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Ember my Black Lory


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
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Yay! Great success! Love seeing birds in flight


Meeting neighbors
So ember went on her first trip, trained her to get in and out of the travel carrier, which only took a few minutes and she settled right in. for the past 2 weeks, she has been getting tons of sun and she has grown! some of the indications are the white areas on her beak is turning black, as the tall tail sign of a juvenile Is the white around their eyes and beak.

She has come into her own, and is very sweet and still very affectionate. she has gotten very nippy, so we have been doing positive reinforcement which seems to be working great.

one thing that a lot of people fail to mention about lorys is that they are like the honey badgers of the parrot family LOL she has no fear. for example, my mother in law owns a Frenchy ..when she first saw him, the growl she let out was MASSIVE! she opened her wings and flared up her feathers and growled..the frenchy backed up and I waited a bit for her to calm down and slowly introduced her to the frenchy..as I dont want to encourage her to be over protective..want her to know the things around her are safe. so after I slowly introduced her...growls went away and now she wants to groom him as she thinks he's part of our flock LOL

she loved the large gatherings, which I was happy about. I also had her step up on guests and become familiar with other people. she instantly became the entertainment lol

I also been keeping her on dry food and fruits when we train and her poops are less frequent and aren't too runny. she also learned how to poop in the bathroom sink lol she didn't like the toilet, but the sink will do for now. I dont even need to say a command, I place her in the sink, and she poops, then I take her out and she plays and I take her back every 30 to 40 minutes or so and have her go to the bathroom. she at times pottys in the living room, but its expected, but her poops are manageable now that she has gotten older. here are some recent pics of her in Vegas and her poops lol, so you can see fruits dont make it too runny...

and here you can see her poops with eating a lot of fruit and some veggies.

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Rollerblading along the road
Real Name
Heather Gerbyshak
She’s beyond gorgeous. Wow.


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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:faint:I have no words :faint:


Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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She is so beautiful and so amazing to hear about her.

I wouldn't encourage dog bird interaction or birds grooming dogs. A certain percentage of dogs carry pasteurella ( 40-50% I think .. cats it's close 90% I think) pasteurella can be found on animal fur, as well as their teeth ,mouth , nails ECT and it's very deadly to birds. Just fyi in case you where unaware of this additional risk . I feel like I'm such a downer ...but I would hate myself if your bird became a statistic and I hant mentioned


Rollerblading along the road
Real Name
Heather Gerbyshak
Yes, I was going to comment that the attitude might be a good thing if the French ie is now scared of her.


Biking along the boulevard
Avenue Veteran
Celebirdy of the Month
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Wales, United Kingdom
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She is stunning!!! :heart::heart::heart:
You must be so proud of how fast she is coming along with her training. :)


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I wouldn't want the Frenchie to lose that trepidation. Your lory could end up on the ground someday; the dog feeling a bit leery could be the only thing that saves your bird. A play bite or half-hearted nip that might be harmless with another canine could kill your bird. And no matter the dog or cat, you should always operate from a position of distrust. No dog or cat is perfect or trustworthy. Period. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "...but they were friends..." or "the dog/cat never showed an inclination or aggression towards the bird...", etc., I'd be driving a jag.


Avenue Veteran
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Avian Angel
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Your bird is STUNNING. Are you still offering nectar or just powder?


Meeting neighbors
I wouldn't want the Frenchie to lose that trepidation. Your lory could end up on the ground someday; the dog feeling a bit leery could be the only thing that saves your bird. A play bite or half-hearted nip that might be harmless with another canine could kill your bird. And no matter the dog or cat, you should always operate from a position of distrust. No dog or cat is perfect or trustworthy. Period. If I had a dollar for every time I heard "...but they were friends..." or "the dog/cat never showed an inclination or aggression towards the bird...", etc., I'd be driving a jag.
I dont let the dog or bird interact. I mentioned how she wants to groom the Frenchy (she tried reaching out, and I had to reel her back in) but of course I don't allow it. By any means I don't encourage aggression. That could potentially lead to something awful, which is why I made sure she knew the dog wasn't a threat. If you encourage it, the bird would think that is the right cause of behavior each time she saw the dog which would lead to an attack and the dog could potentially kill the bird. I don't let the dog and bird play, not sure where you came up with that conclusion? or I'm assuming you are just stating for some things to look out for? Either way I don't allow it.

