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Budgie not drinkig nor eating


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Hello everyone, this is my first post here so I'm sorry if I get anything wrong, I was just concearned and just had to find a way to speak to someone with experience, since I'm a new bird owner.

Yesterday I got a lovely little budgie girl from sort of a bird shop half close to where I live. We got the cage there, the food, and water dispenser. She was very calm on our way home and as soon as I got there I cleaned the bottom of the cage and put on the perches. Since then she hasn't quite moved much. I have put food on those cage built things with a little perch with the food they gave me. I have talked alot to her, I've been reading books and random things on the internet, she's also been to herself a bit, and the whole time I haven't seen her eat or drink, she hasn't really left her perch and I'm not sure what to do.

If anyone has any tips for a new bird owner with a very stactic bird I'd apreciate it a bunch

(And Gila (The budgie)):vlb1:

TL;DR got my bird yesterday, hasn't eaten still



♥❀Livin´ in Lovebird Land❀☼
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Welcome to the Avenue :starshower1:

It is quite common that birds don´t eat or drink in front of their new owners in that first day or two. Keep your eye on the food to see if your bird has been eating it when you are not around (seed hulls are the give away - crumbs if you feed pellets ;) )

Maybe attach half a sprig of millet to the cage, they like that :)


Meeting neighbors
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Thank you very much, it really is a relief reading this
Think I've read it somewhere, but I'm just scared, definatly need to get some more bells and whistles to his cage, but most pet shops I know don't seem to have too much bird stuff.
Anyways thank you for your time, much love.


Rollerblading along the road
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Also, maybe try and leave her to herself for a day or two, it will help her get used to her surroundings. Usually it's recommended to not overwhelm them for the first few days, and let them just observe from a distance :)
Millet goes absolutely everywhere when they eat it, you'll be able to tell if she's eaten that from the mess :lol:Coming from somebody who has just been hoovering up after their most recent millety mess!


Meeting neighbors
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Also, maybe try and leave her to herself for a day or two, it will help her get used to her surroundings. Usually it's recommended to not overwhelm them for the first few days, and let them just observe from a distance :)
Millet goes absolutely everywhere when they eat it, you'll be able to tell if she's eaten that from the mess :lol:Coming from somebody who has just been hoovering up after their most recent millety mess!
If I were to be sure she'd eaten I'd happily clean anything up :(
I've been laying in my room watching youtube videos and she's been chirping along a bit and that makes me quite happy, may leave her to herself a bit later :)
Thank you for the help.


Jogging around the block
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Katie Denski
Give her time to acclimate. Update us later :)


Rollerblading along the road
Pittsburgh, PA
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Welcome to you and Gila! Beautiful name for a beautiful budgie :heart:

It is very common behavior for the 1st day or 2 as stated. I know it’s worrisome though- I remember feeling the same way when I brought my 1st baby home, that’s also how I found this place;)

You’ve been given some great advice. She will settle in at her own pace. It’s good that you’ve been reading to her and getting her used to your voice. When you do this, just make sure you’re not staring directly at her...she’ll get a predator vibe if she feels she’s being watched. But certainly continue to talk and read to her, playing the videos is also good as they are on alert when it is too quiet.

She may actually have already snuck a drink or bite and you didn’t see it. They can be very quick when they want to be! Always change her food daily, many new owners are surprised to learn they hull their seeds...the bowl can look full when only the hulls are left.

Give her another couple days to acclimate to her new surroundings, then you can move to the next step (my favorite!) getting to know your new baby! :loveshower: There are tons of threads on here with helpful tips, but if you need help please feel free to ask. We love helping new bird owners here!

Congrats and enjoy your new baby!


Rollerblading along the road
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Welcome @Guibirb I'll echo what others have said. I brought my Tweetie home at the of Sept. She sat frozen on her perch the first day. I had her food and water dishes at the bottom of her cage and they both had a curved cover on top of them. The second day she hopped down to the water dish and sat beside it peering in. I decided she couldn't figure out how to get into the cup to drink. I removed both water and food cups and put different ones up by her top perch and then she started eating. The third day she was still not doing much and I was also very scared something was wrong. I moved her cage in front of a window and she came alive, chirping and jumping around. Try a few things and see what your bird likes. We've all been there! She's lovely and does look a little scared. She'll settle in and you'll be good friends.:heart:


Cruising the avenue
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Those plastic perches aren't good for their feet long term.

It can help though to place dishes up higher where they are normally sitting so they don't feel the need to climb down, as well as putting some millet by where they are sitting.

I have an african ringneck. In all the years I've had her now, I've never seen her take a drink! She has no problem eating in front of me, but drinking? Completely different story... lol I know she drinks though since she sometimes make "bird soup" and she'd be dead if she didn't drink.


Meeting neighbors
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Thank so very much for all the comfort and advice you've all given me, It has been really helpful, alththogh it's just hard not to stare at her, but I was aware of this before and have been trying not to, love you all :)

Little update now
She's been chirping, moving and flying around much more which obviously makes me rejoiced. :)

I took a little mirror from my mom's pouch and placed it on the cage, since she is the only bird I own. I read and heard a bit about it and know the pros and cons, but since neither me or my mom can be with her all the time to keep her company I thought It'd be a dandy idea since it's gonna be a day or two before I buy her all her toys!
(My mom is not really a fan of the idea of getting her a little partner, though I might try and convince her over the period of a few months) ;)

Guys, as I was writing this she just went and took a sip of water!! From... her bathtub? I don't judge, I was incredibly happy!

