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What was your first parrot?


Rollerblading along the road
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Call me AB
Thought this would be an interesting thread.
What was/is your first parrot/s?
Their name?
What was/is your experience with them like?
Do you still own that parrot/s?

I will start.
Even though Washington was first he was a family parrot and not really mine, so I will do the first ones that were entirely mine.

My first parrots were two budgies named Lemon Jade and Allura. I had wanted budgies ever since I picked up a book about budgies, and had been doing abit of research ever since. These two were rehomed to me from some family members. Sadly Allura died not long after I got them.
To this day I still own LJ, he is the sweetest little thing and I love him so much.


Walking the driveway
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My first was hand fed budgie named Sunshine, she was a bright gold lutino. I absolutely loved her, she would sit on my should and preen my eyelashes. I was 10 or so, and with clipped wings I would take them outside(as a child I made poor choices). She flew of no less the three times, each time landing in a canyon tree. I would call her name and she would reply and I would then climb the tree to retrieve her.
she passed away tragically on her second Christmas with us due to eating Christmas tree branch that no doubt had pesticides on it. So unless you buy certificated organic Do Not let your birds eat your Christmas tree.
I was heartbroken and didn’t bond with any budgie I had for at least a decade. I’m Im 28 now, i bought a pair of English Budgies after more then a decade without any birds. So enter paranoid bird mom, cause this time my budgies will only die from old age.


Sprinting down the street
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When I was 6 my parents decided to get me a hand tame budgie from a local pet store. She was a tiny green budgie and I named her Kiki because it sounded like she would say kiki. I remember visiting her every weekend while she was being weaned just spending time with her sitting on my shoulder. I loved her so much. We would basically do everything together when I was at home. She would even come with me to my nana's for sleepovers. She was such a friendly and loving little girl. I'm so lucky that we got the time to spend together. I used to make up stories about her for my classmates and honestly she was my best friend. Looking at all the school stuff my mom kept almost everything I drew and wrote was about her and our adventures. One day I came home for lunch and unfortunately when the door opened she was flying around the house and flew out the door. We spent a long time looking for her. We had put up lots of missing ads and got a phone call from someone claiming to have her and we believe it was her but when we tried to go see if it was her they refused because they had decided to keep her. I will always regret her flying away and not having a full life together. I like to think that it was for sure found and she has had a happy life with her life.


Biking along the boulevard
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Ontario, Canada
My current two are my only two, Pistachio & Marzipan the budgies. They won't be my last though. I was sorely tempted earlier this week by a yellow recessive pied male budgie on Kijiji. :angelic:


Walking the driveway
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I don't see budgies as "beginner" birds, but they're obviously wonderful first birds.
Nothing is a true beginner pet. Seriously, pets are a huge responsibility, and taking proper care of a Goldfish is complex. FYI, koi, sister species to the goldfish, live longer then a macaw, but you can kill them very easily. Rats are close to being agood beginner pet, but again, huge responsibility.


Rollerblading along the road
Celebirdy of the Month
Thought this would be an interesting thread.
What was/is your first parrot/s?
Their name?
What was/is your experience with them like?
Do you still own that parrot/s?
Technically, my family has had parrots before, all briefly. I remember very little, so they are hardly worth mentioning.
A friend of mine had him, he was decently friendly. We made up games together when I visited. But he wasn't treated perfectly. When his flight feathers grew in, his owner was careless with the ceiling fans. Mark loved to fly. He loved to fly to peoples' heads. But now he can no longer fly. I wish I'd have offered to adopt him before he had his accident. Anyway, overall, he was an impulse buy on their part, but he has turned out to be the most handle-able parrot in my flock.
Yes, I will always have my two budgies. I could not do without them.


Lil Monsters Bird Toys
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Shawna [she/her]
What was/is your first parrot/s? A quaker parrot, 2011

Their name? Jingo

What was/is your experience with them like? I got him from a breeder at 3 months, he was fine until about 8 months, then started screaming about 8 to 10 hours a day. He bit my kid to steal his food. He would fly through the house to seek me out and attack me. I had to hide under my dining table escape him a few times.

Do you still own that parrot? He lives with my mother in law so I still see him and give him toys, but he still tries to attack me on sight :lol:


Rollerblading along the road
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Avenue Spotlight Award
I grew up with a great many birds, but the first who was ever truly mine was my cockatiel, Kraziffir. I picked him out of a pen at Petland as my early fourteenth birthday present; he was the most bedraggled and snarky little 'tiel I had ever seen, looking fresh from a losing battle with a lawnmower, but he was also the first to step up onto my hand -- and then bite it. I was as much a bleeding heart then as I am now, and there was no way I was going to pass such a little firecracker up.
Kraz was a joyful baby. He hated my hands, and was afraid of many things courtesy of a not-too-great start in life, but he would deign to step up if he thought it in his best interests, and would often scurry up my sleeve to sit on my shoulder and survey his kingdom like the imperious little monarch he knew himself to be. He was a tremendous flyer once his clipped feathers had grown in, and took riotous pleasure in taking bits of songs he'd learnt and crafting them into pieced-together epics that he'd sing at the top of his lungs all hours of the day. He was the funniest and cheekiest bird I'd ever met, and my best bud.

