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Oh no, we adopted it, but what do we do now?

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Jogging around the block
Madison AL
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The best thing to do is let him sit in the cage and watch your family from a distance. Over time both you and the bird will feel much better about the handling process.

Maybe tomorrow he will turn into the sweetest bird you've seen, you never know.

I believe mealys are suppose to be one of the nicer species of amazon. More gentle, cuddly, and less hormonal and nippy

amazons have the coooolest voices trust me!


Rollerblading along the road
Montreal, Quebec Canada
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Wow! Lol that's crazy...and stressful for both you guys and that cutie:mad:. Good news is, I have a Mealy ...they like to growl so there's still hope your new baby is friendlier than you think. I would get the cage and everything set up for him, if not done already, in a quiet spot and let him settle in. I'm sure he's scared:huh:. They seem big and scary but like someone else said here, he won't kill ya! Step 2, do tons of research! Step 3, decide if you want to keep him. Maybe try to get a hold of the previous owners to get more info on him. From the picture he "looks" good..his feathers look pretty good..I'm no expert but he/she looks quite young.
Feel free to message me if you have any questions.
Good luck my friend:hug8:
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Biking along the boulevard
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I have two other Amazons, but have met a few Mealies, and I love them. They are always gentle giants, even those that have had hard lives.

Yes, the way to an Amazon's heart IS thru food, but they also just LOVE music. Individual tastes vary as to what kind, but do sit by him and play some music and sing along. Be aware - they can sing much louder than you do!


Sprinting down the street
SK, Canada
I love mealies! They're one of my favorite birds... Ah, among the other hundreds. :) Definitely looks like a mealy from the picture. Like everyone has said, go incredibly slowly with him. Don't be too afraid; as long as you are sensitive and respectful of him, it is unlikely that you will be bitten. Talk to him, sing to him, give him little bits of food from your fingers through the bars of the cage. These things will comfort him and start the bonding process. Trust is absolutely the most important thing right now, and the best way to establish it - for the both of you - is patience and time. I'm sure you will be surprised by his gentleness and sweetness, mealies are very often very nice birds. Although he growled, from your description of him stepping off the basket he does seem quite calm. That is a good sign. Good luck!


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Veteran
Now TN
Congratulations, what a shocker for both you and Kelly. Give it a few days before making any decisions one way or another. I personally love Amazons and find that Jasper's smell is only noticable if I've got my nose right up near him or when he's wet. It does get stronger if he hasn't bathed in a few days, but I like the smell, so it's not bothersome. Mealies are known for being more mellow and even-tempered than some other large Amazons, so that's a plus for you. The way to a zon's heart is usually through his stomach, so use that to your advantage to make friends and if you need him to move or go somewhere, like back into his cage.

Just watch the body language and take things slow so he can build some trust in you and you in him. Most zons are very clear about their feelings, and if he seems excited it's fine to back off till everyone's calmer. Better to take things too slow than too fast! Who knows what his past experiences with people were.


Walking the driveway
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Lisa Cook
Wow, that's a bizarre way to get a bird, but I have to say I'd be in heaven if someone dropped a mealy off on my doorstep. That is the only type amazon I'd LOVE LOVE LOVE to have. They are normally very gentle birds and have a great reputation. I'm sorry, but I just have to laugh because you said you were considering a caique???? We have 2 caiques, and one is a rehome and if you could see the scars on my hands and fingers from him, I'm not so sure you'd be wanting one. Caiques, as they become adults, can be VERY hormonal and very hard to handle and I'd never recommend someone without much bird experience taking on one. Don't get me wrong, they are great birds, but they can be super aggressive as they mature. I think you have a wonderful bird there. Hey...if you don't want Kelly, I'd love him!!! I am confused about the smell part. I've never heard of amazon's smelling badly???


Biking along the boulevard
Great White North
Congratulations! Yep, 100% this bird is a Mealy. No mistaking the fine white powdery appearance of the plumage, which is the reason this species earned its name. As Ginger mentioned earlier, there's really no severely negative aspects to owning a Mealy Amazon. They're fantastic birds and one of the species recommended as a well-rounded bird to own among the larger parrots. God, if only someone would drop off a Mealy in a basket on my front door!!

Now, every bird has its downsides and there isn't a perfect animal. In the case of Mealies, these parrots have a very loud voice. Probably the loudest in the Amazon family. However, this doesn't mean they will sound off frequently. They're not like other parrots which need to establish what I call a 'sound space.' The growling you heard is a common Amazon trait and sometimes used to express discomfort. It's not surprising at all the first time the bird saw you that s/he was completely confused not knowing who you are and what in the world was going on. Do you know the particular reasons why the bird was rehomed? It seems like the former owners were a bit desperate to find someone to take the bird in. :confused:

Mealies have a great temperament and are very resilient. They do need to get regular exercise especially when older and this brings me to another negative about these birds and most Amazons in general - their propensity towards obesity. Diet should be a major focus in the care of every Amazon so they do not eat poorly by consuming fatty foods, and become overweight because they do love to eat.

You have a lot of great advice in this thread already and won't belabor any points mentioned by others. Give your bird some time to get used to the new surroundings. Provide toys for chewing to prevent beak overgrowth and a large cage is a rule for this species. Don't hesitate to ask additional questions. There are quite a few Mealy owners here including a moderator or two. I'm surprised Monica hasn't posted, her Mealy is just wonderful.

