Hey everybody, new member here! I actually joined the forum due to this post and I couldn't wait to add to it, so here goes!
This is my first true feather baby, Echo. His full name is Echo Pascal Rufflebottom, but he only knows how to say his first name. He is a 1 1/2 year old Maximilian Pionus, and at his last vet appointment he weighed 223 grams. I got him from a breeder about an hour away from where I live. I wasn't intending to get a medium parrot when I went to look at them but I fell in love with him the moment I held him. I took him home when he was 3 months old and he's been my baby ever since.
He's picked up a fair share of words, including his name, "pretty bird," "hello," "om nom nom," wolf whistle, the "come here" whistle, meow, and much more that I'm currently blanking on. He also knows how to wave, spin in a circle, flip under an open perch (we call it loop), and nodding is a work in progress.

He is also registered as an Emotional Support Animal so he sometimes goes with me in a revamped cat carrier complete with treats when it's nice out. It's nice to show people that ESAs can be any animal and that parrots are cool, but my favorite times are when he lets me give him head scritches. <3