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MBS (Multiple Bird Syndrome) AKA Just one more...

Anne & Gang

Riding the Skies
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Caledon, Ontario, Canada
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We are at the absolute limit...due to financial reasons and plus I do not think that another birdie would fit well with our current flock dynamics...mostly due to Lord Maxwell Studmuffin...He needs special care and has adapted to the current situation..I do not want to chance bringing in another birdie that may be aggressive towards him.


Rollerblading along the road
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I think it is in the individual and how they handle the situation. I tell my friends all the time that I know I appear to have 'lost it' with spending all of my money on the 'stray' birds. BUT, this is what I choose to do and I will not be judged or labeled for helping. If I start rehoming my flock and bringing in more then yes I have a problem but I don't do this and yet I am still labeled and people that are close to me worry terribly.

I don't know, all I do know is that I take care of what I have here and I spare no expense on my personal birds as well as the 'rescues' that walk through my door. Do I have 12 birds under my roof right now? YUP Does this label me as having MBS? To some Do I care? NO

Perception is a funny thing....


Sprinting down the street
Northeast Indiana
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I thought I wanted more. I started out with my lovebird pair and let them raise a clutch of 5 babies, I gave one bonded pair to a good friend and had planned on giving the other bonded pair to a friend of hers who had experience with birds. That fell through, so I still have them, plus the parents and the single baby...5 total. I really wanted a GCC and a Cockatiel, I wanted a cuddly baby GCC and to possibly rescue a male tiel ( fell in love with the way they seem to serenade whoever or whatever they are whistling to)

Anyway, I chose to get Lyric (GCC) first and wait about 6 months to a year for a tiel...now, although i find them adorable I have no desire to add another bird...I am happy and stay busy enough with what I have, I don't feel that I could provide enough time for more, at least not at this point in life...maybe years from now.


Cruising the avenue
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I have seen where two birds is way to much for someone.Then you take someone else with many birds and they do just fine.It just all depends on circumstances and the person.:)


Ripping up the road
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Living situation(not big enough of a place for MORE proper enclosures and enrichment areas) and TIME, and being the Only human in this household.

Living with my mom, I could have gotten 20+ large birds easily because of the size of house and arrangements. Now, I'm at 12 birds(Opa, Louie, Reo, Moby, Mali, Mera, Pinky, Pua, for large. and Squid and three cockatiels for small). I could do one more. But I'm not looking due to living situation and lack of time.
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Ripping up the road
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Pacific Northwest
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I do want to add that one day, when I own my own home, I will have a small aviary of rescue/rehomed umbrella cockatoos. I think I would do it as normal. Have the aviary and slowly, over time fill it with U2s in need. But not all at once as I don't think I could handle it. This is just a dream.:cloud9:


Ripping up the road
Celebirdy of the Month
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For me it's about time, lifestyle, and personal limits. My personal limits.

I am at a stage in my life where I don't have additional time for more birds nor do I desire the time for more birds. There are only 24 hours in a day, and X amount of resources. As I become more mature I am also recognizing that I also do not have any interest in spending the majority of my time on parrot issues.

I have other aspirations, commitments and hobbies. If I added another bird to my flock I wouldn't be doing anyone any favours. Not to myself, not to my SO and certainly not to my existing flock. Adding another bird into my life would mean something or someone is receiving less. Less time, less money, less interaction, less commitment, less effort, etc.

When it comes to my myself, my family and my flock, I don't ever want to feel that someone's compromising over the long haul.
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Biking along the boulevard
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this thread is exactly what I need....I don't even have my ekkie yet though he will be here soon (!!!), but I've already planned my next bird which I hope will be a cape....and then it hit me that I don't even my ekkie yet...and that ekkies and their living costs are expensive so how am i supposed to afford a cape in the same year????:( i think you get overly emotional sometimes about big purchases that you love and then want to make another one.

I am planning for a cape in the future, when I move into a house and finish my Ph.D. The main issues are space, time, money, and of course where I will be in the future (post-doc or industry or professor?)


