This is not a good update. Apparently I don't live in a place that handles this kind of thing. I'm not in the city limits, so my county doesn't do "animal control" unless it's something criminal or a dangerous animal. Even if someone takes him to the shelter, they would be turned away to follow the same catch 22 path they just sent me down. I explained this, but I was already hysterical and crying, so she was just repeating herself slowly and being defensive as though I was mad at her personally... It all really went nowhere. I don't have it in me to start on the vets today. Everyone keeps saying to use fb, but I remember looking for Theo years ago to no avail. I don't think I ever understood how to use fb, because they all seem to think it is the best way. I recall trying to add Mr Theo, and no post ever appeared on the page I found, so I moved on to other tangible things.
I don’t know what to do, and I can't stop shaking or crying or being so bewildered about the shelter and how ineffectual it is for large swaths of land in the same zip code. She kept saying "if they're honest about where they found him, we wouldn't take him." So, I'm consumed by trying to figure out where they would go next, but I don't know. I genuinely think that they're so busy following arbitrary rules that they're incapable of networking. Literally no communication with the next jurisdiction exists, and I was told to ask the city hall in the next town for the number for the county sheriff so that I could call them. What... Is... Happening... I called everyone she told me to call, and they were all as confused as I was about why I was calling them. These towns are MILES away. I'm spinning out.