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  1. W

    Month old cockatiel keeps yawning and moving beak side to side.

    hi so I’m new here but i just got a month old cockatiel like 2 hours Ago . When I first got him the breeder said he already gave him 4 ml formula and I give the rest so he gets used to my syringe. His crop was empty but he didn’t want the food I still gave him 5ml. He dosent seem tired or sick...
  2. P

    Picky Parrotlet

    Hey all! I've never used this site before, so please let me know if I did something incorrectly. So I have a piggy yet picky garbage-gut parrotlet on my hands...I've tried so many different types of chop to incorporate into his diet, and he eats his main food perfectly fine... But, when it comes...
  3. ConureMom95

    Help with stubborn African grey!

    I recently adopted an African Grey. He’s about 5 years old and a little shy. He was quite bonded to his first family and did well enough with the owner of the shop. I’ve been working with him since we got him. Sitting by his cage talking to him and playing a game where I hand him some toy and he...
  4. music2music

    Picky Eater...

    So, I've been trying since I've had my little Twiggy to eat fruits and veggies. However, she is very stubborn and sticks to the food she normally eats. I desperately want her to eat them so I don't have to worry for her health. We have spent a decent amount on organic food for her just to either...
  5. music2music

    Possibly sick?

    My parakeet has been having poop stuck to his vent for almost a week. It started off as diharrea, which was a one night only thing. He started to lose more feathers since yesterday (2/7) and I have to bribe him with millet now to get on my hand, which never happened when I initially got him. My...
  6. music2music

    Always having pin feathers?

    My parakeet has always seemed to have at least a few pin feathers on his head since the first time he molted. Are these just stubborn and not falling out or is it because he doesn't like me rubbing his face and helping them come off? Or maybe it's because he hasn't cared for the fruits or...
  7. BirdDad

    Caique Trouble

    Hey there. My sister has a ten month old caique. I told her not to get him because I thought we wouldn't be able to handle him. She got him anyway. I was right. He's loud and screams when attention is not on him. He can be heard from outside of the house. He's aggressive and draws blood when he...