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black capped conure

  1. Blehh

    Pictures Very (worryingly) lazy conure, In need of advice.

    Hi!! My wife and I recently adopted a very pretty (and very scared) Black Capped Conure named Juney (pictures attached) who is very lazy. She has been home with us since May 17th and will chirp and fly from her cage to a perch above our coffee table and then to the center table for her foraging...
  2. Tapew0rrm

    UK based pellet brands?

    Okay, so,,I'm looking for a bit of advice here. I know that all birds have different preferences in pellets and there's no "one size fits all" situation with them, but I'm wanting to do my best for Aro's health. I was advised to use tops with him as it's the best for birds apparently, but, since...
  3. Tapew0rrm

    Video More Aro for your day <3

    He's been SO brave today!! It's been a reaalllyyy adventurous day for him, hehe. :3 His first time coming over onto my bed, which he wouldn't even touch before. He's also finally taking to landing on my hand/arm too,still not interested in stepping up though ;) Annnnd, a little bonus,when...
  4. Tapew0rrm

    A long thread of needed advice to save on multiple threads

    Going off advice I was given when I was freaking out on my first post, I've been doing my best to simply let Aro relax and get used to everything, no pressure to learn anything new or do anything he doesn't want to do, the only "new" thing we're trying is gradually moving onto pellets...
  5. Tapew0rrm

    Am I getting overly concerned over normal conure behaviour again? Probably

    Sorry to post so soon again haha, but, once again,,my brain's concern is on a new level of needing chill. Is this typical of a conure? He doesthis,,a lot. At the door of his cage(when its open), at the back of his cage after playing with his toys, and today,,he literally sat staring at me doing...
  6. G

    Unprovoked Agression to Pre-Teens(GCC)

    I currently own two conures, a black capped conure, and a green cheeked conure. Genders unconfirmed. BCC assumed male, GCC assumed female. Some bird adoption context in the next paragraph, situation context in the following. My partner and I purchased our first conure (BCC), George, in July...
  7. R

    Nanday Conure HELP!!

    First of all if anything like this has been answered before I apologize, I am new to all of this. I will keep it short as I can. One year ago my wife purchased our conure from an elderly couple who was experiencing some health issues and decided to downsize their birds. There was several...
  8. SkyeSweetheart

    New here, conure questions?

    Hi everyone! Totally new here, I just (literally 2 days ago) got a black capped conure. Her name is Juno. I work for a pet store and someone surrendered her. They said she's under a year old, which I believe (She has pin feathers on her head so I'm assuming shes going to go through first molt...
  9. Molo

    Hello! New member and new first time bird owner!

    Hello, I recently got a male Black Capped Conure, named Kiwi. He is my first bird ever so I have been doing a lot of reading online, including on this site, so I thought I would introduce myself! I got Kiwi from a parrot store and I really liked him because he is not nippy and let me and my...