Hi there, I'm hoping you might be able to help. I'm unable to get to the vet for a few days and worry that my poor Lorri doesn't have that long. He's started to make what i think maybe a kettle noise then cough or sneeze, puts his tail down as if he's doing a poop, then spreads his wings? have you seen this behaviour before. He hasn't got any discharge from his beak the only thing I do notice is that he has a slightly wet vent although not all the time. He seems to be eating, still having a grape or blossom. even dry mix. I noticed he hasn't always gone to his bed as often.. but for the most part he's still getting around fine. oh I have gave him triple c broad spectrum antibiotics but wasntbsure if i could worm him at the same time or to wait. Thank you for any advise, sorry its a randomn message I'm just at my wits end, and have a daughter heart broken at the thought he's going to 'leave here.many thanks
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