J Jackie776435 Checking out the neighborhood Joined 12/30/17 Messages 1 12/30/17 #1 I was given a baby rainbow lorikeets a couple days ago and have noticed his middle toenail is hanging by a thread And I’m not sure what to do about it
I was given a baby rainbow lorikeets a couple days ago and have noticed his middle toenail is hanging by a thread And I’m not sure what to do about it
expressmailtome Ripping up the road Administrator Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 4/15/10 Messages 50,499 Real Name Matthew 12/30/17 #2 Has he been in a fight recently? Either way, it seems to be something that a veterinarian should treat.
Has he been in a fight recently? Either way, it seems to be something that a veterinarian should treat.
Familyof12 Rollerblading along the road Joined 9/25/17 Messages 1,362 Location Santa Clara, California Real Name Liz 12/30/17 #3 Vet time!
JAM Biking along the boulevard Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Joined 12/2/12 Messages 5,670 Location Australia 1/2/18 #4 Get him looked at by a vet.