How long is she visiting for?
<1 day to >1 year lol
If after the first day I decided, "This is absolutely not for me" then she could go back, otherwise she is here indefinitely. The parront of Lada is so unbelievably sweet and helpful. She has taken in several birds that needed to be rehomed. Sulfur Too, Goffin Too, Blue Throated Macaw, Tiel, CAG, and a few others. Lada I believe is the only bird that was given to her as a present. She is so sweet though that I fell in love with her (as everyone does). So she let Lada come stay with me. Only downside to Lada coming to stay with me is she is SOOOOOO calm!!! I know that sounds like a good thing. She doesn't talk, she only occasionally makes a cute little oink or ooooooo sound, absolutely NO loud noises from her. She doesn't play with toys. She is basically a statue all day lol. She is a cuddle bug so I have been told, but I have not seen it yet as she is still adjusting to her new surroundings. Basically, its a great slow introduction to keeping a larger parrot, but probably by no means a good example of normal life with an Eclectus as they seem to be at least a little more active and vocal than Lada. Still this has and will be a GREAT next step for me along my journey.
Breakfast time