Chief of Police
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this thread is exactly what I need....I don't even have my ekkie yet though he will be here soon (!!!), but I've already planned my next bird which I hope will be a cape....and then it hit me that I don't even my ekkie yet...and that ekkies and their living costs are expensive so how am i supposed to afford a cape in the same year????:( i think you get overly emotional sometimes about big purchases that you love and then want to make another one.

I am planning for a cape in the future, when I move into a house and finish my Ph.D. The main issues are space, time, money, and of course where I will be in the future (post-doc or industry or professor?)
That's wonderful to hear Bichlien, if you ever start to waver in your resolve just come back to this thread :hug8:


Feather Snuggler
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Just a note to remember, Roadies. Let's please keep this thread for information and experiences so we can make this a sticky to help members understand the dangers of MBS and how to avoid it. Any comments pointing fingers at others' posts will be deleted.


Cruising the avenue
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Madison, WI
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It's definitely a personal thing and you and only you can know your limit. When I started in birds, nine years ago, it was just Tuchis and then Reggie and then Cooper. I made a decision a long time ago that, for me, I had to realistically stay within the same size bird or I was doomed just because I really needed to be able to let them all out at the same time. That has worked very well for me and one of the reasons I have resisted the Pois I love so dearly. I did have Petey the Patagonian Conure for about four years but due to her allergies to my dusty birds, I absolutely had to find her a new home as her health was in jeopardy. I took in a friend's female D2 and Cooper's sibling Taco and decided to keep Taco because he was Cooper's sibling, but I couldn't do the female D2 and Reggie together and sadly decided that she would have to be rehomed. I wish I would have never made that decision, but at the time, it was what was best for my entire flock. I was also asked to take in a CAG who needed a home when his only other owner was dying of cancer. I almost passed on Clancy but the owner was so insistent that I take him that I couldn't say no. Several years later, I finally decided to take the plunge and get the bird that I had wanted for so long, Kishka, my baby male RB2 who hadn't been clipped and he is my heart and soul.

I was finally at six birds and I truly thought that was my limit. I had moved and I was happy. Tragedy struck and I nearly lost Cooper who was diagnosed with an unremovable mass in his lower abdomen and I did lose Taco, all in the span of a two week period. I was devastated and realized that even though these birds are supposed to live long lives, they can be taken from you in the blink of an eye. I didn't know what to do after Taco's loss and was inconsolable. I didn't know if I wanted another male Ekkie or if I should get a female Ekkie. Cooper missed his brother, that I did know. My vet told me that if I wanted another bird I should go with something hardier like an Amazon or a Senegal. Then I saw videos of Amarillo and my heart was stolen. I went to meet her and she sold herself with her charm and that was that and I was done...until a month later when Chandra told me that she was looking for a home for Abigail because she was worried about the huge size difference between her other birds and Abs. We talked for quite a while and Abs sounded so much like Amarillo and Amarillo didn't have a 'zonnie friend, so I told Chandra I would like to try but that I needed time to absorb the idea of taking on a seventh bird and I still had unpacking to do, so we decided to keep talking and to wait until the new year. In the meantime, another one of Cooper's siblings desperately needed a home and they were going to give this boy to the first person who would take him...I didn't think, I just reacted and went and got him...Ok, we're up to eight birds now if Abs comes home to live but let me tell you, the first time Cooper laid eyes on Wylee, it was like his heart was beating on high again...ok, they hate each other now for the most part but just to see that twinkle in Cooper's eyes again was well worth it and I think they do enjoy each other's company.

Finally, in April, Abigail came home and while Abigail and Amarillo aren't best friends, I think they do like having someone of a similar species around and I don't regret that for a single minute. Sometimes I think, OMG, I have eight birds, but it's a good balance. I have two birds who are really, really needy, Tuchis and Kishka and two birds who are kind of needy, Cooper and Reggie. The rest are really good about entertaining themselves and love a pet or two here or there and are on their way. I think it makes a huge difference that they aren't all attention starved insanity birds.

