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Ember my Black Lory


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Got some requests on posting specifics on Ember my Black Lory, as I too find very little specifics on the Black Lory, so here are some of my experiences and hopefully it can shed some light if you are interested on purchasing a Black Lory.

My Black Lory is 3 month old, got her from @tracisparrots4u (their Instagram page) here in Utah. They had her fully weened on Blessings gourmet powder lorikeet food. Her weight and frequency was monitored prior to release. She also had a good sense on how to step up and wasn’t too timid. When she got home she was a bit skittish and nippy.

Since she arrived at home, we have continued her diet on the blessings gourmet powder. Soon she will more frequently eat fruits, but want to keep her stable and continue to monitor her weight to ensure she wont pick up any bad habits and can keep her consistent on being more self sustained. I also wanted to get her use to my schedule so nothing will be new or shocking to her. Keeping her away from all citrus foods, such as oranges, lemons and so on.

Training is going good. As stated early she became a bit nippy as expected from a baby parrot. So I have been doing positive reinforcements. Now she doesn’t bite, and now she is more willing to fly to me rather than get spooked out by me. I am monitoring as I am worried about her becoming too dependent on me and not being self sufficient. I have also been keeping a ring camera near her cage to monitor her intake and behavior. I have been using grapes as rewards when she does something right along with a clicker. Anytime she is spooked or freaked out by something, I hold her against my chest and introduce her to the item or thing that spooked her out and showing her everything is ok.

Its now automatic when I pull her out of the cage, she’s either ready to fly to my arm/hand or she’s ready for a treat or she’s ready to cuddle. I only handle her two times a day. I am also very mindful where I pet my Lory, I keep it contained to just her beak and head. I am also performing exercises for when she needs to get her nails done or if she will need any feathers pulled or vet visits. So I will gradually place my hand on her back and flip her upside down and spread her wings and bring her back upright and give her a piece of grape. Now she tries to do it on her own as she knows what comes immediately after LOL

Her personality is very very energetic, loves to cuddle, loves to cuddle so much she will go to the part of the cage that is closest to me and will wait patiently until I acknowledge her. She can be very clingy, so I am careful to not overload her to where that’s what she will expect 24/7.

Some of the Black Lory downfalls that I have noticed…their poops LOL. I also noticed she has zero issues picking up bad habits, so I try and do my best to minimize those actions before it becomes instilled. I have her in a steel cage, and have an acrylic cage for traveling. Need to make sure you keep the cage clean, as it will get more dirty than your average bird, especially when they are babies. So while I clean my amazon cage every 3 days or so, she’s getting cleaned every other day. You have to make sure they have clean water all the time, and since they poop everywhere, I have been changing out her water twice a day. You also need to make sure their food and water bowls are far apart, or else you will have some creative statues in their food bowl. If you can, purchase those mini carpet cleaners, its not easy cleaning their poops. Be careful on where they want to go, I noticed she will try and climb into just about anything. Her baths are very messy, she will flip around, flap her wings, attempt to climb over everything. definitely different from that of my Aamazon lol

That’s all I can think of on my experiences with her so far. I will be sure to provide any updates here as time goes on. Here are photos of her, and I will toss up more photos as she gets bigger.



Biking along the boulevard
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Southern VA, US
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Meghan (she/her)
I can't get over how absolutely beautiful she is!


Biking along the boulevard
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She is beautiful!!! Congratulations!!! Truly stunning! I love getting to know your experience,!
I'm curious why you only get her out twice a day and tho?
I have to change my birds papers daily , they are so messy!


Ripping up the road
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She is SOOOOO beautiful!


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I LOVE black lories. The poop is a huge drawback, though.


Rollerblading along the road
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Wow, she is absolutely stunning!


Meeting neighbors
She is beautiful!!! Congratulations!!! Truly stunning! I love getting to know your experience,!
I'm curious why you only get her out twice a day and tho?
I have to change my birds papers daily , they are so messy!
Im sure as she gets older, paper changes may need to be more frequent.

I am training her to my daily schedule. What I have experienced is how they are absolute sponges at this age. so if I take her out lets say in the morning, come home for lunch and take her out again and take her out at night for a couple of hours..the parrots tend to expect this schedule daily. If you go off that schedule, it may lead to feather plucking, changes in their diet, behavioral changes and so on. teach them to become custom to your lifestyle is what I figured out learning from others. So if I have to leave her at daycare and I want to go on a 2 week vacation somewhere, she will be fine.

So for instance if I had her out of the cage and with me most of the day and night...and you change their routine, it's a massive impact. So if I take her out in the AM for like an hour, put her back, go to work, come home at like 4pm, take her out and play/train with her for a few hours, she will catch on to the schedule. Do you have to keep the schedule tight? my opinion no...but its part of the growing process. She enjoys her cage with her toys and music/or word stories.