I am here visiting my in laws, this dog isn't permanent.
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Meeting neighbors
Yes, I was going to comment that the attitude might be a good thing if the French ie is now scared of her.
It's not a good thing, the Lory if encouraged would go out of its way to attack the dog if encouraged which could end the birds life. All I had to do was have her on my arm and i pet the dog letting her know it's not a threat. Once done i removed her, i never leave my bird unsupervised around any animal or around larger birds.


Meeting neighbors
She is so beautiful and so amazing to hear about her.

I wouldn't encourage dog bird interaction or birds grooming dogs. A certain percentage of dogs carry pasteurella ( 40-50% I think .. cats it's close 90% I think) pasteurella can be found on animal fur, as well as their teeth ,mouth , nails ECT and it's very deadly to birds. Just fyi in case you where unaware of this additional risk . I feel like I'm such a downer ...but I would hate myself if your bird became a statistic and I hant mentioned
Great information to post, as many don't understand the risks associated. I understood about these risks when I first got my amazon, I asked these questions cause my amazon was housed next to a Ferrell Fox at the "rescue" it was absolutely horrific! So they had to take blood tests from my Amazon and explained to me at the time on what they were worried about, and luckily his blood tests came back normal, 3 years later little man is still doing well.

I stated how she wanted to, but I kept her away, I had her on my arm while I pet the dog and kept her at a distance. She knew the dog was cool after I showed her. I do however appreciate you stating the risks associated! It's very informative and helpful so thank you


Biking along the boulevard
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Southern VA, US
Real Name
Meghan (she/her)
I really had never even heard of these until you started posting yours, and I am positively smitten


Meeting neighbors
I really had never even heard of these until you started posting yours, and I am positively smitten
I never heard of them until 3 years ago. I also hardly see any info on them, videos, pics. I see some on tik tok, and very few videos on YouTube. One of the reasons why I am posting all my experiences on here. Goal is to post something on her every month, both positive and negative. It's also great to see everyone post their suggestions and advice along with, as it can be informative. So I am grateful for those doing so.

After 1 year (an update once a month until then or a significant event)I will stop, then maybe post something every now and then.


Meeting neighbors
here she is at 5 Months of age..she is now 195 Grams, still flight training and learning other tricks. her poops have slowed down a bit..not as bad as when we first got her. she is still eating dry food in the cage and fruits/nuts and some veggies outside of cage. when its warm, she gets as much sun as possible, and she seems to be doing very well.

Some of the things that has have happened was her trying to get aggressive with Manolo, our DYHA...she saw him as a threat, and I was able to grab her before he decided to defend himself. She literally has no fear, so this is something to look out for with these Lorys. she is very friendly with the Humans, but she is definitely over protective. Something I need to try and train on, as I want her to be friendly as possible so if she goes into daycare, she will be more tolerable.

She also broke 2 tail feathers, at this age they are pretty clumsy so this can happen from time to time.

She also likes to sleep upside down at times, or on the floor of cage, something to expect with Lorys...especially if you do not have a bed for them to climb into. Personally I do not want to make a hideout, as it could encourage her to lay eggs. but I make sure it's nice and clean where she wants to sleep. Normally with parrots if they sleep at the bottom of the cage, its a sign of sickness, with Lorys, they are different, you will find them sleeping in odd locations and odd positions, its like an alcoholic that came home late and didn't bother hitting the bedroom lol

She still loves to play a TON! she will dance (added a video of her playing around in the kitchen) play with toy cars, dolls, whatever it is that she wants to do in terms of playing, she's on it lol

She is growing into her own, and definitely flourishing. She also had her first molt, found a bunch of small feathers at the bottom of the cage, and her new ones are growing in nicely. in the photos you can see some new pin feathers on the side of her face..and around her neck. So it took her about 5 months to ave her first molt.

Here is a short video of her playing and some updated photos:



Biking along the boulevard
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Southern VA, US
Real Name
Meghan (she/her)
I am so in love with your bird. What a gorgeous, gorgeous creature.