Hi I'm new to the forum and I desperately need advice. My sister (parakeet) was recently sick and we took her to the vet and she got better but the vet said she has a low white blood cell count and a fatty tumor. The vet said we should look into switching her to smaller seed like canary or finch seed and implement fruits and veggies like carrots into her diet. Problem is I have no idea what brand to get or even where to look. I stress out extremely when looking for her new food. I read the labels and it’s a lot of big words that sound like bad chemicals so I'm afraid to buy anything and when it comes to veggies, I’m afraid of what is used on them like chemicals that might be bad for her when she eats them. I get so worried over the little details that I just can’t choose a new food and it’s been two months since we seen the vet. She’s all better now but I think she had a tiny seizure and I can’t do anything about it because all the little tiny tubes (I’m not sure what to call them they are like needles without the needle and it’s just the tube part) used to measure the medicine broke I don’t even know how long phenobarbital last (the medicine vet prescribed for seizures) so I can’t do anything and worse of all I am now stuck giving her tap water because the filter on the fridge broke. It feels like a total mess and I feel like I’m messing up no matter how much better I get at this so I could really use some advice on what specific vegetable and fruit brands I should get her and what fruits and veggies can she eat and not eat? And what new seed should I get that doesn’t have any artificial stuff in it?