This also makes training easier, for instance I started to teach her to fly to me. in 4 days I got her to fly to me on command, i.e. my whistle. I will shortly incorporate clicker training as well, as she is starting to pick things up really quick. Learned this stuff from various parrot trainers (hardly many in the US) and learned some things on my own with my amazon. My amazon now is broken in to where he can hang out in the living room, or outside in the backyard with no cage, or even when we go camping...have guests over, and if I need to put him in his cage for safety, he has no issues. He knows when it's time to go in, as he will walk over to his cage, climb up it and go inside. Or if he feels threatened he will go in his cage on his own. he knows his place and where his safety place is.

Im sure others train differently and have had massive success. But this is just something I did with my Amazon, which he was a rescue and couldn't even step up and wanted to attack everything in sight. He's extremely intelligent so he caught on pretty quick. Since she's a baby, she's learning waaayyyy faster. Its actually adorable, especially when she gets excited and lands on my hand lol She tries to give me a kiss with her very long tongue LOL


Meeting neighbors
I LOVE black lories. The poop is a huge drawback, though.
That's truly the only drawback LOL they are very fun birds...I might potty train her as we progress. just hard cause they poop at this age all the time, so the command word would be said a 100 times a day LOL! But man she is the most loving bird I have had. I owned a blue crowned conure, sun conure, my DYHA and now her..by far she's the most affectionate by far.


Ripping up the road
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I LOVE black lories. The poop is a huge drawback, though.
I debated a lory for years, but that was always my biggest reason for not getting one. Several breeders that I spoke to said that that and the diet are to two biggest reasons that so few people still breed them.


Meeting neighbors
I debated a lory for years, but that was always my biggest reason for not getting one. Several breeders that I spoke to said that that and the diet are to two biggest reasons that so few people still breed them.
Yea their poop squirts out, but to put It in perspective, I own a large amazon parrot..it's like same/same. reason why she's pooping so much now is because she's still only 3 months old. It also depends what you feed them, dry or wet food. My lory eats dry food, and every now and then eats fruits. when she eats grapes, I know her poops will be a bit runny, but if not, it's equivalent to my amazon. her food is actually cheaper than what I pay for my Amazons food. it smells better too lol if you own a Macaw, the Lory makes less of a mess and makes less noise. there are tricks to mitigate things, and honestly she's been awesome. now compare them to a conure, yes a conure is easier to own, so I can see why certain breeders would say that. but I paid 100 bucks for a 10lb bag, but it lasts a long time. I pay 40 bucks for a 10lb bag for my amazon, it doesn't last as long as the lory food, I pay more for the amazon food in total...but I own a large amazon dyha, smaller ones are probably cheaper.


Biking along the boulevard
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I only know of one person who had a lorikeet, a different species than yours. So sweet and cute tho!! The ran into trouble with the dry food and the veterinarian had them switch to wet only, plus fresh flowers and fruits and such . . I think I've heard of issues a few times with being on dry, especially as time and age .

I'm linking this. But then I'm asking you to educate me! Let me know the current research and thoughts and avian Veterinarian recommendations. My limited knowledge might be outdated . Maybe I'm only aware of the problems with dry, but haven't been hearing all the good no issues with dry stories . I'm fascinated and curious,!


Biking along the boulevard
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She’s absolutely beautiful :heart2:


Meeting neighbors
I only know of one person who had a lorikeet, a different species than yours. So sweet and cute tho!! The ran into trouble with the dry food and the veterinarian had them switch to wet only, plus fresh flowers and fruits and such . . I think I've heard of issues a few times with being on dry, especially as time and age .

I'm linking this. But then I'm asking you to educate me! Let me know the current research and thoughts and avian Veterinarian recommendations. My limited knowledge might be outdated . Maybe I'm only aware of the problems with dry, but haven't been hearing all the good no issues with dry stories . I'm fascinated and curious,!

I would mix it up for her. Meaning giving her primarily dry food, is what I give her in her cage. When we train, it's fruits. It's good to mix things up, as I also have wet food which I would feed her in her outdoor cage when weather warms up. Since she's still a baby, like I said earlier, you want them to get use to your daily habits early on, as it will be difficult later. What's easiest on a normal day to day schedule is dry food in cage and fruits as rewards. I will try and upload some flight training vids, and basic training videos. Even though she steps up no issues, I still train it. After a year or so it will be more natural to where I won't need a clicker, like for my amazon, he instantly knows what I need him to do without treats or a clicker. But that's 3 years of ownership, which eventually where I will want her to be.

