Hi my name is lorechelle(avi) /Latin for littlbird. .yes spelled w/o the e in little, it needs to be original like tuck! 
And my 5 year old baby. Well" My" baby, is Tuck, Tucker,Tuck-Tuck Burd.... aka..
I have fostered every species of parrot.
Okay, never a Black Palm Too, or greater Vesa, etc...
But most every species of Parrot or in that zone. ....
12 at once, ,at one time,
Now it's down to Tuck, who was handfed from 14 days on .
He's a character, he's dirty *well NOT dirty,he bathes 2-4 X's a day,but messy, funny, loveable, MOODY, loves people, tries to chase off any new birdy that comes into the home.
He's an extremely spoiled pineapple green cheek conure, ,
He is my life
He drives me crazy, but also drives me...
"Not in the car",tho he loves to sit on my shoulder while I drive him
Recently I bought a linnie from a close friend whose a breeder, white going through some rough times, she seems to have me; I became ill and she took this amazing Lil alien parrot called a lieoneted parakeet, aka. Linnie back, so long story, it'd tuck and we are here because the canine Avenue was blocked. .lol
I've read here for a couple of years but we decided birds of feather flock together. .....
So hi, I hope we can be of some help as long as learn,etc.
It's great to be here
Hope to finally meet y'all and make some new friends.
Thanks for your valuable time!
Peace and be well and safe, .
Lorechelle and Tuck-Tuck ♡♡
And my 5 year old baby. Well" My" baby, is Tuck, Tucker,Tuck-Tuck Burd.... aka..
I have fostered every species of parrot.
Okay, never a Black Palm Too, or greater Vesa, etc...
But most every species of Parrot or in that zone. ....
12 at once, ,at one time,
Now it's down to Tuck, who was handfed from 14 days on .
He's a character, he's dirty *well NOT dirty,he bathes 2-4 X's a day,but messy, funny, loveable, MOODY, loves people, tries to chase off any new birdy that comes into the home.
He's an extremely spoiled pineapple green cheek conure, ,
He is my life
He drives me crazy, but also drives me...
"Not in the car",tho he loves to sit on my shoulder while I drive him
Recently I bought a linnie from a close friend whose a breeder, white going through some rough times, she seems to have me; I became ill and she took this amazing Lil alien parrot called a lieoneted parakeet, aka. Linnie back, so long story, it'd tuck and we are here because the canine Avenue was blocked. .lol
I've read here for a couple of years but we decided birds of feather flock together. .....
So hi, I hope we can be of some help as long as learn,etc.
It's great to be here
Hope to finally meet y'all and make some new friends.
Thanks for your valuable time!
Peace and be well and safe, .
Lorechelle and Tuck-Tuck ♡♡
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