Also she has been either washing herself or attempting to pluck her feathers, no sure which, no feathers came out and she's still chirping and flying around.

Sometimes she kinda shakes her tail very fast, I am aware that tail bobbing is a sign of sickness, but it's much faster and less "controled" than the video I saw, anyhow, I'm still concearned.

Thank you all, again for all the love, never thought I'd find such a lovely comunity here :)


Meeting neighbors
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Welcome @Guibirb I'll echo what others have said. I brought my Tweetie home at the of Sept. She sat frozen on her perch the first day. I had her food and water dishes at the bottom of her cage and they both had a curved cover on top of them. The second day she hopped down to the water dish and sat beside it peering in. I decided she couldn't figure out how to get into the cup to drink. I removed both water and food cups and put different ones up by her top perch and then she started eating. The third day she was still not doing much and I was also very scared something was wrong. I moved her cage in front of a window and she came alive, chirping and jumping around. Try a few things and see what your bird likes. We've all been there! She's lovely and does look a little scared. She'll settle in and you'll be good friends.:heart:
Yeah, my mom took her to the living room, where the sun hits more strongly and she's been so lively since, I am going to change the placement of the food tray, I've thought of that before but never got to it.
Thank you very much for the help!


Meeting neighbors
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Those plastic perches aren't good for their feet long term.

It can help though to place dishes up higher where they are normally sitting so they don't feel the need to climb down, as well as putting some millet by where they are sitting.

I have an african ringneck. In all the years I've had her now, I've never seen her take a drink! She has no problem eating in front of me, but drinking? Completely different story... lol I know she drinks though since she sometimes make "bird soup" and she'd be dead if she didn't drink.
I am aware of the perches, they came with the cage and I'm in the process of getting new ones, along with toys and snacks and all the bells and whistles!
Again, the food container came with the cage, and I've just put it by her.. bathtub.. which is her new water container, since she can't figure out the one the lady gave us at the store.
Thank you!


Cruising the avenue
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Hell, NV
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I will say that is a pretty tiny cage... smaller than my 'travel' cages. If you are unable to get a new cage, could you be on the lookout for a used cage locally to you? I'd say minimum of 24" x 16" x 16" (which I'd still consider small) or larger?

Try and make sure the wooden perches are natural perches.

More toys if possible... some wooden ones, yucca or balsa too, and "shiny" ones.

I do not recommend mirrors at all. If you do plan on getting her a friend, then giving her a mirror could make it harder to introduce a friend later... as a friend would not act or look like her mirror friend.

Great job though on all the research you've been doing! :) Keep it up! :D


Rollerblading along the road
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She really is quite pretty! And she looks happier than in the first picture, good job! My little girl has a very skittish nature, even now. I make one change at time in her cage because she's so frightened of everything new. You might want to change one perch or add a toy and see how she reacts. She'll probably be frightened by your hand in the cage. If she seems to be OK with the changes, go ahead and make more changes. Otherwise, make changes slowly. Over the next few days you'll learn more about her personality, whether she's timid or a brave little girl and you can adjust accordingly.


Meeting neighbors
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Guys, It's official!
Gila has eaten!
Actually she is eating!
Never been so happy.

how are there feathers in my keyboard..

Anyhow thank you all for the pleasure of being a part of this wonderful comunity, and I'll be making sure to frequent the forum and make any questions I might have here!
Hoping to see all of you again in my next post, and although I'm as unexperienced as they get, I'll still try to help anyone if I got the answers! (I've got an arsenal of all the youtube videos along the years to count as knowlage)
Still dumb though
Love you all!


Rollerblading along the road
Pittsburgh, PA
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Yay! It’s good that she’s drinking, even if from the bathtub :lol: Mine do that too, just need to make sure it’s clean and the water is changed frequently. The fast tail shaking is different from bobbing. The bobbing indicative of problems would be in sync with breathing.
It’s great you’re doing so much research:) My budgies really enjoy chewing and shredding. There’s many different types of wood: mahogany pods and sola are favorites here as they’re very soft. They also like yucca, balsa and Pine too. When buying toys just try to ensure she has at least one of each “type” available at all times. Something to chew/shred, something to jingle/ make noise, etc..
Same is true with perches- it’s good to have different textures and widths for her feet. Natural branches are a must, and they also like rope perches and boings, platforms and you should absolutely provide a swing. Budgies LOVE swinging!

You’re doing great! I agree the cage is small. I realize most pet shops only offer cages of that size. It’s ok while she’s getting settled but if at all possible start looking online for bigger options. Once you start adding toys, swings and perches you’ll find you need the room.


Meeting neighbors
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I will say that is a pretty tiny cage... smaller than my 'travel' cages. If you are unable to get a new cage, could you be on the lookout for a used cage locally to you? I'd say minimum of 24" x 16" x 16" (which I'd still consider small) or larger?

Try and make sure the wooden perches are natural perches.

More toys if possible... some wooden ones, yucca or balsa too, and "shiny" ones.

I do not recommend mirrors at all. If you do plan on getting her a friend, then giving her a mirror could make it harder to introduce a friend later... as a friend would not act or look like her mirror friend.

Great job though on all the research you've been doing! :) Keep it up! :D
I am aware :(
I really wanted a bigger cage for her but me and my mom got her and the cage in the same store, the lady informed us some people get them half the size of this one and that almost made me cry..
Through time we're definatly going to get one way larger!
It's just my mom doesn't really like birds and that is a stretch fpr her, though she is really coming to like our little "piece of sky" as she herself described Gila!