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Trauma or drama llama?


Sitting on the front steps
We got our greater vasa from a dog rescue nine days ago. It was love at first sight for both of us (all 3 of us actually, DH is smitten too). Pepper was talking in the truck on the way home. Within half an hour of being home with us Pepper was already regurgitating for me. He was such a happy bird from the start. He brought some much needed joy to our home. There was one quirk I noticed on the third day. If we left the house for any reason Pepper would pout for hours when we returned.

Pepper had been badly neglected at the dog rescue (along with several other birds). His nails and beak were badly overgrown. We took Pepper to vet for a beak and nail trim on Wednesday. I suspect this was his very first vet visit (the rescue had zero history on him). He just hasn't been the same since. Now he will only eat if hand fed and is sleeping a lot. He's not talking at all. At first we suspected trauma and I was very upset. Now we're not so sure. The thing is, once we cover Pepper in the evenings we can hear him eating and playing with his favorite toy. He's begging for head scratches a lot more and he took a really long and seemingly enjoyable bath this morning before going back to sleep.
I now suspect that he's being a drama llama; maybe a combo of trauma & drama. Thoughts?


Ripping up the road
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I think perhaps a combination of both. I never had to trim my tiel's beak but I know his toes would sometimes be a little sore if my vet nicked the quick. I imagine a beak trim could be sore too. Also, as I mentioned in another post, my first vet visit with my tiel was traumatic for him for many reasons and it took him a good 4 days to return to normal. Everything is new to him- you, your house, the vet, etc. He's probably going to need reassurance for awhile that he's not going to be abandoned, etc. I think it actually sounds like things are going well with Pepper and I hope he's back to talking, etc. soon. :)


Ripping up the road
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Pacific Northwest
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Most likely its not drama at all. But insecurity at being in a new home in accumulation with all the new changing things happening all around him in his environment.

John tends to have a lot of good links about this information. I'll tag him for you.



Ripping up the road
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The valley of the sun
Sounds like he needs assured your not gonna abandon him,,,as another poster said. Poor guy, well,,,now he has you!


Sitting on the front steps
Thanks so much. Ten years ago I wouldn't have hesitated to do the trims myself, but I am quite shaky nowadays.
Pepper has a huge new cage waiting for him, but we're going to wait until he's completely back to his chipper self before we introduce it. I'll be seeking tips on that when the time comes.

Beth In Alaska

Rollerblading along the road
Anchorage, Alaska
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I had to google greater vasa. What a cool parrot. My Popper was "Pepper" when we got him, so we are liking Pepper already!

I think that he's just anxious about the new place and he will be fine. Some parrots are like cats - slow to adopt to a new situation.


Biking along the boulevard
Mayor of the Avenue
Avenue Spotlight Award
Missouri, USA
I had to look up the greater vasa too. They seem very fun!

As mentioned it seems like you new birdy is probably just overwhelmed by all the newness and the vet just took him over his threshold. Continue being patient with Pepper. He'll come around.


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We got our greater vasa from a dog rescue nine days ago. It was love at first sight for both of us (all 3 of us actually, DH is smitten too). Pepper was talking in the truck on the way home. Within half an hour of being home with us Pepper was already regurgitating for me. He was such a happy bird from the start. He brought some much needed joy to our home. There was one quirk I noticed on the third day. If we left the house for any reason Pepper would pout for hours when we returned.

Pepper had been badly neglected at the dog rescue (along with several other birds). His nails and beak were badly overgrown. We took Pepper to vet for a beak and nail trim on Wednesday. I suspect this was his very first vet visit (the rescue had zero history on him). He just hasn't been the same since. Now he will only eat if hand fed and is sleeping a lot. He's not talking at all. At first we suspected trauma and I was very upset. Now we're not so sure. The thing is, once we cover Pepper in the evenings we can hear him eating and playing with his favorite toy. He's begging for head scratches a lot more and he took a really long and seemingly enjoyable bath this morning before going back to sleep.
I now suspect that he's being a drama llama; maybe a combo of trauma & drama. Thoughts?

He has a lot of baggage that he brought along. It's going to take a long time to unload it. Slow and steady.

When a bird has been neglected or abused or punished whatever, after a period of time that bird kind of resigns itself to its fate. It is a form of learned helplessness. Sometimes we can draw that bird back out, sometimes not. I wish you luck.


Biking along the boulevard
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Oh Canada
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Annette Thompson
Best of luck with our lil one ...its just gonna take some time :fairy:


Sitting on the front steps
I feel as if I've been punked by a bird. Pepper is totally back to normal.
I spent all afternoon being at his beck and call....handfeeding him all his favorite treats, quick to do his scritches whenever he bowed, and just sitting quietly by his cage.
Late this afternoon Pepper suddenly snapped out of it. He came back over to his favorite spot in his cage (next to my chair) and started his dancing, chattering, whistling routine. I am so relieved!!


Biking along the boulevard
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Portland Oregon
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If he's talking to you and doing things he's probably not totally freaked out just apprehensive and concerned a bit. Lurch wouldn't do too much talking at first other then birdy swearing at me after he'd bite me but as he got more comfortable with time he started talking more, practicing, and picking up new words and phrases from us.
It took Lurch about 5 years to mostly decide he was happy and we were safe and his flock so sounds like he's moving right along but be prepared just in case.
Lurch had a LOT of baggage and it took a while for him to decide bites must not be immediate with no warnings and things like that as he was scared to death and mad at the world for everything that must have happened to him at first.