The decision to make my household a nine bird household with Aspen was kind of a fluke. I had been thinking for a while that I'd really like to get a bird that was Jon's bird. He's a bit sad that none of the greys like him. Clancy is totally hands off for me and him and Tuchis is totally bonded to me. Aspen needed a home and we thought we'd try it. Unfortunately, Aspen seems to be more accepting of me, but is a very skittish bird in general. Once again, I don't regret for one minute bringing him home and giving him a place to land and I'm sure that with time, he will simmer down but I don't know that he will ever be Jon's bird. I'm open to the possibility of bringing in one more grey at some point later in the future, but we'll probably go with a baby that picks Jon at that time.

In the meantime, I'm very happy with my family of nine. We do need to get the basement done (new floor because the carpet is going to drive me completely batty and new ceiling). I don't have kids and don't see them on the horizon if I can help it, so that's not an issue. If we do ever travel, we will have to find a good fid-sitter and that might be an issue but perhaps we can bribe Aunties Deena and Sheryl vacation in Madison. Other than that, things are good. I never envisioned having this many birds...not in a million years. I don't plan on bringing many more into the fold...possibly one more grey and I would never say no to a really sad story of a Rosie in need or a Major Mitchell or a Red Tailed Black Cockatoo but those aren't likely to happen!;) My life is the birds...
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Biking along the boulevard
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I could really easily have MBS, but the one thing that keeps me firmly in check is knowing that while I could handle five or six cages to clean and set up easily, I can't handle having my birds not get the attention they deserve. Piper is my only bird at the moment, though soon I'll have Puck moving in. I can easily give them both the attention they need and deserve. I have my other half's tiels here being fostered, and they're the ones that help make me realize that I need to be firm in my resolve to keep my birds down to a manageable number. It's hard giving them all attention, one on one time and training that they need. I can't balance that well.

The other thing that keeps me in check is the fact I will NOT get a mixed flock of sizes. I'm way too paranoid that having so many different personalities, sizes and types in one room will cause issues. I had a chance at getting a grey several times, but I refuse to do it because I like my small bird flock. When and if I get a bigger bird, it'll be after i can have a seperate room for bigs and littles or after the littles have gone. I'm just not comfortable enough with myself to deal with that. It's so great seeing the answers here. I'm sure it'll help a lot of people see that there can be quite a few problems with MBS and how to keep yourself in focus.


Feather Snuggler
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I have one little bird...well, she's actually medium size with big feet. I would love to get more and I have a list of dream birds. MBS is alive and dancing in my heart. However, I know because of my family dynamics as well as my health at this point in time bringing another bird into the home would be a disadvantage to everyone concerned, human, feathered and furry. I know in all honesty I cannot make the commitment of adding another bird. I could easily justify it if I wanted to but that would be wrong for me.


Sprinting down the street
Raleigh, NC
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As of right now the only bird that I own/owns me is Otis my CAG. I was thinking about getting a cockatoo oneday but that is no longer an option for me because.....

My mom has always wanted an U2 and has been looking for awhile. Well, she found one here in NC but she lives in GA. Well she talked to the owners and asked if I could pick the bird up and take care of her until my mother could come pick her up on 5/12. So being the good daughter I am I went and got her. She is sweet as can be but OMG IS SHE LOUD. I feel like her screaming is going to peel the paint off my walls. I can get past the noise for a week but it really seems to be stressing Otis out, since this bird arrived on Saturday Otis has been very nasty towards everyone, trying to bite us all and even going after my son and drawing blood. So because this is Otis' house and he is so upset we are now having to move the U2 to my sisters house just down the road. I really hope this doesn't mean we will never be able to have another bird in the house but Otis is the king of this castle and what he says goes. I really believe it's the screaming that upsets him, we have a very quiet and calm house and I guess thats how he likes it. Needless to say there will be no cockatoos in my future.....LOL. I am still hoping I will be able to bring another grey home one day...

I think a lot of the newer bird people hear things about certain types of birds but don't think it will be as bad as others make it sound. But it is..lol. I am glad I had this chance to do a "test run" with a cockatoo before I brought one of my own home. For me I don't mind an extra cage to clean, I mean I already have 5 and it's not big of a deal for me. But, the happiness of my one man flock is very important.


Strolling the yard
Avenue Veteran
As of right now the only bird that I own/owns me is Otis my CAG. I was thinking about getting a cockatoo oneday but that is no longer an option for me because.....