And he still is.

Just a few days ago, we celebrated Krazzy's fourteenth Gotcha Day, and he's every bit the stubborn, bossy, loud, wonderful kid he's always been. I love him beyond words.


Walking the driveway
What was/is your first parrot/s: When I was younger my mom and dad bought 8 budgies from some bird store in Sacramento. The guy said there were 4 females and 4 males but it ended up being all males. I don't think my parents had the knowledge that I do now of caring for birds because they were always in a cage, fed only seeds and had only dowel perches with no toys. We had lived on a farm then so I was normally playing with the farm animals and never really interacted with them. Most of them ended up dying because their heat bulb went out one night and they freezed to death. The two that did survive ended up being freed by a(I don't want to sound mean but I have no other word to describe him...) tweaker that came on the property. I didn't ever have birds since then until last year when I got Baby my cockatiel, I made sure to do a lot of research before getting her
What was/is your experience with them like: I bought Baby from a reputable pet store known to care very well for their animals. She was hand tamed apparently and was around 3-4 months when I got her. She took to pellets and veggies the first week and has been the best quietest bird I have ever seen. For the first two months she didn't accept scritches so I figured she wasn't a touch kind of bird until one day she bowed her head to my hand and ever since then she is obsessed with scritches, can't ever get enough of them. She is definitely my feathered soul mate.
Do you still own that parrot? Yes as I write this now she is trying to eat my phone lol. I hope to have for as long as she lives and will be there when she takes her last breathe.

Wow that was long, sorry for the wall of text :facepalm:


Rollerblading along the road
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What was/is your first parrot/s?: A budgie :budgie9:
Their name?: Neelu
What was/is your experience with them like?: Awesome! Neelu was never a shy bird, and would sit on our head, knees and shoulders for hours. Though this has decreased since we got Peelu.... But I still love him :heart:
Do you still own that parrot/s? Yes!
Here's a picture for you all......... :D


Ripping up the road
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That's wonderful that so many of you had birds as kids. I really had never been around birds at all until my cockatiel Sunny. Who technically wasn't "mine" but he thought he was and I was the one who took care of him. My fiance inherited Sunny was his owner passed away. He was 15 when he came to live with us. He was definitely my heart bird. He went from being this bird afraid to leave his cage on a crappy all seed diet to a bird who lived cage free and loved his veggies and rice. He sadly died at 20 and it broke my heart. But it's because of him that I help with a bird rescue and have the birds I do now.


Meeting neighbors
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Thought this would be an interesting thread.
What was/is your first parrot/s?
Their name?
What was/is your experience with them like?
Do you still own that parrot/s?

I will start.
Even though Washington was first he was a family parrot and not really mine, so I will do the first ones that were entirely mine.

My first parrots were two budgies named Lemon Jade and Allura. I had wanted budgies ever since I picked up a book about budgies, and had been doing abit of research ever since. These two were rehomed to me from some family members. Sadly Allura died not long after I got them.
To this day I still own LJ, he is the sweetest little thing and I love him so much.
Two baby crimson rosellas... Rose and Ella - they both spoke a few words in English and Spanish :)


Rollerblading along the road
The Bird World
My first parrot was a little green budgie.
She was called Winkie, after a house elf in Harry Potter.
Sadly I don't still have her, she died at only a year old from scaly face mites :(


Rollerblading along the road
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Long Island
When I was in high school, my father brought home a Quaker - a coworkers daughter went away to college so they gave the bird away too.

I would consider the Quaker, who I named Birdie, my first parrot. Despite my family having parakeets and lovebirds when I was young - I did not know you could interact with them. :grumpy:

Birdie was a good bird. Although very hormonal the first few years and would cycle through who could handle her. :roflmao:

We had her for about 10 years - can't remember the exact year we got her - when she died suddenly. I like to think it was old age - we have nursed her through illnesses before and she showed no signs the morning she died.

(Older pic)


Rollerblading along the road
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Parrotdise :) lol
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Mine was a DYH Amazon named Pancho. When I was very young. Then my other love was a BH Amazon named Raptor that I raised. Years later I had a personata lovebird and then I got Hannah and then Baylee.