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A place to sleep

How should I handle this?

  • Continue to put her in sleep cage.

    Votes: 2 66.7%
  • Change to allowing her to stay up and near us

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 33.3%

  • Total voters


Sitting on the front steps
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I have been placing my quaker in a seperate room with cage to sleep for 1 month. The last two days she wants to stay up with us in living room. She is calm but I am worried she will not be sleeping well and it will be disruptive. She currently sleeps 12 hours in other room but would lose 4+ hours staying in living room.
Do I continue to put her in a separate room where ahe hops on cage side and growls and say no to her protest to stay up with us or do I allow her to stay near us in livingroom where she stays up but is calm?


Biking along the boulevard
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Southern VA, US
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Meghan (she/her)
I keep all mine in a separate room to make sure they get the needed amount of sleep. I have insomnia and some nights my meds only do so much, so I’m up later than I should be. If I were to let them stay up with me we’d all be cranky :rofl:


Biking along the boulevard
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Southern VA, US
Real Name
Meghan (she/her)
I will try again.
She’ll get used to it, I bet. I try to keep them on a set schedule, and they’re starting to know when it’s bedtime. We have the odd argument about it, but they settle in after a few minutes. Them getting their 12 hours is more important than their grumblings. They put up as much fight as my toddler some nights :rolleyes:


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Vic, Australia
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Without the right amount of sleep you are chancing hormone and behaviour problems that you may not have to deal with if your bird gets the right amount of sleep. It is up to you how you choose to do things with your bird, I just want you to be aware of the consequences you and your bird may face by decreasing sleep hours.

Oh, and on the topic of providing what they want- be careful giving in to things just because your bird wants it, always make sure it is beneficial before allowing... they will play and manipulate you lol

My macaw was so cooperative with bed time, I would go tell him it was time for sleep, say goodnight close curtains and wait for him to get up on his high perch which he did very fast, as he got older he would drag it out longer and longer (just like little kids do) asking for a drink, a kiss, a scratch etc
He will now absolutely refuse to go to his sleep perch if my son goes to turn the light of at night because he knows my son will wait and wait and wait for him to go to his perch or come back in five minutes so he simply stays busy to keep the light on and be allowed to stay up lol.
As I am approaching the room I tell him I am on my way to turn the light off cos it is bed time and he hurries to his sleep perch... I do not wait for my bird to be ready anymore I simply turn the light off and say goodnight and walk off. I used to wait for him but the time just got longer and longer till he was obviously taking the mickey lol

They learn very fast how to work you out and turn you into their bird servant lol.
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Biking along the boulevard
Celebirdy of the Month
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
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I've always kept mine in the dinning area in their same cage and placement as they are all the time of my Minnie great room.

They do have sleep tents , that I replace as chewed on .

Im considerate with low light and sound..its been 5 years or longer for other in the flock..no issues thst I'm aware of..I put them in the cage after dinner no later than 6:30 pm and up at 7:30 ish in the morning. I never interact with them after I cage them for the night. I don't cover the cages. They don't react to anything, like all the fireworks we had all night. I personally think the tents give them a lot of comfort, as a species that in the wild uses their constructed nests year round.

My re home came as a young adult who hadn't had a tent, and was told she had night terror . Her first night I didn't give her a tent. She had bad night terror banging around in cage after I went to bed. So the next day I put a tent in her cage. She never investigated ir during the day, but as soon as it became night she climbed in abd slept in it. She has never had any night terror again in 5 years.

Some people are really against tents and worry about hormones or ingested threads or fuzz. I don't use tge fuzzy ones thst you can easily pull fuzz from. And threads from anything chewed on are a risk for impact like the rope perches or toys with that white cotton rope or fabrics. I've not had hormonal issue or behavioral issues.. not saying hey go get a tent or anything. Just sharing.

But I do think offer a roost or visual screen an area in an upper corner maybe with a flat perch might be helpful. As no birds roost out in the open in nature.

I would maybe cover cages in my home ...but my rescue older quaker really freaks out if I do. And my youngest girl now 2yrs would climb down to the bottom to try and peak out, or go round snd round tge cage walls trying to find a peek out spot..

Anyways that what I do here with my 3.

Im up now...heard a loud bang on my garage...when I turned on outside lights a car drove off....little spooked...3 houses down they had a big party all night lot of intoxicated people...


Biking along the boulevard
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Southern VA, US
Real Name
Meghan (she/her)
Im up now...heard a loud bang on my garage...when I turned on outside lights a car drove off....little spooked...3 houses down they had a big party all night lot of intoxicated people...
I hope that bang wasn’t a car being hit :confused: