CeddysMum Biking along the boulevard Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Joined 10/16/09 Messages 6,988 Location Melbourne, Australia Real Name Astrid (formerly: 'featherbaby') 11/16/09 #1 OK, I've lost track who I welcomed and who I haven't, so once again a HUGE BIG to everyone I've missed while offline
OK, I've lost track who I welcomed and who I haven't, so once again a HUGE BIG to everyone I've missed while offline
rockoko Squawk and Meow! Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 39,672 Location NY Real Name Martine 11/16/09 #2 Hi Astrid!
Brigidt36 Biking along the boulevard Avenue Veteran Mayor of the Avenue Joined 10/16/09 Messages 7,583 Location Lexington, KY Real Name Brigid Thompson 11/17/09 #3 Hi Astrid and Hello to all I have missed too! It's so hard to keep up, lol
Billie Faye Biking along the boulevard Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 7,076 Location NC Real Name Billie Faye 11/17/09 #4 Nice to see you back Astrid! Know what you mean about all the people and who you did say Hi to or who you didn't.... HI to EVERYONE!!!!!!
Nice to see you back Astrid! Know what you mean about all the people and who you did say Hi to or who you didn't.... HI to EVERYONE!!!!!!
Thugluvgrl187 Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Celebirdy of the Month Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 20,484 Location Sunny Fl Real Name Miriam 11/17/09 #5 Hey Astrid!! I agree hello and welcome to all those that have missed by me.
Welshanne Ripping up the road Celebirdy of the Month Mayor of the Avenue Avenue Spotlight Award Avian Angel Joined 10/16/09 Messages 1,000,000 Location Pembrokeshire. South Wales, Britain. Real Name Ann Burdett 11/17/09 #6 Hi and Welcome to all those I am bound to have missed as there have been so many! Isn't that lovely?
Gen120 Joyriding the Neighborhood Avenue Veteran Avenue Spotlight Award Joined 10/16/09 Messages 23,329 Location Memphis, TN Real Name Victoria :) 11/17/09 #7 nice to see you! I have missed you also! Welcome to the Avenue!