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Eclectus Menopause


Meeting neighbors
Phoenix, AZ
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(I understand that menopause is technically the wrong term, but it made for a shorter title)

Since our Ekkie moved in a few months ago she's been trying very hard to give us babies. The first month was 2 eggs, next month was 3, this month is 2 (so far). She's on a complete diet and recovers quickly, for the moment her health seems to be okay. But we're very concerned about this shortening her lifespan. We recently found out that she's 14 1/2, which made me wonder if she may be running out of eggs and wants to make good while she can. I read that eventually birds do run out of eggs, but can't find information on when that might be for a Solomon Islands Eclectus.

We have tried changing the amount of daylight, not touching certain parts of her, not letting her vent on anyone, and not letting her have anything she can remotely hide inside. She lays eggs at night, sits on it overnight, and then usually abandons it the next day. At this point we're discussing taking her to the vet for hormone therapy or other options. We think part of what's triggering this is that since we rescued her she's in a safe place with lots of affection and food.


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You pretty well nailed it. Female Ekkies have very long hormonal cycles in nature already so it's not that unusual for the species.
We think part of what's triggering this is that since we rescued her she's in a safe place with lots of affection and food.
Yes that is a very common result of starting a new life in a better place. This is only the first season you have had her so this first cycle is going to be a big one. Once this super cycle has had a chance to run its course and leave the system it should not be as bad going forward. You said she passes them very well so "I" would not be panicking just yet. Birds lay eggs all the time. That's what they do.

Another important aspect of egg laying besides diet is fitness. The more you can improve her fitness (flight is what's really required) along with diet you shouldn't have any problems.

At this point we're discussing taking her to the vet for hormone therapy or other options.
That would be the exact best course to take. Depending on your vet (it should be an avian vet) my personal experience with them is they do great medicine, diagnose problems and treat symptoms very well. They are not very versed if at all in behaviour or preventative medicine (diet).

A little reading.
Hormonal Behavior in Pet Birds - Introduction — For The Birds DVM — Avian Vet
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Meeting neighbors
Phoenix, AZ
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Thank you so much, John! This is exactly what I was looking for. We have the number of an exotic vet who has experience with Eclectus and was recommended by a few people here at AA, so we'll be going there. That website looks fantastic.


Jogging around the block
Avenue Veteran
Have you tried the fake eggs they make? My girl decided producing eggs was the best thing in the world when we added a male into the home. It was very hard on her body. I believe personally it is what shortened her lifespan though her yearly blood panels came back great.
For my girls stopping them from nest is impossible. BUT when they lay I distract them if it means picking them up and removing them I do and i switch out the eggs with the dummy eggs. This allows them to sit on them and they will stop producing the eggs. My one girl Macey the fake eggs didnt fool her though she'd pick them up and toss them out of the cage :meh:


Meeting neighbors
Phoenix, AZ
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We were discussing trying the dummy eggs, but Coco's pretty good at noticing things like that. And she's not interested in sitting on them very long in the first place. But mostly, she needs a check up so we figured while we were there we'd ask the vet for options.