Joyriding the Neighborhood
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
Avenue Spotlight Award
I noticed that we have many threads and stickies of items that are not bird safe. Well I thought we should have one of household appliances that are bird safe. These items have to be items that have been called and verified with the manufacturer that it is indeed bird safe. I thought this list would be great for any new members that join and also for our established members that would like to know what options they have as far as appliances go. These could be anything from food steamers, rice cookers, blow dryers etc.
What should be posted about item:
2)Name of Item
3)Model Number
4)Picture of Item (If Available)
5)Where it is Available for Purchase
What should be posted about item:
2)Name of Item
3)Model Number
4)Picture of Item (If Available)
5)Where it is Available for Purchase