When you have time and are more comfortable around your new companion, I would really love some more pictures because this species is one of my favorites and they are nearly impossible to find here in Canada.

Bahama's Momma

Jogging around the block
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Shauna Hill
Since Kelly steps onto that basket a nice long step up stick might be a good way to move this gentle giant around while your all getting used to each other. You have the right frame of mind toward this poor bird acknowledging how scared and confused he/she is being uprooted from the former home (although for the better) and left with stranger who Kelly is still not sure are friend or foe. Just wait till it's clearly determined that your friends...from what I've heard about mealys the lovable side will come pouring out.


Joyriding the Neighborhood
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Aww..congrats on your new Fid. Mealys are excellent parots. The largest of amazons and known for being gentile. Just like everyone said, take things slow and please give Kelly lots of love. I'm sure he/she is very scared.


Cruising the avenue
Mayor of the Avenue
San Francisco Bay Area
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Congratulations on your new bird! I can't imagine how scary it must have been for Kelly to go into a box in one place with one set of humans and to come out in another place with people he didn't know:(

All of the advice has been so good. There really are so many people on here that can help you. I agreed to foster an Amazon a couple of months ago despite being very fearful of the species, and while mine is a much smaller type than your big Mealy boy I was intimidated. But, I am so happy I did it, he has turned out to be such a great bird. Take your time thinking about it, he might be a perfect bird for you and I know that everyone here will be able to help you get through it. :hug8:


Ripping up the road
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Mary Lynn Skinner
When anyone adopts a bird they need to try to put themselves in the bird's shoes(?). It doesn't matter if the bird has come from a bad or good home, that is all they knew.

We are excited and want to hold, touch, love it, but he doesn't know if we want to eat him or not. Then we smile and show all of our teeth, looking even more like a predator that might eat them. Imagine yourself being plucked up by a giant animal transported, with all of the bumps and strange noises, then being pulled out of your dark noisy prison by another big scary animal that you have never seen before. Pretty scary, don't you think?


Rollerblading along the road
Avenue Spotlight Award
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I am stunned by all the response and support. Everyone is so nice.

Kelly says Good Girl and makes peacock sounds.
Won't play with with large toys but snagged a small one I had taken away.
I will make her some small ones with sturdy pieces tonight.
She hasn't been loud, and moves very very slowly.
I got her to take 3 almonds from my hand.

My husband seems to scare her. That is very odd as most animals and children trust him on sight.

She tries to run if you try and hand her anything from above chest level.
Anything coming down towards her head freaks her out. If you lift it up towards her from the floor she will take it. You can't move hands around above her head at all without her panic responce. I wonder if an animal used to jump on her cage or something fell on it at one time or something.

She doesn't seem scared of the cat. Our cat doesn't want anything to do with her though:D


Sprinting down the street
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Poor bird, I look forward to hearing more about her :)

Love My Zons

Cruising the avenue
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Congrats on your Mealy Amazon. They are as most said are very docile and one of the nicest tempered Amazons. They are often referred to as "gentle giants". They generally form a very strong bond with their owners and are known to get along well with other birds.

I have a 7 month old, he's truly awesome to have around. Take it slow and he will come around to you, they seem to love people and want to be around you.


Rollerblading along the road
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Alberta, Canada
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What a story! Poor birdie, just getting dropped off:(

Anyway, congrats and good luck!


Rollerblading along the road
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poor bird I am looking to hear more about your fid


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Alberta, Canada
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My husband seems to scare her. That is very odd as most animals and children trust him on sight.

She tries to run if you try and hand her anything from above chest level.
Anything coming down towards her head freaks her out. If you lift it up towards her from the floor she will take it. You can't move hands around above her head at all without her panic responce. I wonder if an animal used to jump on her cage or something fell on it at one time or something.

She doesn't seem scared of the cat. Our cat doesn't want anything to do with her though:D
Toys are the last thing on her mind right now. Being on guard and watching everything around her is what "is" on her mind.

The way you say she behaves is typical of a bird that is very insecure and may have even been abused.

You are in the honeymoon period where she will be on pretty good behavior because everything is strange and must be observed for a while. Once she is feels safer and more secure you will start to see her real personality but for now she will not want to "rock the boat" so to speak.


You need to get to know her as much as she needs to get to know you. That takes time and you showing good body language and behaving as much like another trusted bird would. The more you copy and behave how another bird does the more readily you will be accepted and trusted.

Learn proper body language and use it. Observe carefully and intensely to learn her.



Biking along the boulevard
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Brigid Thompson
Anna, congratulations on your new bird. Kelly is beautiful. Mealies are big birds and I can see where someone expecting a smaller bird could be a bit intimidated by such a large amazon. As everyone has said, Mealies really are gentle giants. I've always wanted a Mealy and hope to have one someday.

What size cage do you have Kelly in? What are you feeding her? The bigger the cage the better. Amazon's are usually very food oriented and can have issues with being over weight and develop fatty liver disease. They can be major seed junkies. Amazon's love, love. love showers. Mine would be happy if he could live in the shower.

I'd set up her cage in an area of your house that is quiet but still also where she can see you and be a part of your family. Talk to her, sit by her, read to her, etc. Take it slow. Offer treats and praise. Play music and sing to her.

Gosh, I am sooooo jealous! I'd be in 7th heaven if someone dropped a Mealy off on my doorstep. Good luck. Amazon's have a way of getting straight into your heart. Before you know it, you won't be able to imagine life without her.
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