Okay, I'm trying to stay calm here. Smudgie is the only fid of mine that has laid eggs before, and that was in a nestbox so I never saw how she acted.
Anyway, I noticed her trying to have a poo and nothing was happening -- several times within a couple minutes. I checked her vent and it looks kinda swollen and like there's an egg in there. I've only seen 'egg-butts' in small birds and it's really visible. I see a bit of a swell on Chewy, but not really prominent like the little guys.
She's also quite unsettled and ran right under my blanket and is acting like she's looking for the perfect spot.
I'm fairly certain this is her about to lay an egg, but I'm worried! How do cockatoos usually act when egg-laying?
And how long does it usually take?
Okay, I need to breathe lol.