I want to go on a walk with BooBoo," I'm like "NOOOOO! D:"
On a funny note... ever seen my bird Maui?
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Even this IMO wears a harness
I just don't want anything to happen.
OMG, how scary. Manfred was briefly flighted, but we had a very near miss where he almost flew out the door, and that basically put an end to that. I would like to let his flights grow in again someday, but in a one-bedroom apartment where our birds live in our living room, it's not really plausible. His cage is less than 5 feet away from our front door. Someday, when we have a bird room, hopefully we will be able to have him fly again, but like you, we are probably going to keep a screen door on it.I almost lost my blue naped mousebird Gryphon to a hawk, many of you remember. He flew to the back of a big loose shirt I had on, and I did not feel him there. I went right out the door to the carport from the birdroom right next to it, to throw away the trash bag I had. I lifted the trashcan lid, it startled him and away he flew around to the back of the house. He was 'playing' in a huge live oak in my backyard. I called my DH to help, and he came home from work. But Gryphon just went higher up to the canopy of this tree.
I spent hours outside with food calling him. He never really left, but would not come down. Then I saw a bird being chased through the trees towards the street out front. It was Gryphon being chased by a hawk! I ran screaming and the hawk took off. But there was no Gryphon to be found. When I had looked away to run, I thought he must have flown away with him in his talons. I looked and looked at my neighbor's across the street. I went back several times. Judy{greycloud} was on and off the phone with me several times through this whole ordeal. AA's members were praying for his safe return.
Then when I was sure the hawk must have flown off with him, Judy encouraged me to look again. There he was, silent and hiding under a bush. I snatched him up and ran home with him close to my chest and cried my eyes out! I NEVER want to go through something like that again, and have taken a lot more precautions to ensure it never does. My birdroom now has a screen door on it, and I always check and double check where everyone is when the door is opened.
When Manfred almost got out, he was running around on the top of his cage (as he does), and my husband forgot he was there, and ducked out onto the balcony to put some plastic bottles in our recycling bag (because our complex doesn't have a recycle bin for some reason). Manfred hates it when people leave the room and 'ditch' him, so he took off after DH, who was halfway past the screen door. I shouted "SHUT THE DOOR RIGHT NOW!" and DH spun around, caught Manfred in midair and slammed the screen door shut, then handed him back to me.
Maybe naming him after the Red Baron wasn't the best idea we've ever had!