My mom has always wanted an U2 and has been looking for awhile. Well, she found one here in NC but she lives in GA. Well she talked to the owners and asked if I could pick the bird up and take care of her until my mother could come pick her up on 5/12. So being the good daughter I am I went and got her. She is sweet as can be but OMG IS SHE LOUD. I feel like her screaming is going to peel the paint off my walls. I can get past the noise for a week but it really seems to be stressing Otis out, since this bird arrived on Saturday Otis has been very nasty towards everyone, trying to bite us all and even going after my son and drawing blood. So because this is Otis' house and he is so upset we are now having to move the U2 to my sisters house just down the road. I really hope this doesn't mean we will never be able to have another bird in the house but Otis is the king of this castle and what he says goes. I really believe it's the screaming that upsets him, we have a very quiet and calm house and I guess thats how he likes it. Needless to say there will be no cockatoos in my future.....LOL. I am still hoping I will be able to bring another grey home one day...

I think a lot of the newer bird people hear things about certain types of birds but don't think it will be as bad as others make it sound. But it is..lol. I am glad I had this chance to do a "test run" with a cockatoo before I brought one of my own home. For me I don't mind an extra cage to clean, I mean I already have 5 and it's not big of a deal for me. But, the happiness of my one man flock is very important.
Too's are really that loud, huh? I've been in the presence of many of them but they are so quiet at Bird Fairs...lol

Anyway, I am satisfied coming here and hanging out in the Cake, Too's, Grey, Zon and Macaw forums. I have no problem living vicariously through others here. It's more cost effective this way.


Rollerblading along the road
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Time and money - both are finite, unless you're Doctor Who or Bill Gates.

I want to echo what a few others with small birds have said.. it feels easy to justify getting more little ones, because they don't take up a lot of space relative to, say, a macaw, many of them benefit from having a flock, and there are so very many of them in need of homes.. but the cost per bird for vet care is still the same. Piper's illness and death were a huge wake up call for me financially. I multiplied the cost of her vet care by 8, to account for the possibility of all of my birds getting sick at once, and I felt like passing out. As much as I would love to have a large aviary and provide a home for unwanted budgies, that is simply not financially feasible.

I also got to briefly experience what it would be like to have to have two bird rooms to attend to - which is what would happen if I added a larger bird - when I fostered two tiels last week. Even though that only brought me up to 9, one over the number of birds I had before Piper passed, it felt like twice as much work, because any time spent with the fosters was time taken away from my own birds, and from my own limited personal time.


Sprinting down the street
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New Jersey
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I want to rescue everybird and dog.. But I have 2 dogs, one is a rescue. I have 3 birds, 2 are rescues, at one time I had 7 birds 4 were med size and 3 small. I was getting over whelmed cleaning cages, trying to divide my time, getting bit.:) I just sat down one day with my husband and started crying, I just know I could not handle all this work anymore, plus we were moving to a smaller place. I had realized I became afraid of bigger beaks, all of a sudden they terrified me, yet I loved all my birds. I rehomed 3 of the big ones, just before we moved, kept one of the Tiels, she died last summer. I now have 3 P'lets and 2 of them are rescue, no way can I fit another cage in this home, and I know I am at my limit. I don't want to have to rehome a bird again. Truthfully, only Zack is tame and we enjoy everything about him, if I just had him we would be perfectly happy. Noel I got at a bird show, she was on auction :eek: never new they auctioned birds, she was 2 yrs old and a breeder, I have had her for 2 years now and she is just starting to relate to me, I do believe as much bonding as she is capable of , she has hit it. Newest one Cara, is a rescue, she will let me scratch her face but will not step up, we are working on that, don't know her age.

I know this is all I can handle, I won't make the mistake again with, MBS where there is too many the whole family suffers, pets and human's..


