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  1. U

    Male budgies fighting

    Hi guys, I got my budgies several days ago and probably made a mistake on buying two young males. One is 1 year old and another one is 3-month old. They used to live together with several other budgies and according to their previous owner, they were fine together. So now they are alone with me...
  2. Nejbirb

    Fighting Linnies - Help!

    My two little linnies (6 months, brothers) have all of a sudden started to fight. They scream at each other and attack each other's feet and beaks, whereas before they got along just fine. I can't separate them as I don't have another cage (and can't afford one) and I'm really, really worried...
  3. Bethannie Rose

    Why are my budgies fighting?

    I’ve had two budgies (1 male 1 female) in a considerably large cage together for close to a year now and they’ve gotten along great except at the start of this week they started fighting! I suspect this to be hormonal but I’m not sure what to do? At the moment i have them separated in 2 separate...
  4. Mccookrem

    two young ringnecks introduction issues

    I am new to ringnecks, have a dna tested female for the last 2 months she was hand fed and tame but can be nippy. I recently came accross a blue male same age also handfed surgically sexed and tattooed from breeder. I have tryied to let them out together but she will not have it and chased him...
  5. C

    HELP! Linnie is suddenly attacking his partner

    I need urgent advice. About a week ago I moved my two linnies into a new cage (the old one has already been thrown away - it was rusty) and tonight my male bird has suddenly started chasing and attacking his mate. I am assuming this must be a territorial issue, or perhaps an adverse reaction to...