Overall she's been VERY smart and is picking up everything. Anytime I have guests, I bring her out and have them run a few training regime's, so I can get her acquainted to others as well not just me. I don't want her to be a one person bird, so if she goes into daycare, she will thrive.

There are a ton of different beliefs in parrots diets. But they haven't been domesticated as long as dogs from what i have personally read, so i am not certain if we really ha e it down packed..I figure at times, something may work specifically for one owners bird may not be the case for the entire species of bird, which is why I bring my birds to a vet that deals with parrots on an annual basis or when it's needed. I might be off, but that's why I bring them to the vet to check their levels. I also have a scale at the house and check their weights weekly. I look at it like humans at times (i may be off but again, its my personal speculation), some can eat shell fish and some cannot. Some parrots can eat certain foods and thrive, and other parrots may have adverse reactions. She's doing just fine at the moment with her current diet and when the time comes for some wet food in the spring, she will have fun exploring. but when she's back in her cage, there will be dry food.


Biking along the boulevard
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I love hearing about her, she is so unique!


Biking along the boulevard
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Wales, United Kingdom
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First of all, she is Stunning!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
I have been intrigued by your thread, your training techniques, your training her to your schedule, having her learning to socialize with others at an early age, and flight training.
I suppose it is alot easier when they're so young. :)
My one question (so far) is about you mentioning you may "potty train" her. I've heard alot of negative things about it and others don't advise it. It can mess up their insides. What's your opinion on that? Are you worried at all?
I have never potty trained my macaw or cockatoo, but their natural instinct is to go back to their cage and do their business.
That way it's contained in one area without stressing out.


Meeting neighbors
First of all, she is Stunning!!! :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
I have been intrigued by your thread, your training techniques, your training her to your schedule, having her learning to socialize with others at an early age, and flight training.
I suppose it is alot easier when they're so young. :)
My one question (so far) is about you mentioning you may "potty train" her. I've heard alot of negative things about it and others don't advise it. It can mess up their insides. What's your opinion on that? Are you worried at all?
I have never potty trained my macaw or cockatoo, but their natural instinct is to go back to their cage and do their business.
That way it's contained in one area without stressing out.
omg yes its so much easier when they are so young! However my DHA, he picks things up very quick, but he's on a different level . Only thing i cannot train, is me petting him or scratching his neck..he will let my daughter do it, but me, nope lol and that's ok with me, he was a rescue and came from horrific living conditions, and like us humans, some like to cuddle and some not. otherwise hes a very sweet Amazon (loves to hang out with me) and loves to talk and does his thing and is very self sufficient. he has been a great addition to the family.

Great question and concern on potty training, thank you for mentioning!!. I trained my blue crowned conure how to potty, which i owned for 15 years and he didnt show any signs of issues. When i would state the command, he either pooped when he had to, or just didnt poop when he didnt have to. He didnt seem to feel pressured. I dont reinforce the poop on command with a treat, i merely just say the command right when he was pooping. That might have been the major difference. With these parrots they will do amazing things for a treat, so i can see if you reinforced the poop with a treat, it will force them to poop when really they dont need to. to potty train her isnt at the top of the priority list for us. Shes just learning so quick, its just something i might include as we move along. The potty word for Pito (blue crowed conure) was "shazam" lol The main objective for me is flight training her, not so much to take her out and fly her around all the time, but because that's how i lost my blue crowned conure that i owned for 15 years. Back then there were no resources to get advice. when we moved to CA, i forgot to clip his wings and when he saw a new environment, he panicked and took off. he had no clue on how to get back to me...so i lost my best bud. This is why i have trained my Amazon, and now my Black Lory Ember...i will still do a light trim of her wings, but with a strong gust of wind she can be gone, so i am preparing her for any worst case scenario. she's been doing very well and our bond is there. She will get there for sure, as you said they are so much easier as babies lol

thank you for the info and i am glad you like Ember, shes an awesome bird!


Meeting neighbors
I only know of one person who had a lorikeet, a different species than yours. So sweet and cute tho!! The ran into trouble with the dry food and the veterinarian had them switch to wet only, plus fresh flowers and fruits and such . . I think I've heard of issues a few times with being on dry, especially as time and age .

I'm linking this. But then I'm asking you to educate me! Let me know the current research and thoughts and avian Veterinarian recommendations. My limited knowledge might be outdated . Maybe I'm only aware of the problems with dry, but haven't been hearing all the good no issues with dry stories . I'm fascinated and curious,!
thank you for the link, read through it, definitely has some great info! so i appreciate you taking the time to share it.


Biking along the boulevard
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Here she is when she started to flight train. Now its like instant and she can go clear across the living room. Very smart bird and determined when she wants something lol

Honestly is that stunning doesn’t look real