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Victoria :)
TMS, thank you for starting this thread, it's a good reminder to all of us. :)

I have a flock of an even 10 fids. For me, the things that tell me I'm at my limit now, can't take any more even if someone dropped it off at my house (I would find a good home for it instead), is that I can't stretch my time out any more. I have been able to divide my time between all of my birds and give them all one of one time (all of them that want it, some of the cockatiels prefer each other rather than me sometimes, which is also ok with me), but if I added even ONE more.. it would totally mess that up and I wouldn't be able to give them all the attention they needed daily. The second factor is money, our family makes enough money for all the birds needs, including a vet fund, but I wouldn't want to stretch that ANY further because we have many bills to pay, groceries etc. The third factor is all the other pets we have take time, money and effort with cleaning and such. I can't handle any more cages, litterboxes etc, even though my family does help me pressure wash the bird cages a few times a year (and the rest of the time I do spot cleaning daily). It is very hard on my back to lug the cages down the stairs and bend over and wash them take the grates out etc, because I can't bend that well because of my spinal fusion so cage cleaning is harder for me than for most people.

Also I'm not like most people my age, in many aspects. (Discount the people my age on AA) Most people my age (21) (or at least some of them) that have pets don't think about their future and what will happen to the pet etc. I am not planning to go to college and IF I do, I will be going to a local college and living at home. I already have plans to go to online photography school in the next week or 2 (will do a separate thread about that, am very excited), and am looking to get a part time job at a plant nursery up the road from us. BUT I will still be able to provide the time, effort, etc for my flock, it will be harder. The school I'm going to online lets you do the work at your own pace and your own schedule, which is quite nice/very flexible etc. I don't have MBS anymore but when I did, I thought "how would my current flock do if I brought this or that bird home" or "how would I be able to afford another cage, or toys etc", I am very happy and content with the flock I currently have. They are all different and I love them dearly. Also, I've made a lifelong commitment to them, I will NOT get rid of them for anyone or anything... if a guy wants to date me or marry me the birds are part of the package.. end of story.. if he can't accept my birds then he can't accept and love me. Also, I've thought about emergencies like what if we have to move to a smaller house etc, I might not be able to fit the current cages I have (I would find a way) but furthermore.. if I added another bird, then it would be more time, space, money and commitment. I agree with the fact that animals have souls and they have feelings etc, a lot of people don't believe that but I am one that does.

I went back and forth for months about if I should get another conure or not, I talked to my parents about it, prayed about it, looked at my current situation and thought what if Pepper and Jasper don't get along will I have the time, money, space to buy another cage, etc. (thankfully they get along great, although I haven't moved them in together yet, but plan to soon). I decided to get another conure because Pepper was very sad and wasn't the same without a friend, she's had a friend her entire life since before I bought her, and I missed Mango, and getting Jasper was a good decision, because they are very close friends now and get along great, preen each other and it's so sweet to see them friends. (Jasper is NOT in any way a replacement etc of Mango but has helped me get through his loss and heal a bit from that).

The next time you think about getting another fid, think about your life in a few years, will it be the same, will you be engaged or married, or living in a smaller house? Think about what you'd do if you had to move unexpectedly etc, or what if you lost your job etc. Another factor for me is space.. the birdroom is full so that's another sign that I'm at my limit. (I could move some things around (the playstand or refrigerator etc) and make more room but I wouldn't.. it's not worth it and I'm very happy with my current flock. I've had to think very deeply about my life in a few years etc, I will live with my parents (and I'm ok/happy with that, I do my fair share of work around the house anyways), until I have a stable income or I'm ready to move out on my own (emotionally and financially). When I even have the slightest thoughts about MBS (which is rare now), all I have to do is go in the birdroom and love on my current flock, look around and see how blessed I am to have the accepting family that I have, and the joy that my current flock brings me daily.
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Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Memphis, TN
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Victoria :)
Vacations are another thing, we went out of town for a week in march, and my cousin took care of all the animals except the chickens (our neighbors did that since they have chickens themselves and are familiar with them). That was hard to leave them all in the care of someone else, it was hard for him to take care of all them, and if we added more pets or more birds it would just put more worry and stress when we go out of town. We haven't been on a vacation since 2006 (except for a basketball tournament in MO for my younger brother in march and a few weekend trips that's it). One reason is finances, and another is we can't just go on vacations all the time like other families do, because we have to think about all of our pets and that can be and sometimes is very stressful.