So anyone who has larger birds, especially the powder down birds like cockatoos, probably know how much dander happens EVERYWHERE. Everywhere I turn there's either a down feather or a small pile of dandruff and fluff. I clean a few times a week and it still manages to clog up heaters and fans and whatnot. Anyone who owns a powder down have any tips, tricks, or cleaning advice? Mr. Jolly already gets a shower about every other day, but still takes it as a personal challenge to shed more. So far the cleaning consists of Birch (my parakeet) and Jolly (Triton cockatoo) being cleaned twice a week to their cages and also the whole room being sprayed down at the same time (don't like dusting since it kicks up too much dander. I already dont like using the vacuum but it must be done so any other anti dusting tactics would be great).
Just figured this would be a good place to ask
Just figured this would be a good place to ask